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![]() Woody and Frani 49 Years Together |
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Where Woody's Watercolors Are Entered or on Exhibit in 2013 To see watercolors created by my friends in Taos every June CLICK HERE click on any photo with a blue border for a larger image |
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New Mexico Sunsets (1/28): I've been playing with my new camera. I shot photos of our mountain at sunset. With the 42 X Optical Zoom - I can really zoom in from afar. I shot the photos, hand held, from our back yard. |
New Mexico Art Teachers (1/27): Yesterday, The Board of Directors of the NMAEA met at the UNM Art Museum in Albuquerque. We worked on our budget for the following year and made plans for our Fall Conference. We also discussed plans to take a bus load of teachers to the NAEA Conference in Fort Worth in March and our development of a region for Scholastic Art Competition in 2014. The expansion of the NMAEA Board a couple years ago is showing it's success. |
Hollyhock Demo # 2 Finished |
Shooting The Moon (1/26): My bride bought me my new toy while we were in Denver. I've had a lot of time to play with my new camera now. With it's built in 42 X Digital Zoom Lens I shot a photo of the Moon yesterday at 6:00 pm. Below is the photo I took, without a tripod, simply hand held. The camera is a Nikon Cool Pix P-510 and it's red. |
Healthy Breakfast Yesterday Morning |
Art Reception February 1st (1/25): Art at the Center, in Overland Park, Kansas is hosting a reception for the opening of the first exhibition of 2013. "The Paintings" with featured sculptor Larry Buechel will open on Friday, February 1, 2013 from 5:30pm to 7pm. Awards will be announced at 6pm. The Friends of Overland Park Arts invite everyone to join us on Friday, February 1st for this unique exhibit. Light refreshments served. All art is for sale. I have two watercolors in the juried show which continues until March 25th. ![]() ... |
![]() Entry Form |
MasterWorks Deadline (1/24): I've been staying real busy, the last few days, taking in the watercolor entries for MasterWorks of New Mexico - I got 26 more in the mail yesterday. Serving as "File Manager" means that watercolor artists send both their digital images and their paper entry to me. The entry deadline is tomorrow so I'm sure more will arrive today and tomorrow. The entry deadline is this Friday and artists always wait till the last minute to enter. Tomorrow at Friday Painters, I'll be shooting photos of more artists paintings. There are two other file managers - for "Pastels" and for "Oil & Acrylic" entries. We will each be putting the entries onto CD's to be mailed to the jurors. Then we await the jurors decisions. Only 47 watercolors will make it into the 2013 exhibit. ...
Hollyhocks In Progress (1/22): I'm making more progress on the three hollyhock demo paintings - a friend said that you can't have enough texture - So, I added more. I applied light molding paste with a pallet knife. By Friday I should be able to finish up all three of the demos that I started in Las Cruces last week. Perhaps I'll enter one of these in the NMWS Spring show. |
This morning, I finished one of the three demo Hollyhocks I started at the NMWS-SC meeting last Sunday |
Roadrunner Finished (1/20): I matted my Roadrunner watercolor now titled "Breakfast" - but, I'll wait to put it in a frame (it's in a plastic sleeve now to keep it clean) - I plan to enter it into the NMWS Spring juried show - framed it will be 28 x 22 inches ($480.00). But, getting into these juried exhibits is more important to me than selling my art. |
My Gold Key |
Scholastic Arts Judging (1/19): Today, teachers and artists were judging the Scholastic Art Awards for the REGION-AT-LARGE - this fall, New Mexico students will be able to enter in our own "New Mexico" region for the first time. I encourage everyone to help make our first awards ceremony and state exhibition Spring of 2014) a real success. REGION-AT-LARGE meant All students in grades 7 – 12, regardless of where they go to school, are eligible to submit to the Awards. Works submitted by students who attend school in a part of the country that does not have a regional program are judged through the Alliance’s national office in New York. Students who submit through RAL have the same opportunity for recognition (Gold Key, Silver Key, Honorable Mention and American Voices & Visions Nominations); however, there are no local ceremonies and exhibitions. To the left, is the Gold Key Award I received in 1962 as a senior at Wyandotte High School in Kansas City, Kansas. You can check out the long history of the awards program at http://www.artandwriting.org/bold-ideas/ |
