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![]() Woody and Frani 49 Years Together |
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Where Woody's Watercolors Are Entered or on Exhibit in 2012 To see watercolors created by my friends in Taos last Summer CLICK HERE click on any photo with a blue border for a larger image |
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Siblings (9/27): Below is a photo of my beautiful bride surrounded by her brothers and sisters. From left to right: Mary, Jay, Dee, Frani, Butch and Ginny. Click on the photo for a larger image. |
Painting Tent Rocks (9/22): Yesterday, at Friday Painters, I started a new watercolor based on our visit to Tent Rocks National Monument. I'm working on the handmade paper I got from "Twin Rocker" in New Orleans. I got a lot of new inspiration from our hike we made to the top of Tent Rocks. |
"Tent Rocks" FinishedToday: |
![]() View From Below |
Exploring Tent Rocks: I've been driving our here to paint, every June, since 1985. We moved here eight years ago - but there are still several parts of our adopted state that we have not visited. Now we can cross off Tent Rocks National Monument. Yesterday Frani, Shari and I hiked about 4 miles through Tent Rocks climbing all the way to the top. It was a wonderful day. |
![]() Triplets 1999 |
Triplets Growing Up Too Soon (9/20): Tiffanie, Tess and Tim turn 14 on the 28th of this month. Seems like just yesterday that they were born. Time really moves fast doesn't it ? |
![]() Electronic Birds on the roof of the Museum |
Electronic Arts (9/19): Yesterday, our docent team had two one hour - back to back tours. While we were taking the students through the museum, we got a peek and some of the new exhibit. Thursday night the ISEA (International Society of Electronic Arts) opens to the public. The workers below are rolling in a vehicle designed to ride on railway tracks. It was used to explore deserted railways in Mexico. |
Rex Barron (9/18): Last night, Rex Barron entertained and educated NMWS members. He carefully explained the steps in creating and publishing childrens books. Sorry, If you missed this meeting - it was one of the best. |
![]() Bud Broccoli |
NMWS Meeting Tonight (9/17): Tonight, Rex Barron is doing the demo for members of NMWS. His topic is “From the Pink Panther to Picture Books, an Illustrator’s Perspective” Rex worked for 11 years as an animator and layout artist in the animation studios of Los Angeles, then changed over to illustrating and writing children’s books. He did 7 books for G. P. Putnam’s Sons from 1992-2004. Using a wealth of materials, from beginning thumbnails to final art, the process of illustrating a manuscript will be analyzed. Rex’s first children’s illustration project, Eggbert, the Slightly Cracked Egg, has sold almost 100,000 copies, and his books have been translated into several languages. In 1997 he won a Children’s Book Choice award from the International Reading Association. Click on the images below to download the NMWS
October Brushstrokes or Carl Dalio Workhop Flyer |
![]() Newest Watercolor |
Poppies Finished (9/14): This morning I finished my newest watercolor. It's on the new handmade paper I got from Twin Rocker in New Orleans. I have two more sheets of this paper to play with. So, I decided to mat this watercolor and move on to other challenges. The alarm clock is set because I drive to Buffalo Thunder, North of Santa Fe, for workshops at 9:00 am on both Saturday and Sunday mornings. Then, in a couple weeks I'm taking an extensive 4 day workshop from Carl Dalio here in Albuquerque. |
Artisan's Art Materials Expo (9/13): This afternoon, I'm headed north of Santa Fe to Buffalo Thunder Resort to check out all the vendors at the Art Materials Expo. They do this every other year. It use to be in downtown Santa Fe. I'm taking one watercolor to hang for the four day event. Tonight is mostly a get together called "Arte-Party". They will have music and food. The workshops and demos start today but, I'm not signed up for anything until Saturday and Sunday. Check out the offerings at expoartisan.com . |
Great News: The State Supreme Court ruled that the proposed increase in the minimum wage (to $8.50) must go on the November ballot. So, I urge all voters in Albuquerque to support it. A YES vote can help out some struggling family just get by. I know my hamburger might cost ten cents more - I'm sure willing to pay more. $8.50 an hour is not great - but, it's a tiny start. $40.00 more each week can make a difference for some family. A YES vote also means the minimum wage will increase with inflation each year in the future. Albuquerque - Please vote YES !!!
