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![]() Woody and Frani |
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Where Woody's Watercolors Are Entered or on Exhibit in 2012 To see watercolors created by my friends in Taos last Summer CLICK HERE click on any photo with a blue border for a larger image |
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NM Art Students On Television (8/30): KASA TV (Wednesday, August 29th) - Nikki and Kristen sit down with New Mexico students whose artwork was featured at the US Department of Education in Washington DC in the "Best of the Best" Exhibit. Olivia Stedman, Corinne Foskey, and Isaiah Martines are also joined by Michelle Lemons, President of the New Mexico Art Education Association, to talk about the show, their inspirations, and more details about the Association itself. ... |
Posting On Artist Daily Web Site (8/29): For a couple years, I've been posting many of my watercolors on a website called ArtistDaily. You can check out my watercolors at: http://www.artistdaily.com/media/g/member/tags/watercolor/Woody+Duncan/default.aspx click on the image above to see more than 50 of my watercolors ... |
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Dear Diary: One of my old students wrote, the other day, about looking back at something they had written a few years ago. That got me thinking. I was never one to keep a diary on even take decent notes in class. But I have been keeping a blog since March 2007 and of course now there's my Facebook page. I use both mostly because I'm a visual person and of course I write stuff to explain the images. So, I guess those serve as my diaries. I can check back and see what I was doing and thinking years ago. I also can watch the grandkids as they grow and develop into beautiful people - not just cute kids. Then there's my paintings - I can look back to see how my style has changed over time, or not. ...
Aunt Tiffanie & Tess Visit Max (8/28): I'm glad that our grand-daughters Tiffanie and Tess got to visit their new nephew Maxwell. Our daughter-in-law Shari posted photos, on Facebook, of the girls holding Max. |
![]() Click Above For Music From The Movie ... |
Flower Drum Song (8/27): Over 50 years ago, Frani and I had our first date. We went on a double date to see Flower Drum Song at the Granada Theater in Kansas City, Kansas. That beautiful theater has been long closed but we are still together. We were married 49 years ago come this Friday. Now, our goal will be to make it to 50. That will be a milestone to really celebrate. ...
![]() The
Granada Theater was built in 1929. As a kid, I remember going to the
movies there often. It cost me a whole twenty-five cents. At some
point, the old theater was remodeled including even the beautiful organ
which would rise slowly from under the floor in front of the stage. In
2000, I had the privilege of
attending a Ronnie Gilbert (From the Weavers) concert at the remodeled Granada Theater in Kansas City, Kansas. What a rare voice, indeed. ...
Matted and Framed (8/26): I matted my newest flower paintings so I can take them to Saturday Painters for our critique. I framed the rose that I started in Jeanne Hyland's workshop. I'm also taking my rose painting to hang, for sale, at the Artisan's Materials Expo at Buffalo Thunder - North of Santa Fe next month. The rose is small enough (20 x 16) to meet Artisan's requirements. I don't usually paint that small. |
![]() Finished ... |
Hollyhocks Finished (8/25): I finished the watercolor of hollyhocks that I started two weeks ago. I made some progress yesterday morning in my Friday Painter's group. Then, I finished the painting when I got home. As usual, it was painted on a sheet of 140 lb Arches rough stretched over a sheet of gator board. When matted it will fit into a 28 x 22 inch frame. |
Progress on my Hollyhocks at Friday Painters Group ![]() Artisan's of Santa Fe Materials Expo 2012 |
New Approach (8/24): I started this watercolor using Jeanne Hyland's Dynamic Wet Glazing watercolor approach. In her method the paper stays totally saturated with water for hours. We used a sheet of soaked Kitchen Cloth under the wet paper. After the painting dried, I added the dark background and then finished the rose using more traditional watercolor techniques. I'm going to try Jeanne's Dynamic Wet Glazing process again especially for my under paintings. It provides some real possibilities. I really like the soft glow in the rose. ![]() One - Two - Finished click on painting for a larger image ... Artisan's Materials Expo:
When I attend the Materials Expo next month, I will take this rose painting framed for display. They provide gallery space for artists. I don't usually paint this small, but this one meets their size limits. I'm signed up to take two workshops over the four day expo. (Sept 13 - 16) It's being held at the new Buffalo Thunder Casino this year. For information go to: Artisan's of Santa Fe Materials Expo 2012 http://expoartisan.com/
