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Where Woody's Watercolors Are Entered or on Exhibit in 2012 To see watercolors created by my friends in Taos last Summer CLICK HERE click on any photo with a blue border for a larger image |
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![]() Click On Kaleidocycle to See It In Action |
Watercolor That Moves (5/27): I'm going to start on a watercolor that moves - I enlarged the kaleidocycle pattern and transferred it to 140 lb watercolor paper. The standard sized kaleidocycle sits on my enlarged version. I hope to do a kaleidocycle workshop for art teachers in Wichita this fall. Then to also do another workshop at NAEA in Fort Worth, Texas. I got the original pattern from Jane Mallonee back in Kansas City. Jane and I plan to do both workshops as a team. |
![]() Click on Mask to View Video |
Art in the School (5/26): Thursday, At the Art in the School board meeting we heard more about the Mayor and First Lady's Charity Gala on June 15th. It is going to be a major fund raising event. Art in the School and other groups will benefit. I'll miss it because I'll be in Taos painting at the Sagebrush Inn with friends. Art in the School is a program that has been providing art to children in Albuquerque for 25 years now. Our director Beth just released a new video on you tube to promote the program. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnGUh4ReJeQ
in the School provides After School Art Programs, a Volunteer Program
during thhe school day as well as Teacher Workshops. You can learn more
about what Art in the School is about from our web site at:
Or learn about Art in the School by going to our facebook page at: |
![]() "The Lorax" |
The Lorax (5/25): "John Carter" started too late for us old folks so we saw the "The Lorax" in 3-D instead - We can see "John Carter" at the other dollar show next week. It's great that they are making decent movies for kids nowadays - this one also carries a political/social message with it - my bride leaned over and whispered "Blane Capital" is in this movie isn't it. After the movie we pigged out at the Hong Kong Buffet. ...
My Beautiful Bride (5/24): Frani has been working on her newest quilt for about six weeks now. It's beautiful already but, only 85% finished. This one is complicated, for sure. My little contribution was in helping choose the 27 colors that go into it. I also read off lists of numbers to help her double check the order of colors in each row before she sews the little pieces together. What's hardest to believe is that she wants to make another one with a similarly complicated pattern. |
100 Year Starship (5/22): Mae Jemison and Team Establish 100 Year Starship With Goal to Make Interstellar Space Travel Reality by 2112. I won't be around to see this happen but it revives my faith in the human race. All those Science Fiction novels I read as a child will come to life one day. “Yes, it can be done. Our current technology arc is sufficient,” says Dr. Jemison. “100 Year Starship is about building the tools we need to travel to another star system in the next hundred years. We’re embarking on a journey across time and space." 100 Year Starship will bring in experts from myriad fields to help achieve its goal – utilizing not only scientists, engineers, doctors, technologists, researchers, sociologists and computer experts, but also architects, writers, artists, entertainers, and leaders in government, business, economics, ethics and public policy. 100YSS will also collaborate with existing space exploration and advocacy efforts from both private enterprise and the government. ![]() ...
Perhaps they could freeze my old body now and keep it frozen for the
first Interstellar Voyage - I'd love to wake up on a new world and
paint watercolors there. I'd love to be the first artist to paint a new
world. They could have more than one moon.
Turquoise Luncheon (5/21): Today, Albuquerque Museum docents gathered together for our annual Turquoise Luncheon. The purpose is to reconize docents for the time they devote to the museum. Our new crop of first year docents received their official badges. Others reconized were docents who have finished their 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, etc years of service by getting an additional chunk of turquoise to glue onto thier badge. I have two pieces of the little blue rock on my badge now. I don't get my third piece of turquoise until next year for 9 years of service. Below is a photo of the docents on our Tuesday morning team. We provide tours for school children every other Tuesday from 10 am till noon. Left to Right are My Docent Team Mates Marla, Barbara, Jerry, Sandy, Rona and Me Behind the camera ... |
![]() These Poppies will get Painted ... |
Docent Luncheon (5/19): Monday the docents at the Albuquerque Museum of Art & History are having our annual Turquoise Luncheon. New docents will receive their official badges. Docents receive another chunk of turquoise to add to their badges for each third year of seniority. I have two pieces of turquoise now but, won't receive my third piece until next year. This morning, I finished a powerpoint of photos of docent activities through out the past year. We will show the powerpoint during the luncheon on Monday. |
![]() "Pueblo Shadows" 85 % Finished |
Lunch With Betty Carr (5/17): |
My Poppies (5/16): My poppies recovered from the rain and hail that hit them a couple days ago. It's beautiful outside today - but, I'm staying in to clean out my studio. I'm throwing lots of stuff away so I'll have room to paint. ...
