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Quiller Demo (4/30):
night, Steven Quiller did a fantastic demo at the NMWS meeting. Today
through Friday, Quiller is coducting a workshop for members at the Fine
Arts Gallery at Expo New Mexico. He jurored the NMWS Spring "members
only" exhibition that opens this Friday.
Quiller Demo for NMWS
Photos of Museum Docents (4/29):
year, I shoot photos of docent training and other events at the
Albuquerque musum. I'll put together a powerpoint slide show to play at
the Turquoise Luncheon in May. That's the day docents are reconized for
service to the museum. This will be my ninth year as a docent, so I'll
get a third small chunk of turquoise to attach to my docent badge.
Me Shooting Photos at the Museum
From the Sunday Abuquerque Journal (4/28):
"La Luz I" by Donna Dionne
Master painter juries Watercolor Society
by Adrian Gomez Journal Staff Writer
Donna Dionne accidentally got inspired by art. While working at the
University of New Mexico, Dionne took an art class through the
continuing education program and was hooked.
“I just fell in love with it,” she says. “I’ve since built a studio in my house and paint all the time.”
That was 10 years ago. In that time, Dionne has taken workshops from
various artists and even served as president and exhibition chair for
the New Mexico Watercolor Society.
This year, she has two pieces that will be showing at the “NMWS Spring
Members Only Exhibition.” The exhibition was juried by Steven Quiller,
who selected 100 paintings for it from the 211 watercolors submitted by
94 NMWS members. Eighteen of the paintings he selected are in the new
“alternative presentation” category, which was created because more
watercolor artists are painting on new types of surfaces other than
paper. The newer surfaces include clay board, Aquabord, watercolor
canvas and others.
Quiller is an internationally known painter who works in various kinds
of water media and is best known for his innovative approach to using
watercolor, gouche, acrylic, casein and their combinations, and for his
use of color. He has written six books and numerous educational videos
on water media and his research and development of a color wheel for
painters called the “Quiller Wheel” is now used by thousands of
Dionne has signature status in the NMWS, which means she has been
juried into five exhibitions. In this year’s exhibition, her two pieces
will be showing in what is categorized as “alternative presentation.”
She is one of the few artists who uses cradled board. The canvas is
made of wood and gives the art panels’ edge a substantial presence,
Dionne says.
“On cradle board, it gives the painting texture,” she says. “Because
it’s all over the surface, you have the texture and then just top it
off with the acrylic. Then I varnish it and I’m ready to hang it.”
Dionne’s two pieces are titled “La Luz I” and “Presence.” She says her
inspiration comes from the views in New Mexico. “There’s amazing light
and you wouldn’t believe the colors you can see when truly looking at
the sunset. Our land completely inspires me,” she says. “Everything I
do is abstract and I tend to stick to primary colors although they are
different shades of primary colors. I went through a purple period at
the beginning of my career but I’ve moved on from that color.”
If you go
WHAT: “NMWS Spring Members Only Exhibition”
WHEN: Opening reception 7 p.m. Friday, May 3.
The show continues 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Thursdays-Sundays through May 28
WHERE: Fine Arts Gallery, Expo New Mexico, 300 San Pedro NE
HOW MUCH: Free, but Expo New Mexico parking fees may apply
Framing Watercolors (4/27):
framed two watercolors last night - "Breakfast" (Roadrunner) is to be
dropped off for the NMWS Spring Show on Tuesday - "Cookie" (Rooster)
gets shipped to Alabama on Monday morning.
Framed & Ready for Exhibitions

Gathering of Nations (4/26):
bride and I went to the "Gathering of Nations" this morning at the Pit
- Can you count the number of dancers on the floor ? Each year this
colorful spectacle gets larger and larger.
Dance Floor

Progress (4/25):
made progress on my second version of my "Vase of Flowers" watercolor.
These photos were taken after I removed the liquid frisket. I still
have several finishing touches to do in the painting. I included a
couple of detailed shots to show how the painting is proceding.
Vace of Flowers

"Vase of Flowers" Re-do (4/24):
This time, I'm using the liquid acrylic that Penny Simpson advised -
Liquid Acrylic from Wal Mart "Apple Barrel" brand (Matte Finish). I did
a layer of black like penny does then dry brushed on a mixture of green
and red to be different.
Showing Detail View

Second Try
I'm Smoking (4/23):
I was experimenting with smoking meat on my grill. I began with thick
pork chops. They turned out quite good even though I ran out of
propane. Next, I'll try a split chicken, then move on to port spare
Today - we are headed to the zoo so I can photograph animals for my
watercolors. Before I paint the animals, I'm doing my "Vase of Flowers"
over because I was not happy with the background.
Using My Grill as a Smoker

