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Where Woody's Watercolors Are Entered or on Exhibit in 2012 To see watercolors created by my friends in Taos last Summer CLICK HERE click on any photo with a blue border for a larger image |
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![]() Playing With Texture |
Texture in Watercolor (2/29): Yesterday, I taught a watercolor workshop on texture at the Palo Duro Senior Center. I taught classes there several times before. It's an eager group of students every time. |
My Spring Entries (2/28): I decided which watercolors to enter into the NMWS Spring Member Show. It would be great if my portrait of Tom Stoner were selected by the juror. I'm serving as file manager for the entries - so, I'll sent the images to myself. When all the entries are in, then I send them off to our juror Betty Carr. She will be doing a four day workshop for us just before the exhibit opens. I may sign up for her workshop myself. These 2 - 3 workshops the watercolor society puts on, every year, are the best benefit of membership. |
"Tom's Cartoons"
I Finished Tom's Portrait (2/24): This morning, I finished the portrait of my friend Tom Stoner. Tom retired from teaching High School art in California. Tom joined the New Mexico Watercolor Society after moving to New Mexico. At each meeting, he would draw cartoons and give them to me to print in our monthly newsletter. When I decided to do this watercolor to honor him, it seemed only appropriate to include his drawings in the background. |
![]() Betty Carr Workshop Registration |
New Mexico Watercolor Society (2/23): The NMWS website http://www.nmwatercolorsociety.org/ is now up to date. Our beautiful Web Mistress, Marcella, has moved to Chile. Yes, Chile - the country in South America occupying a long, narrow strip between the Andes mountains to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. But, she still updated the web site from her new home way down there. It is truly a small world. Click on the images "with blue borders" to download pdf files of the March Newsletter, the Spring Prospectus and the registration for Betty Carr's workshop. |
![]() Finished Watercolor |
Watercolor Finished (2/20): Yesterday I finished my newest watercolor of a rose. The title is "Today's Rose". I'm posting the painting in ten different steps from the first drawing to the finished watercolor. Matted and framed the painting will be 28 x 22 inches. |
![]() My Painting Is Ready For MasterWorks |
Painting Progress (2/19): Yesterday morning, I made a bit more progress on the two new watercolors I'm currently working on. I'm almost finished with "Today's Rose". I also got a bit of color on my portrait of my friend Tom Stoner. His cartoons, in the back ground, are done in permanent marker, so later I can glaze layers of paint over them. There's a lot of liquid mask to remove later. I'm using the mask to protect the white areas for now. |
![]() Gold Key Award |
My Gold Key (2/15): Michelle asked me to write something about the Gold Key I received in high school. She needed it for a grant she was applying for. I remembered that the mono-print I won it with was still hanging upstairs, so I shot a photo of it to go with the text I wrote. That was way back in high school - 1962 - 50 years ago. Below is what I wrote:
Some memories stay with you forever, your first kiss, getting married, your first born, and that Gold Key from the National Scholastic Art Competition. My Junior High art teacher was C W McWaid. He entered our art into Scholastic Arts back in 1957. I was in the seventh grade then. Mr. McWaid took us to see the exhibition at Emery Byrd Thayer department store in Kansas City, Missouri. A drawing of mine was in the exhibit. That’s when I found out that the best art had little Gold Key Awards on them. My drawing only had an “HM” on it for Honorable Mention. It was not until 1962, that I received my only Gold Key. Eileen Hughes was my High School art teacher. I remember taking that sheet of glass off her desk to place over a drawing I had done on a field trip to the Country Club Plaza. I traced the drawing onto the glass in water-soluble black ink using a toothpick. Then I dampened a sheet of newsprint and pressed it over the still damp ink. That’s how I pulled the mono-print that won my Gold Key. Of course I cleaned the glass so I could return it to Miss Hughes desk. She suggested that I ask permission next time. The awards were presented in a large auditorium at Hallmark Cards. My mom had the print framed when it came back to school. I still have it hanging in my home 50 years after high school. We have our 50th high school reunion later this year. I hope to meet the young lady who was the subject on that winter field trip to the Plaza back in 1961. Years later, I became a Middle School art teacher. I hope my own students have similar lasting memories to cherish from their years. I never missed an opportunity to enter their creations in my 27 years of teaching. I realized how important I felt when my own creations were on display at Scholastics. |
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My Friend Tom: Up early again this morning - so, I started a new painting - just a drawing right now. It's in memory of my friend Tom. I'm including several of his cartoon characters in the composition. Tom will be in full color of course - but, the negative space will be filled with his drawings in black and white. <<< click on drawing to enlarge |
Waiting Game (2/14): I'll know quite soon if I get a painting accepted into MasterWorks of New Mexico. Information from the jurors will be available by the end of this week. I will have to wait until March to know if I'll have paintings in either Overland Park, Kansas or the show in New Orleans, Louisiana. Then I can decide which rejects to enter into the NMWS Spring Members juried exhibition. ... |
![]() Painting Headed to Western Colorado |
For Valentine's Day (2/13): No chocolate, no flowers for us - instead, we are very happy to get our new garage door installed. This time with windows to let light in. As long as I don't drive into this one, it should last us a long time. Another reason to be happy is that we can now bring in groceries through the garage straight into the kitchen. ![]() Our Cars Are Back Inside Now ... Rockies West National:
Today, I shipped - via FedEx, my watercolor "Balloon Fiesta Sunrise" off to Grand Junction, Colorado. I have four different shipping boxes. Each time I ship a painting, I attach a photo of the watercolor to the box. This box has been to three juried exhibitions in Taos, NM - Jackson, MS & now Grand Junction, CO. Rockies West National
20th Annual National Exhibition March 1st through April 6th, 2012 The Art Center Grand Junction, CO ...
