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Click Here To See Where Woody's Watercolors Are On Exhibit in 2011 To see watercolors created by my friends in Taos last Summer CLICK HERE click on any photo with a blue border for a larger image |
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![]() Finished |
Finished (4/29): It was fun to watch this watercolor develop step by step - I started it last Saturday - now I can look back on how I got here and what worked or not - the process it much more important that the final product. |
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Will it ever rain ? (4/26): It is now over 3 1/2 months into the year and we have had a total of only .14 inches of rain (YES - less than a fifth of an inch) so far this year. It's supposed to be dry out here - but this is getting serious. I know it's New Mexico, and we live in a desert - but, I put more water than that on each sheet of paper I paint. Of course it dries very quickly out here. ...
<<< close to being finished
Statistics on my counter indicate that 72 people visited my web site (or my blog) in the past 24 hours. Since I installed my ClustrMaps counter on Nov 26, 2007 - I've had 55,287 visits. But who are they ? My map gives me a general idea of where they are on the globe - but not who is looking in. Why not send me a message at woodyduncan@comcast.net and tell me about yourself ? |
Still Finding Time To Paint (4/25): I burned 40 CD'd for Western Fed, edited 86 pics for the docents, went to an Isotopes baseball game and still found some time to paint. I'm fairly happy the way my new "Flower Lady" watercolor is coming along. I'm trying to keep it loose and not but in too much detail. |
![]() Flower Lady #2 |
Saturday Painters Group (4/23): I started on a new "Flower Lady" painting this morning. Working on a full sheet allows me paint loose and free. This was our last Saturday session till August, so we all went out to lunch afterwards. I can now recommend Jason's Deli. I had a great Ruben Sandwich. Some of our Saturday group is in the photo below. |
![]() "Barelas Tree Shadows" |
Tree Shadows (4/22): This morning, I finished my "Barelas Tree Shadows" watercolor. I'm posting the painting in eight stages of development. Now, I'll move on to a different subject. |
"Cats" Student Art (4/21): I attended a reception for young artists who created delightful images of cats for display at on of the cities animal shelters. The artists range from Kindergarden through 5th grade. Next, the 60 some images go on display at the main library. Later, we will frame the art and put it on display in the Cattery, above the rows of cages of cats up for adoption. Below are the images I posted on my facebook page. |
WFWS Exhibition Preview (4/20): I posted a powerpoint on the WFWS website showing all of the 126 paintings in this years exhibition. I even included the ten alternate selections in the powerpoint. (alternates are not on exhibit) When viewing the images, please understand that the quality of images in a web based powerpoint leaves much to be desired. The exhibition opens in Albuquerque on May 6th. It will be on display in the Fine Arts building at Expo New Mexico until June 5th. The exhibition is only open Thursday through Sunday each week. |
Tree Shadows (4/16): This morning I started on a watercolor of tree shodows. I'm working from a photo I took on our trip to see city art in Albuquerque last Thursday. I also finished the May issue of Brushstrokes for the watercolor society. |
To Crop or Not ? (4/15): I fiddled with a few changes to my watercolor "Flower Lady". Now it's time to move on. I'm thinking about cropping it a bit. I think it helps the composition. |
Step By Step (4/12): I like to take photos as I make progress on my watercolors. It reminds me of how I approached the problems. It also tells me where I should have stopped. ![]() I'm getting lots of good suggestions on my painting - fresh eyes are always good - Thank you - I am trying to paint all over - first applying color under areas - I paint in spurts, giving layers time to dry and allowing me time to consider what to do next - since my drawings are so precise I want to avoid the paint by number look - my new holbein pigments lift fairly well so I use little scrubber brushes to blend and soften edges as I finish - despite the look, no black was ever used - I mix all my darks. ...