"Vase of Flowers"
Step By Step (4/21):
I finished my newest watercolor. I love it but the acrylic I used for
the backgroung is not as smoth as I wanted so I'll do it over again. I
found the correct liquid acrylic in matt finish to use in the next
Step by Step
Inspired To Paint (4/19):
watched Penny Simpson's demo on Wednesday. It inspired me to try her
dark acrylic background. Since I hate using "black" pigment in a
painting, I mixed my own dark using reds, greens and violets.
Vase of Flowers
Cold Again (4/18):
to believe this weather, near or below freezing this morning and
tomorrow morning. So I'm waiting a couple days to put geraniums into
pots. I did cut back a flowering tree in the back yard after it lost
it's beautiful blossoms. Now, the Desert Broom in the front yard is
beginning to bloom. Love the aroma from those blossoms. It should be in
the 70's by Sunday when we go to an Isotopes baseball game.
Desert Broom

Me at MasterWorks
MasterWorks of New Mexico (4/17):
The MasterWorks Open House was a wonderful success.
This year several high school students came to draw and paint along
side local artists. There was a wonderful model. We had 20 minute poses
so I had to paint fast. It felt really good to paint from life again.
My 20 Minute Painting >>>

Penny Simpson (4/16):
is a wonderful artist from the Southern Chapter of the NMWS. She is
giving a three day workshop at the MasterWorks exhibition for the
watercolor society. She is best known for her dark backgrounds, lusious
colors and high contrast paintings.
Penny Simpson

Jeanne Hyland
Jeanne Hyland Demo (4/13):
Jeanne Hyland entertained about 60 members of the
watercolor society at the April meeting. Jeanne gave us lots of ideas
about differrent surfaces for watercolor artists to paint on. She
showed several methods of presenting our work when it does not need to
be under plexiglass.

"Geranium" Matted
Finished My Geraniums (4/12):
morning I finished the watercolor of the gernaium that I started last
Friday. Matted it fits into a 24 x 18 inch frame. That's a bit smaller
than I usually paint - but, I think it fits the subject and composition
well. I really loosened up this time. I decided to not add anymore
detail. It reads as geraniums so that's all it needs.
"Geranium" Step by Step
Painting In Spring Show (4/10):
juror for the NMWS Spring "Members Only" Exhibition,
Steven Quiller, selected my painting of our neighborhood Roadrunner for
the NMWS Exhibit in May. The title of my watercolor is "Breakfast". She
walks the walls in our neighborhood daily exploring for lizzards. Years
ago, Quiller was an instructor in the watercolor workshop that I attend
in Taos each June.

Dollar Movies (4/8):
Monday we went to see "Life of Pi" in 3-D at the dollar show - it cost
us $3.00 each because it was in 3-D. We wait for the first run shows to
get to the dollar shows. Got to watch your money in retirement. When we
got home our neighborhood Roadrunner was waiting for us.
Our Neighborhood Roadrunner
Isotopes (4/7):
my beautiful bride and I went out to a ballgame - The Albuquerque
Isotopes have a fantastic ballpark and put on a great show - It was a
great day of sunshine, baseball, beer and a footlong hotdog with
sauerkraut & green chili. The Topes beat the Iowa Cubs 7 to 3 to
win their first four games this year. We try to go to Sunday home games
because we get 1/2 price tickets.

Trinity Site (4/6):
was amazed at the hundreds of people at the Trinity Site today. That's
where the first atom bomb was detonated. They only open the site up to
the public two days each year. The weather was a beautiful 80 degrees
today - but, of course because it's in the middle of New Mexico - 120
miles south of Albuquerque. And, my chevy got 42.6 mpg for the trip.
And what hat good timing - we got back from our trip to Trinity Site -
in time to watch Witchia State play basketball - They played tought but
didn't win the game.
Painting & MasterWorks (4/5):
morning, I started a new watercolor. This on is a Geranium, it should
be a lot looser than my usual flower paintings - time will tell. Then,
in the evening, we attended the MasterWorks of New Mexico opening. This
is the premier art exhibit in New Mexico. There was a very large croud
as usual. I was fortunate to have one watercolor accepted this year.
My Newest
Me At
Arlo (4/4):
We drove up to Santa Fe to take in the Arlo Guthrie
concert. This time it was just Arlo on stage. It was a wonderful
evening - sold out of course. While in Santa Fe, we ate at Maria's
Kitchen for the first time. It was great - we will return for sure. |

Cadillac Shadows Finished (4/2):
Here are several stages of my recent watercolor "Cadillac Shadows".
Cadillac Shadows
Spring Is Here

Backyard Blossoms
Progress / Cadillac Shadows (4/1):
I'm starting on another watercolor about Cadillac Ranch - this one
is more about the cast shadows - my challenge will be make the car on
the right strongest and the to fade the cars as they recede tho the
left. This is a smaller painting - will fit in one of my standard 28 x
22 inch frames. I'm painting on a sheet of 140 lb Arches rough
stretched around a sheet of gator board. At
our Saturday Painter's Group, I made some progress on my new watercolor
"Cadillac Shadows". I even surprised myself that I had the courage to
do an orange sky and a yellow ground.
"Cadillac Shadows" in Progress