![]() "Balloon Fiesta Sunrise" |
Tamarind Tour (2/09): This was my first time at Tamarind Lithography Studio. It's been on my list for years. I love printmaking and have done lithographs from a stone before. If I ever get a press I'd do other types of printmaking. |
![]() Mac's Like E-Mails This Way |
Mac vs Windows Again (2/07): I recently discovered a problem when I send images to a juried show in Kansas City. They were great to get back to me saying the images were "embedded" in the message and could not be saved. This appears to happen with newer macs sending to windows computers. As a solution I mailed a CD to the show in Kansas. Now I've solved the problem: I downloaded software to make mac attachments readable on PC's. It only cost me $14.99 - I tested it by sending images to my wife's PC. If you find other with similar problems sending from newer macs, you might suggest this as a solution. ...
![]() PC's Like E-Mails This Way |
![]() Betty Sabo |
Betty Sabo (2/05): Her extraordinary life is the focus of a documentary, “Betty Sabo — an artful life.” Local filmmaker Steve Palmisano worked on the documentary for the past couple of years and it became a labor of love. “Betty Sabo — an artful life”
Airs at 5 p.m. Saturday on KASA Fox 2, Channel 2 http://www.bettysabo.com/_/Betty_Sabo_an_artful_life.html Sabo is a local legend when it comes to the art community. Although she was born in Kansas City, Mo., Sabo moved to Albuquerque when she was young. She graduated from Albuquerque High School and majored in art at University of New Mexico. Her sculptures can be seen at the Albuquerque Museum, the Basilica St. Francis de Assisi in Santa Fe and the University of New Mexico. from the Albuquerque Journal Sunday, February 5th ... |
![]() Critique |
Watercolor Meeting (2/04): Great watercolor meeting this morning, Laurie and Jae did the critiques of paintings that members brought. This is one of our most popular meetings. Next montht, Laurel Weathersbee ( from the Southern Chapter) is doing the demo. Then, we will get a chance to find out how good the new projector works. Oh Yes - the Watercolor Society has a Facebook page for members now. Just type in NMWS in the Facebook search bar. After todays meeting, I volunteered to take 24 visitors from Kazakhstan through our museum. They had three translators who took turns explaining what I said. It was an interesting experience using translators. They went to Old Town after my tour. Seems that they are not really tourists but, here to "work" - learning about security measures in the US. An explanation of their work seamed real hush-hush perhaps they are trying to lock down all those atom bombs left from the old Soviet Union. ...
![]() My Jayhawk Bolo I'll wear it to the game on Saturday |
Entering National Exhibitions (2/03): I've got a total of 12 watercolors entered in three different juried exhibitions at present. Hopefully, I won't get shot down in all of them. Still, when the rejections come back - I'll try entering those in other shows. Below are the four I've entered in a show in Overland Park, Kansas. When I lived in Kansas City, I was accepted into several of that show. Back then it was called "Art in the Woods". |
MasterWorks (2/02): Today was the MasterWorks of New Mexico committee meeting. This is the premier juried exhibition in our state. Entries come from Pastel, Oil, Acrylic and Watercolor Artists. Each group will have only 47 pieces selected. I served as the file manager for watercolors (intake of entries). We had 205 entries from 94 artists. Artists can enter through the several catagories or through the minitaure division. |
![]() "Blossom's Tongue" Finished ... |
New Painting Finished (2/01): Saturday night, I finished my newest watercolor titled "Blossom's Tounge". I'll put it in a nice mat and bring it to Saturday's NMWS meeting. This is our annual critique meeting. |
![]() Blossom with her portrait |
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