My Newest Watercolor (4/11): I'm making progress on my "Flower Lady" painting. I removed the liquid frisket to expose the areas I was protecting. I need to live with the painting a while before I decide how to proceed. I want to keep the painting somewhat loose - so I don't want to overdo finishing it. |
Sculpture Garden Tour: This morning, for docent training, we had a guided tour of the Albuquerque museum's sculpture garden. I posted a photo album on my facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/woody.duncan1?ref=name |
Watercolor Workshop in Taos (4/10): Every June, since 1985, I've been driving to Taos, New Mexico for a wonderful watercolor workshop. It takes place at the historic Sagebrush Inn. This year the workshop runs from June 12th through the 18th. If watercolor is your thing - beginner or advanced - you should try this opportunity out. Like many others who return each year - you will get easily hooked. |
![]() Fake Flowers |
Saturday Painter's (4/9): I'm happy with the progress I made on my "Flower Lady" watercolor this morning - it feels good to be painting larger. I'm working on a full sheet of Arches 300 lb rough paper. |
![]() "Coffee In Seattle" |
My Recent Watercolors (4/8): I'm trying to get a little braver with my approach to painting. I believe I've finished "Coffee In Seattle". I do need to see it in a mat to be really sure. I'll mat it and take it to critique tomorrow to see what others think. I also started a new watercolor on a full sheet of Arches 300 lb rough. I's titled "Flower Lady". It's also from our recent trip to Seattle. Matted and framed it should measure 36 x 28 inches. Someone said I was painting with assurance - I think it's more like painting with abandon. Below are eight stages of my "Coffee In Seattle" painting. Matted and framed - it will measure 28 x 22 inches. |
![]() "Flower Lady" ... |
Procrastination (4/6): I seem to do everything at the last minute - I'm currently painting a bag for the WFWS delegates coming to Albuquerque in May. I'm not use to opaque paints or painting on canvas - but I'll work it out somehow. |
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WFWS Website (4/5): I've spent the last couple of days updating the website for the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies (WFWS). http://wfws.org/ The most important thing was posting the painting that will win awards in our 36th annual exhibition in May. Our juror, Dale Laitinen, selected the award winners last week. We won't announce the specific awards until the awards dinner on May 6th. You can see the 19 winning paintings at: |
![]() Removing Frisket |
Coffee In Seattle (4/2): I'm making a bit of progress on my newest watercolor "Coffee In Seattle" - I began it on Friday morning and made more progess painting with my Saturday friends. The last thing I did was to remove the frisket - now I need to live with it for a while to decide how to proceed. |
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MasterWorks - This Month (4/1): I was fortunate, this year, to have two of my watercolors selected for this years MasterWorks of New Mexico exhibition. MasterWorks of New Mexico now in its 13th year, is one of the few statewide juried ones, making it one of the toughest exhibitions to join. Exclusively for New Mexico artists, the show combines the talents of existing fine-arts organizations, each representing artists from throughout New Mexico. Join me at the opening preview - Tonight, Friday, April 1st, from 5 to 8 pm. Read more about the show in this article from last Sunday's Journal. |
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WFWS - Next Month: A couple days ago, our juror Dale Laitinen, selected the award winners from the 126 watercolors to be displayed in the WFWS show next month. I have been checking paintings as they arrive from the other ten societies for this years Western Federation of Watercolor Societies Annual Exhibition (WFWS). This will be the 36th annual WFWS exhibit. It opens with a gala awards banquet on May 6th here in Albuquerque. Each year a different society hosts this exhibition in rotation. Our juror, Dale Laitinen is also doing a 4 day watercolor workshop just before the WFWS exhibition opens. From May 2nd through the 5th he will be teaching his workshop at the Hispanic Arts building (Expo New Mexico) here in Albuquerque. Any member of one of the societies can take the workshop for $250.00. Also during the run of the exhibit, May 6th till June 5th, several artists will be giving free demos. I personally plan to teach a 2 hour watercolor workshop for 5th graders as well. It's going the be a very busy schedule for the month. click here for registration form >>>
Registration Form ![]() |
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