Photos From Mars: I'm hungry for more photos from Curiosity as it roams around the Red Planet. But, I must have patience. Images are coming in very slowly. The new rover traveled only a few feet in a test drive yesterday. I'll just have to wait for the really impressive sites. |
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August Roses (8/23): Yesterday, I shot photos of my roses. The days are starting to moderate now and the nights are much cooler - my roses are much happier now. |
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![]() Almost Finished Rose Began In Jeanne Hyland's Workshop |
A Question About Web Page Design: Do you create web pages ? If so, I have a question for you. For years, I have created two copies of every image I post to the web. One, a small thumbnail (about 283 × 230 pixels) - the other a larger image (about 982 × 800 pixels). When anyone opened a page they only loaded the small images (lots of them) - faster and easier to load was the idea. I made each of the thumbnails hot links to the larger images, so if you clicked on a thumbnail the larger image opened. My question is - is this still necessary ? Most people have faster connections and newer computers load everything faster. Do I need to continue this practice ? If you also create web pages and blogs - do you do something similar ? The three photos of my roses (above) were not posted as thumbnails. Instead, I used my web editing program to shrink the images to the sizes shown. Then I linked each of them to the original large image. ...
You can answer me using my e-mail address:
![]() Finished & Matted |
Beautiful Quilts (8/22): Frani now has four of her beautiful quilts posted for sale on the web. Please take a few minutes to check them out - What a wonderful way to keep you and your loved ones warm this winter. |
Quilts on the Web (8/21): My bride is starting to sell her beautiful quilts on the web. Only one is posted right now - three more will be up soon. Then she will post even more. The web site is called "Quilts For Sale". The first quilt up is her "Serape" design. Check out the site for more of Frani's quilts. |
![]() My Bride in Santa Fe ... |
Indian Market (8/20): We started our day out yesterday, with a big breakfast at Crackle Barrel before we headed to Santa Fe for Indian Market. We loved seeing all the beautiful creations but, did not see anything we could not do without. Perhaps it's because we knew in advance we were not going to spend the money at market this year. I did enjoy visiting with Jody, Susan and Susan's hubby at Indian Market. We exchanged stories about our families. Susan reminded me that our friend Harriet still has a facebook page long after her death. I checked her page finding messages friends had left for Harriet after her passing. Cooler Weather: I hope the cooler days are finally here - this 15 degrees above normal all summer in Albuquerque has been hard to bear. Today our AC did come on till 12:30 pm. That's the way it should have been all summer long. The prediction is for highs below 90 all week and perhaps some rain. Let's hope so. I moved here for much milder weather. |
![]() My First Dynamic Wet Glazing Watercolor |
Hyland Workshop (8/19): Yesterday, at Saturday Painter's Jeanne Hyland had her Dynamic Wet Glazing Watercolor Workshop. In her method the paper stays totally saturated with water for hours. We used a sheet of soaked Kitchen Cloth under the wet paper. She did a demo of the process from 10 to 12. Then we broke for lunch to eat pizza. This Saturday group loves food. After lunch, I got one painting finished and a second one started. When the unfinished one dries, I think I'll finish the background in a more traditional method. I'm going to try Jeanne's Dynamic Wet Glazing process again. It provides some real possibilities. |
![]() My Second Dynamic Wet Glazing Watercolor |
September Brushstrokes ... |
NMWS Brushstokes & WFWS Prospectus (8/18): Click on the images (Right and Left) to open the September issue of the NMWS Newsletter and the WFWS Prospectus for NMWS members. <<<
NMWS members must enter paintings into the WFWS (Western Federation of Watercolor Societies) only through your local delegate. Members of the other eleven societies must enter only through their own local delegate. The entry deadline is December 7th, 2012. The show is hosted by the Southwest Watercolor Society (SWS). The exhibition will be held in June 2013 in Irving, Texas - just North of Dallas. |
WFWS Prospectus for NMWS Members |
Life In Retirement: Hot Air Balloons float, over the house, in the cool morning air as I got up this morning. Then, I'm off to our Saturday Painters Group for the Jeanne Hyland watercolor workshop. Tomorrow we head to Santa Fe for Indian Market. We don't plan to buy anything but will totally enjoy looking around at all the cool creations. Busy days are ahead - I go to the museum Monday morning for a Welcome Back Coffee while my bride drops off a couple of her Baby Quilts to sell in Old Town. Tuesday morning our docent team has a tour with 4th graders. It's good being busy again - the Olympics made me a couch potato. Now, back to real life as a retired art teacher. ...
