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Dustin's Art
Halloween (10/31):
busy today getting ready for my workshop in Santa Fe and for the
watercolor society meeting on Saturday morning. Also, today two solar
companies are coming by to price solar panels for our roof. It would be
great to get a check each month from PNM rather than pay the bill. But,
I need to run the idea past our Home Owners Association first - we will
see how that flys.
I'm posting a photo
here of face art by one of my old students to celebrate this night of
handing out candy. It's great to see my students keeping up their
talents. Dustin posted the faces on Facebook.

Late October Rose
Chevy Loaded With Watercolors (10/29):
Chevy is now loaded with paintings for my exhibit in Placitas so I can
hang it tomorrow. But, this morning, I did a bit of sewing while I
hosted the NMWS fall watercolor show. While there, I was making
examples of "Soft Sculptures" for my workshop in Santa Fe on Saturday.
Soft Sculpture Samples
Busy Next Few Days (10/28):
first thing back to New Mexico - I ran my can through Octopus Car Wash
to get the Kansas dirt off of her. This morning, I sit the watercolor
show at the fair grounds. It's the last day, so I'll pick up my two
paintings from that show. Then, I need to frame a couple more, later
today, because tomorrow I'm hanging 6 to 8 of my watercolors in
Placitas on Monday morning. Then on Tuesday morning our docent team
takes 2nd graders through the the museum.
Then, I need to
get ready for the NMAEA Fall Conference in Santa Fe. I'm collecting art
for our silent auction on Friday night. Then back to Albuquerque
because on Saturday morning, I'm doing a presentation about Western Fed
for the Watercolor Society. Then, right back to Santa Fe to do my Soft
Sculpture Workshop for New Mexico art teachers Saturday evening.
Back From OZ (10/27):
returned from Kansas this afternoon. It's about an eleven hour drive
from Wichita. I was in Wichita to do a workshop for Kansas art teachers
at this years KAEA Fall Conference. It was fun to get to play with Jane
again. We did the Kaleidocycle workshop to gether.
Jane Demos a Kaleidocycle
New Photo From Mars (10/23):
a new view of the red planet Mars taken by Curiosity on Day 64 (Sol 64
in Mars time). I can't get enough of these great photos coming back
from our 4th planet.
Mars on Sol 64

Reading A Real Book (10/21):
starting to read a new book - not on my i-pad nor my i-pod - but, a
real printed book: "Lighting out for the Territory" How Samuel Clemens
headed west and became Mark Twain by Roy Morris Jr. It looks like a
good read - it's about his journey through the west while the civil war
was raging in the rest of our country.

Scott & Woody
Democratic Breakfast (10/20):
morning, I attended a Democratic breakfast at Dave & Busters in
Wyandotte County. Years ago, back in 1972, Scott Mackey and I worked
together in the McGovern campaign. Scott is now county chairman in
Wyandotte county. It was good see see some old friends from way back
CBS announced
the next day that George McGovern died. I'm proud to say that I was a
McGovern delegate to the convention in Miami in 1972. Proud to be a
LIBERAL and proud to have supported the right candidate at the right
time. McGovern represented his home state of South Dakota for more than
20 years, first in the House of Representatives and then in the Senate,
where he championed liberal social and economic reforms.
"I accept your nomination
with a full and grateful heart," McGovern told conventioneers when he
won the party's nomination for president.
Gary Hart, who
would go on to run for president twice himself, was McGovern's campaign
manager. And a young future president, Bill Clinton, ran his campaign
operations in Texas. McGovern, an unabashed liberal, called for an
immediate end to the Vietnam War.

click on image above
to download newsletter
November Watercolor Newsletter (10/19):
November issue of Brushstrokes has gone to the printer. Well at least a
few are being printed. NMWS is trying to go as totally digital as
possible. We are now sending the monthly newsletters out to e-mail
addresses via "Constant Contact". But a few members don't have internet
access, so we send a few via "snail Mail".
Penny Thomas Simpson Workshop:
In April, NMWS has a great watercolor workshop for artists planned. Penny
Thomas Simpson will be giving a three day workshop titled "Watching
Paint Dry". It's part of the MasterWorks of New Mexico mounth long

click on image above
to download registration

Click Above
Quiller Workshop Next Spring (10/16):
NMWS just completed a very successful workshop taught by Carl Dalio.
The watercolor show, juried by Dalio, will be up the rest of this
month. Starting yesterday, registrations opened for the Workshop being
conducted by Stephen Quiller next Spring. Quiller's workshop will run
from April 30th till May 3rd, 2013. Registration is by mail (NMWS
Members Only) on a first come basis. Click on the image of the
registration form to download a pdf file you can print.
Sold Out Already
Stephen Quiller must have lots of fans because his workshop
sold out right after we opened
Jimmy In New Mexico (10/15):
our son Jimmy flies back to Kansas City after a weeks visit. This was
his first trip to New Mexico. He came out to visit his mom and dad, to
take in the fresh air and of course to see the hot air balloons. The
pics of us below were taken in our backyard in Albuquerque - plus the
one photo freezing at the top of our mountain.
Jimmy in New Mexico

