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![]() Woody and Frani |
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Where Woody's Watercolors Are Entered or on Exhibit in 2012 To see watercolors created by my friends in Taos last Summer CLICK HERE click on any photo with a blue border for a larger image |
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Woody's Brain (7/30): My memory was never too good anyway - but, as I grow older I need even more reminders. Like the sticky notes I write to remind me what to do tomorrow. The night before, I stick them on the rear view mirror of my car. That way I'll remember the next days errands. This was today's list. I mailed the bill, deposited money at the bank, bought a 2013 calender at Staples, picked up chemical for our hot tub, met with Peggy at EXPO NM, purchased colored pencils at WalMart, filled Frani's shopping list at Albertson's and got back home before noon. Now, I need a new list for tomorrow. |
Sunrise Over Sandia (7/27): I got up early this morning to do a drawing for a new watercolor. So I was up at the perfect time to watch the sun rise over our mountain. I love mornings. First, I take my drugs with a cup of coffee and then check facebook to see who complains about my rants to put a few reasonable restrictions on guns. |
Making Mud: This morning, I started on a new watercolor. The image shows workers in Taos mixing adobe mud for the Ranchos church annual remodeling. As they shovel dirt through a screen clouds of dust are created. The dust will be a challenge to create in the painting. I like the composition with workers on each side looking into the painting. I'm working on a full sheet of 300 lb Arches rough. |
![]() This Is Legal _ WHY ? |
Finally - Words On Gun Control (7/26): President Obama said Wednesday that every day and a half, the same number of young people die as a result of violent crime as the number of victims lost in the Aurora massacre. "For every Columbine or Virginia Tech, there are dozens gunned down on the streets of Chicago and Atlanta, and here in New Orleans. For every Tucson or Aurora there is daily heartbreak over young Americans shot in Milwaukee or Cleveland," he said. "And when there's extraordinary heartbreak and tragedy like the one we saw, there's always an outcry immediately after for action. There's talk of new reforms and there's talk of new legislation. And too often those efforts are defeated by politics and by lobbying and eventually by the pull of our collective attention elsewhere." The President said Wednesday he believed that even gun owners would agree "that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of children." ...
More Rain: Wonderful - Today we had another decent rain at our house in Albuquerque - They say these last three rains are not caused by the monsoon pattern - Those are to start in a few days - Keep the rain coming from where ever. I'm collecting materials for my "Soft Sculpture Workshop" I'm doing for NMAEA this November in Santa Fe. Yesterday, I bought long needles, thread and polyfill to use for the project. Today I found a weaving shop and picked out several colors of roving to use for the hair. ...
Sunrise After The Rain ... |
Good Rain Yesterday (7/25): We got a great rain yesterday. The storm seemed to stay over our house for about an hour dumping over an inch of rain. It's rained two days in a row now and more is expected this week. It looks like this year's monsoon season is here for sure. This morning, I'm taking care both cars in to get serviced. Frani's car needs a bath, after our trip to Kansas, and I need to get an emissions test so she can get her plate renewed. I'll gas her Vue up while the prices are still low and then get the oil changed. A full take of gas should last my bride at least two months. We don't plan to take her car on any more trips because my car gets better mileage. We only took her car to Kansas to carry the new furniture from Nebraska Furniture Mart. In the afternoon, I'm taking my Chevy in for it's first oil change. There is also a recall on my Cruze about an oil shield that needs to be fixed. I also hope they can adjust the temperature sensor (outside temp) - it reads way too high. ...
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![]() Orbit |
Olympics (7/22): The London Olympics are only 5 days away - We plan on spending time watching it in HD -You can even see the sweat on their brows - We bought our wide screen TV to see the games 4 years ago - Time sure flies. For my birthday, my bride is taking me to an Isotopes game today. Looking forward to a foot long hotdog and a cold beer. ![]() Olympics ... |
Elena Gallegos Paintout (7/21): I went on a paintout this morning with other artists to the Elena Gallegos Park above Albuquerque. It's about a 15 minute drive from our house. You can see the whole city from up there. I'm not much at painting outside but I got a good start - I'll finish it using the photo I shot in the cool inside air. |
Grading Our Schools (7/20): This morning's Abq Journal ran an OP Ed by a local teacher (Rachel Alaimo-Monson) critical of New Mexico's A-F grading system for schools. Rather, she urges multiple classroom observations rather than depending upon standardized testing to evaluate schools. Here is her most important comment: "Standardized tests can't capture a child's love of learning, their trust in their teacher, their confidence in themselves, or their creativity." I could not agree more, not have said it better. When I taught, I appreciated administrators who spent time observation the actual learning process. ...
HOME SWEET HOME (7/19): Our last day in Kansas the temperature was 105 - Then as we drove home through the Kansas night, at 3:00 am, it was still 87 degrees - When we arrived back in Albuquerque at 4:00 pm it was 87 degrees - We love our family but we left Kansas just in time to miss three straight days of 108. ...