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Hollyhocks: After painting watercolors with human figures, I need a break. So, I paint flowers where I'm free to loosen up. I started a painting of hollyhocks this morning. Tomorrow, in Jeanne Hyland's workshop - I'll paint roses. Flowers don't care if you twist a shape on line this way or that. |
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Saturday Workshop (8/16): Saturday, Jeanne Hyland is doing her "Wet & Workable” watercolor workshop for our Saturday Painters Group. There is still space for two more artists if you would like to join us. I did two new drawings this morning to use in her workshop this Saturday. They are both, 16 x 13, smaller than I usually work. Check out Jeanne Hyland's other workshop opportunities at |
![]() "Balloon Fiesta Sunrise" |
Painting to Mississippi (8/15): My watercolor "Balloon Fiesta Sunrise" was selected for the 27th Grand National Exhibition sponsored by the Mississippi Watercolor Society in Jackson, Mississippi. The exhibit runs from October 7th, 2012 through January 6th, 2013. The Juror was Steve Rogers. This is the fourth year running I've been selected into the MSWS Grand National. Last year, I made signature membership in the Mississippi Watercolor Society (MSWS). The annual national watercolor exhibition is held in the beautiful Mississippi Museum of Art in Jackson, Mississippi. Art Education Workshops: I was in hope of doing a couple of really neat workshops for art teachers at NAEA in Fort Worth next March. But, I learned today that, both proposals were rejected. Too bad - It's their lost. But, this fall, I am doing a soft sculpture workshop at NMAEA in Santa Fe and My Kaleidocycle workshop with an old friend for KAEA in Wichita. Both will be loads of fun. |
![]() Buffy Sainte-Marie click on photo for sample video |
Buffy Sainte-Marie (8/14): Buffy Sainte-Marie is rocking better that ever at 70 years of age. She put on a fantastic show last night at Albuquerque's famous Kimo Theater. ![]() Kimo Theater - Albuquerque ... |
Kansas Watercolor Society (8/13): This morning, I decided which 3 new watercolors to enter into the Kansas Watercolor Society National Exhibition. My rejects will be back from Mississippi, New Mexico and Kansas well before the entry deadline for Western Fed in December. I want to have decent entries for the WFWS show in Dallas, even if they were rejected by other jurors. Having lived in the Sunflower State for almost 60 years - I'd sure like to get into that show in Wichita. |
![]() Started Saturday Morning Finished on Sunday |
Painting Finished (8/12): I'm happy with the way this painting turned out. "Trabajano Con Mi Padre" is suppose to tell a story. I guess it's take your daughter to work day in Taos. The parishioners in Taos, New Mexico step forward every June to help restore their famous adobe church. |
![]() This Morning's Drawing |
Trabajano Con Mi Padre (8/11): That's the title of my new watercolor - it translates to "Working With My Dad". I started with a drawing when I got up this morning. At the first session of our Saturday morning painters group, I began by adding some texture by applying a bit of molding paste with a pallet knife. I got some painting done this morning and a bit more after I got home. |
Photos From Mars (8/10): The scientists and engineers are slowly checking out the instruments on the Mars Rover Curiosity. Below is the first 360 degree photo taken by Curiosity's cameras. In a few weeks we will be getting many more great photos. |
Click on Painting to view a Larger Image |
Finished Making Mud: Finally, this morning, I finished my newest watercolor "Making Mud". If the subject seems a bit confusing - What's happening here, are workers shoveling dirt, clay and sand through a screen into a long wooden trough. The screen sorts out the rocks and larger debris. Other workers mix in straw and water to create "mud" which will serve as the finish coat on an adobe church. The parishioners in Taos restores the famous church every year in June. That's the same time that I go to Taos to paint. |
![]() Wambach Celebrates |