One Drink Each Year
Dining Above Albuquerque (10/14):
We took
the Sandia Arial Tram to the top of our mountain for dinner at the High
Finance restaurant tonight. Our house is at 5000 ft - the restaurant is
at 10,300 ft. You get a great view on our city from up there. I got
some great photos from the top of Sandia.
Great Place For Dinner
Life In Albuquerque (10/13):
winds prevented us from riding the tram to the top of Sandia yesterday
for dinner. So, instead we ate dinner at the Hong Kong Buffet. We
have reservations on the mountain again tonight. Hopefully the winds
will allow us to go on the tram. This morning the balloons got off fine
but they stayed to the east closer to the mountain. I still got some
interesting photos.
Balloons At Sunrise
Jimmy Watching This Mornings Balloons

Early Flights
Check Wind Speeds
Balloons At Balloon Fiesta Park (10/11):
took the bus to the Balloon Fiesta Park this morning. It was a Special
Shapes day. Lots of balloons took to the air this morning - yet,
several balloons inflated but decided not to fly due to early wind
speed reports.
Sunrise at the Balloon Fiesta Park

Over Our House
Balloons Over Our House (10/10):
morning the winds were blowing the right way. The balloons flew right
over our house. Our son Jimmy is visiting from Kansas City and seems to
enjoy shooting pics. Tomorrow, we plan to take in the Special Shapes
Rodeo and Balloon Fiesta Park.
Hard Landings in Our Neighborhood

Jimmy Shooting Pics
Our Backyard
Church Street Cafe (10/9):
stopped for lunch at the Church Street Cafe, in Old Town,
yesterday. It's one of my favorite places to eat in Albuquerque. Our
son Jimmy took a photo of his Mom and Dad while we were there.
"One Happy Couple"
Balloon Glow (10/7):
We took in the "Balloon Glow" Sunday night right after Jimmy flew into Albuquerque. This was the first Glow we had ever been to.
No Balloons Today (10/6):
winds picked up, in Albuquerque, this morning - so they had to cancel
the first Mass Ascension of this years Balloon Fiesta. I hope the
weather cooperates later in the week. Our son Jimmy fly's in tomorrow
and we have Park & Ride tickets to see the Balloon Glow on Sunday

Roadrunner (10/5):
afternoon, our local roadrunner paid us another visit. She even stayed
around when I had camera troubles. I changed the lens and got several
shots before she went to our neighbors house.
Our Local Roadrunner
My Watercolors:
On the right, is the
last painting I did in the four day workshop. It shows a blue door with
wooden steps at the Taos Pueblo. To the left, is one of the ten minute
fast paintings we did as practice in the workshop.

"Taos Steps"

click on photo
for video of
watercolor demo
My Workshop Watercolors (10/4):
are samples of the paintings I've been doing in Carl Dalio's workshop.
Tomorrow is the last day of the workshop. Tomorrow night is also the
opening reception for the NMWS Fall exhibition.
My Workshop Paintings
Value Studies (10/3):
in the watercolor workshop, Carl had us doing value studies using
charcoal. We learned to locate basic shapes and simplify. Below is one
of my value studies based on a photo of an old house on the way to Taos.
My Value Study
Carl Dalio Demo (10/2):
night, we had a fantastic demo by Carl Dalio at the NMWS meeting - I'm
looking forward to the four day workshop starting this morning.

This is the 4th Year
in a row for my
paintings to be
accepted into the
MSWS Grand National
Welcome To Fall (10/1):
opens with a crisp mornings in Albuquerque. Tonight, Carl Dalio does a
demo, for members, at the NMWS October meeting. Tomorrow, Carl starts a
four day workshop. My car is packed with supplies for the workshop. He
said to bring eight full sheets of Arches paper - so I had better be
ready to paint fast.
Roses - Yesterday Morning

We just returned from Kansas for our triplet grandkids 14th birthday.
WFWS Prospectus:
on the image to open the WFWS Prospectus for NMWS members.
NMWS members
must enter paintings into the WFWS (Western Federation of Watercolor
only through your local delegate. Members of the other eleven societies
enter only through their own local delegate. The entry deadline is
7th, 2012. The show is hosted by the Southwest Watercolor Society
(SWS). The exhibition will be held in June 2013 in Irving, Texas - just
of Dallas.
WFWS Prospectus for NMWS Members