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Love My On Star (5/15): Great day today - we took 4th graders through our museum. Then, later I delivered art work to 4 more high schools around Albuquerque. I delivered art to 5 high schools last Wednesday. I love the On Star on my new Chevy. I give them the address and they provide turn by turn directions. So much better talking to a real person than putting addresses into my old GPS. ...
Walking Through Exhibit (5/13): I used my i-Pad 2 to shoot a movie walking through the opening night of the NMWS exhibit in the Fine Arts building at Expo New Mexico. The exhibition is in seven rooms - but the video only shows three of the rooms. The exhibition is open 10 am till 4 pm, Thursday through Sunday - until May 27th. |
![]() My Watercolor of Tom in the NMWS Spring Show |
Watercolor Workshop & Exhibit Opening (5/12): Last week, our juror, Betty Carr conducted a great four day watercolor workshop. I'm sure her approach will affect my future watercolors. Everyone involved enjoyed the workshop. I tried out making short movies in my iPad and even figured out how to transfer the movies to my laptop. Now, I'm learning how to post them to the web. The photos below are from her demo at the NMWS meeting on Monday night. The 90 members in attendance were able to follow her demo projected on a large screen. Clicking on the photo below will take you to a one minute video of Betty Carr doing a demo in her workshop. |
Going To Fort Worth (5/11): I just submitted proposals for two hands on workshops for NAEA in Fort Worth, Texas next March. One proposal is my watercolor lesson called "Tearing Mountains". I submitted the same proposal to NAEA in Seattle but it was not accepted. A lot depends upon how many proposals are submitted my teachers around the country. The other proposed workshop, I'll being doing jointly with my friend Jane Mallonee from the Kansas City area. I originally got the idea for the Kaleidocycle Lesson from Jane. It will be fun working together with her again. We also hope to do the same workshop at the (KAEA) Kansas Art Teachers Conference in Wichita this October. |
New Watercolors Started (5/8): Today, in Betty Carr's workshop, I started two new watercolors. I used drawings that I started at home. Tomorrow I'm going to work on painting adobe - probally something from the Taos Pueblo. The watercolor of three roses is on handmade paper coated with gesso. |
![]() This Morning's Poppies |
Watercolor Workshop (5/6): This morning I created another drawing for next weeks watercolor workshop taught by Betty Carr. I want to get a jump start so I can get right into painting. I did two drawings yesterday - all are roses. For today's drawing I first coated a sheet of hand made paper with gesso - I hope to let the deckle edge show when it's finished. I even have several sheets of yupo that I might try out next week. At Monday night's watercolor society meeting, Betty Carr is doing a special demo for our members. Then, Tuesday through Friday Betty is doing a workshop for about 20 members. The NMWS always has our Spring and Fall jurors do a workshop for members. It's one of the greatest benefits of belonging to the NMWS. ![]() Three Roses ...
I'm starting to catch up on some of the things that got put off when I
was sick - this morning, I worked on a list of student art for an
exhibit in Washington DC (two weeks late) now, I'm putting screens in
our storm doors to let cool air in ( only a week late on that). If I'd
just learn to say "NO" then I'd have time to paint. After next weeks
watercolor workshop - I'm going to tackle cleaning out my studio so
I'll have a place to paint at home.
Allison Krauss (5/4): Last night I got our tickets to see Allison Krauss & Union Station on June 20th. They will play at the Kiva Auditorium here in Albuquerque. We saw them here a few years back. It will be a fun night. |
![]() Repair |
My Letter ![]() Click On Letter for a larger copy |
Balloons & Letters (5/2): This morning the Albuquerque Journal printed my letter about bugs in Starbucks drinks. A friend of facebook let me know the letter had been published even before I went out to get my paper. It's another beautiful day so there were lots of hot air balloons in the air. A huge shadow covered the house alerting me that one balloon was close by. So, I ran out and got a pic as they were looking for a safe spot to land. |
Click on Image Above for a pdf of May Brushstrokes |
May Flowers (5/1): My roses are finally in bloom. I'm taking photos often to use as subjects for my watercolors. The NMWS Spring Members Exhibition opens on Friday, May 11th. I have two paintings in the show. I'm also taking (our juror) Betty Carr's four day workshop which runs Tuesday through Friday next week. I'll have to get my paper and materials together for the workshop. |
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