You Go Girls (8/9): The US Women's Soccer team did themselves proud besting Japan 2 - 1 to win the Gold at this years Olympics in London. 80,000 plus fans watched the game in Wembley stadium. Untold millions, including yours truly, watched the match on TV. Lloyd scored early in the game, an again scored the winning goal. She found the net in the eighth and 54th minutes, making it four goals in the tournament for the midfielder who lost her long-held starting job weeks before the Olympics. She got back on the field when Shannon Boxx injured her hamstring in the opener against France and started every game since. "I think I just come up big in big moments. That's what I've trained for," Lloyd said. "I worked my butt off day-in and day-out. I don't think there's anybody that works harder than I do. I was on a mission this Olympics to prove everybody wrong, and that's what I did. To show everybody that I belong on the field." |
A Hearty Breakfast (8/8): Biscuits & Gravy are the best way to start the day. My bride can have her share after she gets up. I could not wait, so I ate mine early. I know we eat way too good. Last night for dinner we both ate so many chili dogs that we had to skip the cheesecake frani made. I guess we will eat the cheesecake today. |
![]() Saturn |
Pollution On The Red Planet (8/7): The four main pieces of hardware that arrived on Mars with NASA's Curiosity rover were spotted by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera captured this image about 24 hours after landing. The large, reduced-scale image points out the strewn hardware: the heat shield was the first piece to hit the ground, followed by the back shell attached to the parachute, then the rover itself touched down, and finally, after cables were cut, the sky crane flew away to the northwest and crashed. Relatively dark areas in all four spots are from disturbances of the bright dust on Mars, revealing the darker material below the surface dust. ![]() Scene of the Martian Landing of Mars Science Laboratory ...
NASA Photos:
...While waiting for great images from Mars, I've been exploring NASA's photo files. I found this image obtained with the "Cassini" wide-angle camera from a distance of approximately 999,000 kilometers (621,000 miles) from Saturn on May 4, 2005, as the spacecraft cruised a few degrees above the ring plane. |
![]() Celebration ... |
Hard Fought Soccer Match (8/6): A header from Alex Morgan in overtime stoppage play lifted the U.S. women's soccer team to a 4-3 victory over Canada on Monday, setting up a matchup with Japan in Thursday's gold-medal final. Japan is ready, they beat the U.S. on penalty kicks last summer in Germany during the World Cup. In a game that had more counterpunching than most heavyweight title fights, the U.S. rallied from one-goal deficits three times in regulation, overcoming three goals from Canadian captain Christine Sinclair. Playing a physical style more common in hockey than soccer, the Canadians pounded the U.S. -- especially forwards Abby Wambach and Morgan -- all game. But if that hurt the Americans it also wore down the Canadians, who gave up three second-half goals. |
Landing On Mars: Last night, I watched the JPL control room erupt in celebration as Curiosity was gently set down on the surface of Mars. Its very gentle - being lowered at 1.67 mph to the surface. I'll keep watching NASA TV on my computer for daily updates. http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html#.UB8H6W2uY74.facebook
JPL Control Room Celebration / 1st Photo From Curiosity ... |
![]() Waiting to watch the landing tonight on Mars |
Summer Roses (8/5): Yesterday morning, I took photos of my roses framed by beautiful clouds in the New Mexico sky. As the weather gets cooler (soon I hope) my roses will be back in full bloom. It was 67 degrees outside this morning when I got up a 7 am. It was 75 inside the house and the AC did not kick on till almost noon. |
Countdown Clock: By midnight mountain time we should know if the landing of Curiosity on Mars was a success - this site has a countdown clock: |
You Go Girls (8/4): Congratulations to the US Women's Soccer team. They did a wonderful job of controlling the ball and beating New Zealand 2 - 0. Keep it up as you move toward the metal matches. |
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Late Movie: We took in a late movie last night - because, that was the only time Prometheus was playing in 3-D. Got home after midnight. Albuquerque looks different in the dark. I love science fiction especially about space travel. The movie presented an interesting story - but way too much violence for me - not enough story development - I guess that's what draws folks to the movies these days - They sure had a strange motley crew selection for such an important mission - I assume that was to add interest - it looks like several of the crew were simply picked up off the back streets of a major city - diversity is good but why represent crud. ...
