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Black Friday Shopping in Albuquerque (11/29): We went out both late Thursday night and very early Friday morning (six stores in all) There were very long lines of polite, courteous people everywhere we went. This is not at all like shopping in Kansas City. Oh Yes, I got breakfast at Cracker Barrel as well. |
Happy Thanksgiving (11/28): My beautiful bride and I are spending Thanksgiving together at home for Thanksgiving. Frani is fixing a wonderful dinner for the two of us. She made a pumpkin cake, home made dressing and will put the bird in the oven soon so we can shop later today. We don't need much - but, she is looking for new jeans tonight. Tomorrow we hope to get flannel material that's on sale to back her new quilts. |
Quilts By Frani (11/27): Yesterday, I photographed new quilt tops created by my beautiful bride. Then I created a new web page for her 2012 & 2013 creations. CLICK HERE to see her newest creations. There are still more new quilts to photograph. |
Snow In Albuquerque (11/23): This morning we got a beautiful snow in Albuquerque. We plan to stay inside today and simply enjoy the view through our windows. |
Our Mountain in Clouds (11/23): This morning our mountain was covered with clouds. I took this wide angle shot of the Sandia from our backyard. Tomorrow a real freeze is predicted - so I guess winter is here at last. |
Rain Drops On My Roses (11/21): I simply had to shoot more photos of my roses this morning - they were covered with water drops from last nights rain - Todays photos of roses will be an interesting challenge to paint. |
Thank You Voters (11/19): Thank's to Albuquerque voters for protecting a women's rights to choose - the late term abortion ban was defeated yesterday 55 to 45 % - like 60,000 smart early voters, we voted weeks ago - why thousands waited till election day to vote really amazes me. ![]() Albuquerque Voters Are Smart ... |
Teacher Museum Materials (11/18): I was very impressed with the Teacher Preperation Materials that are being sent to teachers prior to bringing their classes to the Albuquerque Museum. Teachers are sent a 50 page printed version. Also a pdf file is available for download. Here is a link to the pdf file for anyone interested in reading it or printing all or a portion of it. The booklet contains valuable items like an art vocabulary and several color images of objects to be used with students prior to bringing students for a museum experience. I'm posting one of the images below. Click On Image Below to Download Teacher Museum Packet
Words From An Ex-Student (11/17): After my posting on Facebook yesterday, I heard back from one of my Middle School students. Thank You Sylvia for these kind words: "Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories. I want to share that I still have all of my art certificates and my Gold Key from when I had you in Rosedale Middle School. You sure made a difference! I didn't speak a lot of English but with you, we spoke the language of art. Thank you for being a great teacher Mr. Duncan!" ...
![]() Gold Key |
Gold Key Memories (11/16): Some memories stay with you forever, your first kiss, getting married, your first born, and that Gold Key from the National Scholastic Art Competition. My Junior High art teacher was C W McWaid. He entered our art into Scholastic Arts back in 1957. I was in the seventh grade then. Mr. McWaid took us to see the exhibition at Emery Byrd Thayer department store in Kansas City, Missouri. A drawing of mine was in the exhibit. That’s when I found out that the best art had little Gold Key Awards on them. My drawing only had an “HM” on it for Honorable Mention. It was not until 1962, that I received my only Gold Key. Eileen Hughes was my High School art teacher. I remember taking that sheet of glass off her desk to place over a drawing I had done on a field trip to the Country Club Plaza around Christmas 1961. I traced the drawing onto the glass in water-soluble black ink using a toothpick. Then I dampened a sheet of newsprint and pressed it over the still damp ink. That’s how I pulled the mono-print that won my Gold Key. Of course I cleaned the glass so I could return it to Miss Hughe's desk. She suggested that I ask permission next time. The awards were presented in a large auditorium at Hallmark Cards. My mom had the print framed when it came back to school. I still have it hanging in my home 50 years after high school. Years later, I became a Middle School art teacher. I hope my own students have similar lasting memories to cherish from their years. I never missed an opportunity to enter their creations during my 27 years of teaching. I realized how important I felt when my own creations were on display at Scholastics. |