![]() Kate's Rose ... |
Great Conversations (7/13): Frani and I had a delightful visit with her Aunt Kate (91) and Kate's son Bob (71) tonight - I just hope my mind is as alert as Kate's when I reach 90. I took her my rose painting that was in the show in Overland Park. The introduced us to a new Chinese Buffet. Our long conversations with Kate and Bob were a highlight of our trip to Kansas. Earlier in the day, I spent time visiting with my Friend Jim. We went to high school together and both of us worked at General Motors in Kansas City, Kansas. Jim seems able to tolerate the Kansas heat with out air conditioning. ...
![]() My Friend Jim (taken with my i-pad) |
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Nelson Gallery (7/11): Yesterday, I spent a couple hours exploring the Nelson Gallery in Kansas City, Missouri. Afterwards, I walked around the grounds an shot a few photos with my i-pad. I wanted to test the quality of the pics it would take. It really does a decent job. We drive into KC every other day so Frani can visit her mother. I got some shopping in at Cabella's one day - new shirts and shoes. We've eaten at Joy Wok once and at Margarita's twice of course - But, no KC BBQ yet this trip. ...
Piano Recital (7/8): Tiffanie and Tess had a piano recital today. We went to the high school to be at their recital. They both did a wonderful Job. In the morning, I shot a movie on my I-Pad of Tess practicing for the recital. |
Hot Kansas (7/7): We drove to Kansas City where the temperature was 107 or more. Fran got to spend time with her mother and I visited with my friend Jim. Later we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant, Margaritas. With luck the temperature is dropping as rain moves in. Tomorrow should be around 91. ...
Dark Shadows (7/3): We went to the Dollar Show yesterday to see Dark Shadows. Really enjoyed the movie. I remember well the soap opera from the 1970's. The series became hugely popular when vampire Barnabas Collins (Jonathan Frid) appeared a year into its run. Dark Shadows also featured werewolves, zombies, man-made monsters, witches, warlocks, time travel, and a parallel universe. Dark Shadows was distinguished by its vividly melodramatic performances, atmospheric interiors, memorable storylines, numerous dramatic plot twists, unusually adventurous music score, and broad and epic cosmos of characters and heroic adventures. Now regarded as something of a classic, it continues to enjoy an intense cult following. Although the original series ran for only five years because it was on five days each week there were over 1200 episodes. ![]() .... |
More Entries (7/2): Here are the 3 watercolors I entered into the NMWS Fall "Open" Exhibition - my "Collage Mountains" are new but, the other two have been rejected from other juried shows. I consider both two of my best so I'll try one more juried show. The entry deadline is not until August 17th. But, I decided if I committed to these entries now I would get busy painting some more worthy of entering. I want enter the Kansas Watercolor Societies National show (also due in August). Then, in early December I'll enter next years Western Federation Exhibition. I can't enter a painting into WFWS that's been accepted into any national show, that includes the NMWS Fall show. |
Carl Dalio Workshop: Don't forget to sign up for Carl Dalio's workshop Oct 2-5, 2012. He will serve as the juror/judge for the NMWS Fall "Open" Exhibition. Carl will also be doing a special demo at the NMWS meeting on Monday, October 1st. |
Mississippi Grand National: I'm entering two watercolors into the Mississippi Grand National. The deadline is July 10th. I've been lucky enough to to be accepted into that show four years running now. There are two more juried exhibitions I hope to enter later this year. I'd better get busy painting. The Yellow Rose is a watercolor I painted last month in Taos. The Balloon Fiesta Sunrise has been in another show up in Colorado. |
Welcome To Hot July (7/1): If June was any indicator, it's going to be a very warm summer. With the very low humidity, Albuquerque is quite pleasant even with temperatures in the high 90's. We attended an Isotopes baseball game last week when it was 100. It was very comfortable sitting in the shade at the stadium. It will be a totally different story when we visit friends and family back in humid Kansas City. ...
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NMWS Change In Leadership: Karin Pitman took over as president of the New Mexico Watercolor Society. I will serve as Past President this year. I'll continue to be active but hopefully I'll get more painting done. There are three juried shows I plan to enter later this year. I'll enter the NMWS Fall exhibition and the 38th WFWS show which will be in Irving Texas in 2013. I'm serving as the alternate delegate from NMWS helping Donna Dionne, she will be our delegate to Western Fed now. I also plan to enter the Kansas Watercolor Societies National exhibition as well. In December, I made a commitment to display my watercolors in Placitas. If you click on the images (right and left) you can download copies of the July Brushstrokes (left) and the NMWS Fall Prospectus (right). Our juror this fall is Carl Dalio. I've already signed up for his four day workshop in early October. Our fall shows are "open" or "national" exhibitions. They can be entered by any watercolor artist in the continental (48 States) United States. |
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![]() Ruth's Watercolor |
Great Art Sale: Last week, I helped out with the annual "Great Art Sale" to raise money for Art in the School. I serve on the board for this great organization. Mark Coan donated his design showroom, "marc coan designs" for this years art sale. He also supplied the champagne and delicious cakes. Give your guests wine and they will buy art - that's the theory. It must work because I came home with a beautiful watercolor done by my dear friend Ruth Andrews Vreeland. One of the paintings I donated sold as well. |
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