Progress Painting Mud: Watercolor artist have a lot of practice mixing mud. Now I'm trying to paint the process of making mud. I got far enough at Friday Painters to remove most of the liquid mask exposing the white areas being protected. |
New Mexico Student Art (8/3): Student Art from New Mexico is now on display at the Department of Education in Washington DC. NMAEA President Michelle Lemons and President-Elect Phyllis Roybal are in DC for the opening of the exhibition. |
Up Early For Soccer: I got up early this morning to be sure not miss the US Women play soccer. I'm also updating my blog. When the soccer game is over, I'm going to paint with friends at the Unitarian Church. Yesterday, I attended the monthly meeting about next years MasterWorks of New Mexico juried art exhibition. I am serving as file manager for all the watercolor entries. The prospectus will be available on October 1st. The 15th MasterWorks exhibition will be in April 2013 at the Hispanic Arts Gallery at EXPO New Mexico. ... ![]() MasterWorks of New Mexico ... |
![]() Blossom & Me She came up to my studio to find out why I was ignoring her today |
Making Mud (8/2): I'm taking a break from watching the Olympics to work on my newest watercolor. The subject shows workers, in Taos, mixing adobe/mud to be used on the Ranchos Church annual remodeling. While I paint, my bride is working on a new quilt. We work at different ends of the house staying out of each others hair. |
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Buy Your Chicken at KFC: I posted this comment on Facebook this morning: "Democracy at work in Albuquerque - Supporters of "Traditional Marriage" lined up yesterday at Chick-fil-A to support the owners position against same sex marriage. This is of course their right - but I plan to never purchase from Chick-fil-A. Businesses should treat all it's customers and employees with equal respect. My bride won't let me shop at Walgreen's because they allow their pharmacy to refuse customers birth control pills. Of course they still sell condoms ??? We all have the right to vote with our dollars. Some simply have many more dollars to vote with - thanks to the Supreme Court. Well - that's my political rant for today. Now I'll take a shower to clear my mind." ...
![]() Click Above for NMWS Fall Prospectus |
NMWS Fall Open Exhibition (8/1): Remember to enter the NMWS Fall Exhibition. The Entry deadline is August 17th. Carl Dalio is our juror this fall. Click on the image to the left to download a pdf file of the prospectus. I sent my entries for NMWS to Laurel, for the fall show, several weeks ago. I also sent my entries to the Mississippi Grand National. Entering shows early forces me to paint more so I'll have watercolors to enter other shows - like, Western Fed and the Kansas National Show later this year. On the right, is a photo I took yesterday of one of my roses. Some are holding up even in this hot weather. When the cool nights finally get here, I hope to see my roses back in full bloom. It's been a very warm summer this year. Yesterday it hit 97 degrees - that's 8 degrees over normal for Albuquerque this time of the year. ...
![]() Hot Weather Rose |
Life in Retirement: We are going to another Isotopes Baseball game this Sunday - Then next week we will go to the dollar show to see PROMETHEUS in 3-D, Prometheus creates a groundbreaking mythology, in which a team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a thrilling journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race. Later, on the 13th we get to see Buffy Saint Marie at the beautiful Kimo theater here in Albuquerque. I got tickets for our favorite seats - center of the front row in the balcony. ![]() Kimo Theater ... |
![]() Buffy Saint-Marie |
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