February Brushstrokes (1/18): Check out the February issue of the NMWS newsletter - Brushstrokes. Daniel North is on the February program. Daniel currently lives and paints in Placitas. He has been designated a “local treasure” of Albuquerque. He will address “approaching galleries and small museums from the perspective of someone who has run non-profit galleries, owned a private gallery, and is a working artist actively exhibiting in private galleries.” He is represented in Albuquerque by Palette Contemporary Gallery, at 7400 Montgomery, in the Mossman Center. To see his latest action and process-oriented work, go to www.DanielNorth.com . You don’t want to miss this month's meeting - you will leave with your head spinning. Masterworks Watercolor Workshop: Penny Thomas Simpson will be teaching the Masterworks Watercolor Workshop “Watching Paint Dry”. Anyone who has seen one of Penny’s paintings has certainly ohhed or ahhed at her beautiful work. Penny has been a New Mexico artist for over 30 years. She studied graphic design at Prairie State College in Illinois but her main interest was illustration. Colored pencil was her preferred medium for many years but the discovery of 300 lb Arches watercolor paper changed her artistic life. She focuses primarily on still life, fruit and flowers, with dramatic lighting a key component. Penny has won numerous awards both in state and nationally. She participated in the Trail of the Painted Pony with her horse “Apple-oosa”, the New Mexico Natural History Museum’s “Dinosaur Stompede” and regularly in the Albuquerque Casa Esperanza “Hope Chest”. She shows her work at Weem’s Gallery in Albuquerque and has an annual booth at Weem’s International Artfest in November each year. NMWS Membership: The December issue of Brushstrokes included a dues envelope for 2013 NMWS membership. Dues are $40 for Active Members or Families, $20 for Associate Members or Students. Your NMWS membership helps us continue to promote the magic of watercolor throughout New Mexico. Also, keep in mind that you must be a dues paying member of NMWS to be included in the WFWS juried exhibit or the NMWS Spring juried exhibition. Thank you for your continued support. Reminder - dues are due by March 1st and we need your current address for the upcoming membership directory. |
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Back From Las Cruces (1/15/13): I had a wonderful time in Las Cruces. Sunday, I did a demo at the NMWS-SC meeting. Attendance was up and my demo was well received. Then on Monday, I conducted my "Tearing Mountains" collage workshop for Twelve eager students. Laurel Weathersbee's let us use her "Tea Cup Garden Studio" for the workshop. Laurel and Bill kindly allowed me to stay with them on Sunday night. Laurel is a great cook and I always enjoy talking with Bill. Seems like we both enjoy the "Big Bang" TV show. |
The Paintings - 2013 (1/8): This exhibit, in Overland Park, will run through March 25. I have two watercolors selected for this exhibition. "The Paintings" opens on 1/18 and closes on 3/25. There will be an opening on Friday, February 1st, at the gallery located at the Tomahawk Ridge Community Center 11902 Lowell Ave. (119th & Lowell) Friends of Overland Park Arts select exhibition content. ![]() Tomahawk Ridge Community Center
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![]() NEW TOY |
My New Toy (1/8): My bride bought me a new toy while we were in Denver. I have not had a lot of time to play with it yet - but it loohs like fun. It has a built in 42 X Digital Zoom Lens. Below is a photo I took, at the Denver Museum, while waiting on our turn to see Van Gogh. It shows reflections in the museum windows. |
Testing My New Camera On Blossom |
DaVinci Machines (1/7): While in Denver we visited the DaVinci Machines Exhibition, on loan from the Museum of Leonardo DaVinci in Florence, Italy, contains over 60 hand-crafted inventions built from Leonardo’s 500 year old designs and is the life work of three generations of Florentine artisans, who have painstakingly brought to life the creations by the brilliant scientist, inventor and artist Leonardo DaVinci.With over 60 machines on display, many of which are interactive, the collection features replicas of the major and most striking inventions of the original Renaissance Man. Molly Brown:
We also took a tour of the Molly Brown House Museum (also known as House of Lions) is a house located at 1340 Pennsylvania Street in Denver, Colorado, United States that was the home of American philanthropist, socialite, and activist Margaret Brown. Brown was known as "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" because she survived the sinking of the RMS Titanic. The museum now located in her former home presents exhibits interpreting her life and that of Victorian Denver as well as architectural preservation. The house was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972. ...
