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New Portrait Started (7/29):
I'm starting on a new portrait - this time of John McEuan
from the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - I want to keep this one loose and
only suggest the details - again I'm using a sheet of handmade paper
lightly coated with gesso - matted and framed it will 28 x 22 inches.
<<< My Brides Beautiful Legs

Portrait Finished (7/26):
morning, I finished the portrait of "Louise" that I started last week.
The photo below shows several steps along the way. It's painted on a
sheet of handmade paper with a light coat of gesso. Matted it will fit
into a 28 x 22 inch frame. I'm getting back to painting people to get
ready for the Ted Nuttall workshop in October.
Cactus Blooming (7/24):
When we got back from Colorado, I was surprised to discover three
blooms on my new cactus. I only planted it about four months ago and
it's blooming already.

Happy Birthday To Me (7/23):
my 70th birthday, my beautiful bride took me to Colorado to see the
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. We explored Garden of the Gods before going to
the fantastic concert. The original members still in the group for 47
years are: Jeff Hanna - guitars/vocals, Jimmie Fadden -
drums/harmonica/vocals , Bob Carpenter - keyboards/accordion/vocals and
of course John McEuen - banjo/fiddle/guitar/mandolin. "Grass It Up" was
a local band that lead the night off for the "Dirt Band" - they also
joined the NGDB on stage to finish the evening. On the way back we
drove into the mountains to visit Cripple Creek. The last time we were
there was my birtday in 1976.

My Beautiful Bride at Garden of the Gods

First Day's Progress
Painting Portraits (7/19):
getting back to painting portraits. I want to get in some practice
before I take Ted Nuttall's workshop in October. This one is of Louise
Blair (Sagebrush Inn, Taos). I'm working on a sheet of handmade paper
treated lightly with a thin coat of gesso.
Donna's Website:
Check out this new website by my friend Donna. She is experimenting with several different surfaces to paint water media on.
"La Luz 1"
Balloons Overhead (7/18):
I went out for the morning paper, there was a hot-air balloon over our
house. A group of people paid for a ride. Blossom
hates the balloons so she would not go outside.
This Morning Over Our House

Ready to Travel
Got An Itch To Travel (7/15):
passports arrived today - we are so ready to travel and celebrate our
50 years together. Headed to San Francisco and Alaska in September. But
first, my bride is taking me to Colorado for a Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
concert to celebrate my 70th birthday.
We have been walking 3 1/2 miles each morning so our clothes will fit.
This morning it was cool - below 70. The high today may reach 78
degrees. The rain last night helped a lot. New Mexico sure needs the
moisture. It's a good sign to see clouds at the top of our mountain.
Tucumcari Tonight (7/12):
morning I'm headed to Tucumcari to play with other art teachers in
D'Jean's massive classroom at Mesalands Community College.
Dirt Band (7/10):
beautiful bride is taking me to Colorado for my birthday. We are taking
in a Nitty Gritty Dirt Band concert in Colorado Springs on July 21st.
My birthday is on the 23rd - but that's close enough.
The iconic and profoundly influential Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, often
cited as a catalyst for an entire movement in Country Rock and American
Roots Music, continues to add to their legendary status.With
multi-platinum and gold records, strings of top ten hits such as
“Fishin’ In The Dark” and “Mr. Bojangles”, multiple Grammy, IBMA, CMA
Awards and nominations, the band’s accolades continue to accumulate.
Their groundbreaking “Will The Circle Be Unbroken” album has been
inducted into the U.S. Library of Congress as well as the Grammy Hall
of Fame. NGDB’s recording of “Mr. Bojangles” was also inducted into the
Grammy Hall of Fame in 2010. This is NGDB’s second visit to Stargazers
Theatre, in July 2012 they were greeted by a sold out crowd and six
standing ovations! With Special Guests, local favorites Grass It Up!
NWS Entry (7/9):
NWS (National Watercolor Society) only allows one entry per artist. I
decided to enter my most recent painting from Cadillac Ranch. The
exhibition is in San Pedro, California. This is a tough competition to
get selected for. They use an online entry process called (CAFE) where
you can upload the image and pay using your credit card. NMWS hopes to
move in that direction soon.
left a couple paintings for entries into the NMWS Fall Exhibition and
for WFWS. But I'd better get busy on several new watercolors for those
shows as well.
Kansas Entries (7/8):
I was selecting my entries for Mississippi, I decided to send my
entries off to the Kansas Watercolor Society in Wichita too - I've
never been selected into that watercolor exhibition - perhaps this will
be my year. I'm limited to three entries - so I enter as many as
possible to increase the odds.
Mississippi Entries (7/7):
sent my entries to the MSWS exhibition, in Jackson Mississippi, this
morning - I've been accepted into that national watercolor show each of
the past four years. Mississippi has been lucky for me. I'm limited to
two entries - if I'm selected, only one painting will be accepted.

On Our Walk
Walking Every Day (7/5):
- almost every day, we did walk our 3 1/2 miles, through our
neighborhood, five of the last six days. We do plan to keep it up.
Yesterday we went out to get material for my brides next quilt - I'm
her color expert. It should keep her working and out of my way for at
least 3 weeks. On Sunday we will take in an Isotopes baseball game then
next week we are going to see "After Earth" with Will Smith and Jaden
Smith at the dollar show. Life is good.

Finally - Rain in Albuquerque
Happy 4th of July (7/4):
are getting a just bit of rain in Albuquerque - but hardly enough to
measure. Blossoms loves resting in the cool morning air, on her day
bed, just outside our kitchen door. But, she hides in the evening to
get away from the noise of the fireworks. We enjoy the beautiful
sunrises even if the clouds don't bring forth rain.
Mornings in Albuquerque

Alternative Presentation
NMWS Fall Prospectus (7/2):
NMWS Fall Juried Exhibition is an open show - which means that any
artist (member or not) may enter. Entries are restricted to artists
living in the 48 contiguous United States. Ted Nuttall is the
juror for this exhibit - I encourage all watercolor artists to enter.
click on image to download a pdf of prospectus >>>
Consider entering Water Media on a surface other than paper - Check out
some method of Alternative Presentation. Seal the surface and present
your art without glass.
<<< click here for Alternative Presentation

NMWS July Brushstrokes & Calendar (7/1):
on the images below to download copies of the July NMWS Newsletter and
the 2013-14 NMWS Calendar. Artists from outside New Mexico are welcome
to join the New Mexico Watercolor Society.
Click on the form below to download a PDF
to Join the NMWS
Artists from outside of New Mexico are welcome to join the
New Mexico Watercolor Society