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Wonderful Day Today (11/15): After painting all morning with my Friday friends, my bride and I took in the annual Weems Art Fair at Expo NM as well as the National Pastel Show, then we ate a great meal at Los Cuates before going over the NHCC (National Hispanic Cultural Center) for the Scholastic Art opening. Below are the three watercolors I decided to enter into the WFWS juried exhibition. I won't hear if the juror accepts one of my paintings till late December. 54 NMWS artists entered 119 paintings into this years competition. |
Students Drawing in the Museum (11/12): Our team of Docents took a delightful group of 3rd graders through the Albuquerque museum this morning. We had two hours in the African-American Art Exhibit, New Mexico History and in New Mexico Art. They were polite, cooperative and inquisitive - eagerly answering questions and asking plenty of their own. They obliviously have a very talented teacher. |
Tess & Luna (11/10): My beautiful grand daughter Tess, back in Kansas, has a new puppy to love and care for. |
"Couple Shadow" |
Shadow Finished (11/9): This morning, I finished my new watercolor of a couple strolling in the early morning light of San Francisco. After our Saturday morning painters group wrapped up - we went to lunch at Weck's. Our group does not start up again till February. A friend on Facebook was kind enought to tell me that the shadow of the girls left arm did not read right - so I corrected the arm. I hope that worked. |
Painting Couple (11/8): I made some progress on my newest watercolor titled "Couple Shadows" this morning - I'll add the shadows tomorrow. I'm working from photo references I took from the tenth floor of our hotel in San Francisco. |
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Scholastic Art Exhibition (11/7): The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards began as a small writing contest with a $5 prize and six winning applicants in 1923. Today, more than 90,000 teens in grades 7 through 12 from around the nation annually submit more than 185,000 works of art and writing in 28 categories. Today winning students earn opportunities for recognition, exhibition, publication and millions in scholarships. I was in Junior High (1957) when I was first fortunate to have my art accepted into a Scholastic Art exhibit in Kansas City. I still have the gold key pin I was awarded in High School in 1961. I'm proud to help bring the Scholastic Art program to New Mexico students. I'm currently finding jurors to judge student entries on December 21st and on January 18th. I would love for you to see the amazing quality of student art - please come to this special exhibit, of national winners, at the National Hispanic Cultural Center on Friday, November 15th from 5:30 to 8:00 pm. Please Join us on Friday November 15th for the opening of the Art.Write.Now Exhibition. The exhibit features last years National Scholastic Award Winners, including New Mexico's own Emilie Sommers. This is a great opportunity to see the quality and work that the New Mexico Scholastic Art Awards will produce in the coming year. Please Join Us For The Opening Of The Exhibit
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First Snow (11/5): It got down to 44 degrees this morning - perhaps we will get our first freeze tomorrow. But, there is snow on our mountain "Where it Belongs". Here, we only got rain last nignt. I took the photo from our back yard this morning. |
Wyeth Connection (11/4): There is now a great juxtaposition of paintings by these three artists as their paintings now hang together at the Albuquerque Museum. Henriette Wyeth, NC Wyeth's first child, is considered by many art scholars to be one of the great women painters of the 20th century. She began studying with her father, N.C. Wyeth, at the age of eleven. Andrew Wyeth, one of the most famous U.S. artists of the 20th century, and even perhaps in history, found inspiration in daily life. As his popularity grew, so did the debates surrounding him and his art. A master of realism, he has been called “America’s best known and best loved artist” Peter Hurd, (New Mexico) began studying under the illustrator N.C. Wyeth. He worked as Wyeth's assistant at Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, for a number of years. In 1929, he married Wyeth's daughter, Henriette Wyeth, an artist who later became known for her portraits and still life paintings. ...
Last Days For Roses (11/3): A freeze is predicted for Tuesday and Wednesday morning - so I'll lose my roses any day now. |
New Mexico Art Teachers (11/01): NMAEA Fall Conference in Santa Fe was a success. My own Collagraph Workshop went over well. I also decided to made some needed changes so it will go even better at NAEA in San Diego. |
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