Totally Amazing Photo (9/11): This is a composite view of the three left wheels of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity taken by the rover's Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) during the 34th Martian day, or sol, of Curiosity's work on Mars (Sept. 9, 2012). In the distance is the lower slope of Mount Sharp. The camera is located in the turret of tools at the end of Curiosity's robotic arm. The Sol 34 imaging by MAHLI was part of a week-long set of activities for characterizing the movement of the arm in Mars conditions. The main purpose of Curiosity's MAHLI camera is to acquire close-up, high-resolution views of rocks and soil at the rover's Gale Crater field site. This gives us a good idea of the quality of photos yet to come from Mars. |
To Make It Rain (9/10): I thought it might help get some rain, in Albuquerque, if I ran my Chevy through the car wash today. No luck yet, even though it's looked like a chance for rain all day. The sunrise this morning was beautiful - so, I thought that was a good omen - no such luck. Well, my car is safely inside my garage now. |
Balloons - Sept 9th ![]() |
Cooler Weather Brings Balloons (9/9): It is a beautiful morning (57 degrees) - my puppy, Blossom alerted me that there were balloons in the air. This is the kind of weather they love. It's also getting close to Balloon Fiesta. I guess they need to practice too. ![]() Recent Pics of Maxwell - Our Newest Great-Grandson .... |
Saturday Painters Group (9/8): This morning, I started another poppy painting on handmade paper. This time, no gesso or added texture - just the raw paper plus a bit of mask to save the whites. I also used the "Silver Black Velvet" Striper Brush that Betty Carr recommended. It's great for the foliage on the poppies. I bought 4 sheets of the handmade paper from "Twin Rocker" in New Orleans. It's not as heavy or as textured as I like - but, I'll keep trying it. |
Solution Or Style (9/7): I painted my "Bed of Poppies" at Friday Painters this morning. I was not happy with the way it was progressing - So, I added lines with a sharpie marker. Someone said "that's a different style for you" - I replied, "that's not a style, it's a solution to a problem". Then later, when I posted the finished painting on Facebook - one of my students said he liked the cartoonish approach I took. I know now that the next time I experiment with this handmade paper - I won't coat it with gesso first. I think the paper has enough sizing already. Pigment just will not soak into the paper even with using the new watercolor ground. |
Hearty Breakfast This Morning Andy Warhol Soup Cans |
Trying New Surface (9/5): This morning, I started a drawing of a bed of Poppies. I'm working with photos I've been taking for years of poppies in my backyard. This painting is on the new handmade paper I got from New Orleans. I coated it with Daniel Smith's new watercolor ground first. I never know how the watercolors will react to a layer of Gesso on paper - we will see. |
Watching Michelle's Speach: Michelle's biggest fans were watching her convention speech from home last night. Home was of course the White House. The first night of the 2012 Democratic Party Convention was a great success. The first ladies speach was the best ever - she hit it out of the park. |
Science Moves Slowly (9/4): The rover Curiosity successfully landed on Mars on August 6, flawlessly executing the improbable acrobatics of touching down on the Red Planet intact. I've been checking daily for new photos (almost a month now) - the photos are slowly being refined and released. I'll just have to be patience and wait for more. ...
Getting Paintings Ready:
Above are the two watercolors of mine that Carl Dalio, our juror, selected for the NMWS Fall Exhibition. I need to pick up some frame hardware tomorrow - then, I'll put them into frames. These are both full sheet watercolors. The frames are 36 x 28 inches in size. I'm so glad that these two paintings were recognized - they are my best. The day after the NMWS exhibit ends, I plan to include these two watercolors in my exhibition in Placitas. ...
![]() Click on Flyer to Donate Art |
Art Education's Power (9/3): My beautiful grand daughter, Tiffanie, posted some of her recent art on her Facebook page. She loves anime - it's almost all she draws. Her recent drawings show great examples of foreshortening. Cartoon art is a great way for young artists to understand complicated concepts like foreshortening. ![]() Tiffanie & Her Art ... Training Art Teachers:
Once every year, the NAEA (National Art Education Association) holds a national conference. Thousands of art teachers attend from all over. Hundreds of workshops and presentations are available for art teachers to learn new ideas from the best in their field. Next March, the NAEA National Conference is being held in Fort Worth, Texas. Art teachers who can attend will return home inspired to improve their teaching. This fall, I'm again organizing a "Silent Auction" at the NMAEA (New Mexico Art Education Association) Fall Conference in Santa Fe. Proceeds will be used to help send New Mexico art teachers to Fort Worth to gain new ideas to improve the quality of art education in New Mexico. I'm posting a flyer here to encourage artists and others to donate items to be auctioned off in November. Over my years of teaching art, I've attended several of the NAEA National Conferences. The experience inspires teachers to return home and do an even better job for their students. We need to inspire many more art teachers. <<< Click on Flyer to Donate Art ...
![]() "Hollyhocks" on handmade paper I finished this painting in our Friday & Saturday Painters Groups |
Paintings Selected (9/2): "Great News", two of my watercolors were selected for the NMWS Fall Exhibition. I just spoke with our file manager. She was in the process of e-mailing all the artists who were selected fro the Fall Show - so I guess it's OK to post the images here. These are two of my favorite watercolors - they had been rejected by several other jurors - I was beginning to wonder. Now I'll need to put them in quality frames so they can hang in the Fine Arts Gallery in October. ![]() "Little
Dancer" had been rejected in four other juried shows and "Interior
Shot" was rejected from three shows. This was going to be the last time
I entered either of them. Yesterday, I also shipped my watercolor off
to Jackson, Mississippi for the MSWS Grand National. This is the forth
year in a row that I've been selected for the Grand National.
My Gold Key - 1962 |
Fantastic News: NMAEA (New Mexico Art Education Association) is going to be the sponsor of Scholastic Arts next year. The National Hispanic Cultural Center has agreed to be the venue for the exhibition. New Mexico art teachers need to save the best quality work by their students for entering into Scholastic Arts next year. Also, plan to pitch in and help. Scholastics is a lot of work. We need sponsors, jurors, display panels and cases, etc. etc. I was a small cog on the committee back in Kansas City. I know this takes a real commitment and lots of volunteers. But, it's worth it to see the the pride on students faces. I still have my "gold key award" from 1962. Let's Go - New Mexico Art Educators. ...
![]() Gold Key Winner ... |
Beautiful Quilts (9/1): Frani now has four of her beautiful quilts posted for sale on the web. Please take a few minutes to check them out - What a wonderful way to keep you and your loved ones warm this winter. |
September Brushstrokes ... |
NMWS Brushstokes & WFWS Prospectus: Click on the images (Right and Left) to open the September issue of the NMWS Newsletter and the WFWS Prospectus for NMWS members. <<<
NMWS members must enter paintings into the WFWS (Western Federation of Watercolor Societies) only through your local delegate. Members of the other eleven societies must enter only through their own local delegate. The entry deadline is December 7th, 2012. The show is hosted by the Southwest Watercolor Society (SWS). The exhibition will be held in June 2013 in Irving, Texas - just North of Dallas. |
WFWS Prospectus for NMWS Members |
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