Van Gogh in Denver ![]() There
were so many striking images in the Van Gogh - but this one canal scene
really impressed me - Vincent was influenced by the Japanese prints he
Back From Denver (1/6): While in downtown Denver, we found our kind of place to eat. We could see the restaurant from our window on the 14th floor of the Hilton. It' "Sam's Number 3" - they claim to serve real comfort food with an attitude. For breakfast yesterday we had giant breakfast burritos smothers in green chili pork sauce. We went back to get gyro sandwiches for dinner. Sam's No 3 is on the conner of 15th and Curtis. If you're in Denver try the joint out. |
Various comments on Facebook (1/4): After posting my letter to the editor on Facebook: - Rock on. Re-posting. I hope every art teacher in NM re-posts. - Well put!!! - Thanks, Woody...life is much better with Art. - True story as I sit behind my desk looking at my students artwork.. lol - Amen! Maybe someone somewhere is listening! - Man has been creating art, documenting life and history by art ever since the first people drew on the wall of their cave. And now we are supposed to let it die? How sad. - Saw it, Woody, thanks. - Thanks Woody, great letter. - As another retired art teacher in Texas, I wholeheartedly endorse your expressed philosophy in the Albuquerque newspaper ... keep it up. - You were my 7th grade art teacher at Rosedale Middle School and your art class (although I am sure you thought I wasn’t listening) changed me! I was listening!!! AND now Art is my 1st LOVE in life THANK YOU. - Stephanie, you just made Woody's day -- and also got the attention of all the retired art teachers out there! We love our students and do what we can to help all of you learn that there are things out there--like ART--which are bigger than an individual -- they are a part of what it means to be a human being. - I couldn’t have said it better, Susan, Way to go! - Thank You !!! - Good !!! - Thanks Woody for doing this....now let's hope and keep doing what we do, for the kids. - Repost people! You have no idea how close we come to losing the arts yearly...the fact that it can even be discussed as an option to "save" money? Give me a break...how much does it cost to spend on drop out rates? Mental illness and kids without supported dreams? - Fantastic article, Woody! |
Letter to the Editor Published Albuquerque Journal Jan 3rd, 2013 ![]() |
MasterWorks Entries (1/3): I've decided which three watercolors of mine to enter into MasterWorks of New Mexico. I consider this juried exhibition to be the premier art exhibit in our state. The NMWS society sponsers the water media portion of this large exhibit. I serve as filemaster for the watercolor entries. The entry deadline is January 25th. Only New Mexico artists may enter the show. You can download a prospectus at: |
More Watercolors On Display in Kansas City (1/2): I received notice that two of my watercolors were accepted into an exhibit in Overland Park, Kansas. My watercolors will be part of the ART AT THE CENTER 2013 Painting Exhibition, which will be on display from January 18 – March 25. The exhibit is open daily at the Tomahawk Ridge Community Center. I shipped the framed watercolors via FedEx. They should have arrived in Overland Park on December 31st. |
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Las Cruces Demo & Workshop (1/1): I've gotten a good start on my hollyhock paintings for my demo in Las Cruces. I'll leave each of them in this partly finished stage until I use them as part of my demo in at the January NMWS Southern Chapter meeting in Las Cruces . |
NMWS Membership Form ![]() Did You Renew Your NMWS Membership ? |
January 2013 Brushstrokes: THE NEW YEAR is here. Below are links to the January 2013 issue of the NMWS Newsletter "Brushstrokes". Also, there is a link to the prospectus for the 2013 MasterWorks of New Mexico prospectus. Unfortunatly, I'll miss the January 5th meeting because we plan to be in Denver to see the Van Gogh exhibit. |
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