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.................................................. Is your dot on my map ? |
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Where Woody's Watercolors Are Entered or on Exhibit in 2014 To see watercolors created by my friends in Taos every June CLICK HERE click on any photo with a blue border for a larger image |
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may 14 |
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december 14 |
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Paintings Finished (5/30): I finished my Poppy painting this morning - I also added a bit of white to the edges of my White Iris painting - This is the last paintings I'm doing until I drive to Taos in another week. I need to pack all my supplies for the trip up to Taos. |
Flower Paintings (5/29): I finished framing my three paintings for the Flower Show at the Art League (Opens June 7th). The Yellow Roses will be in the Albuquerque Rose Show (May 31st & June 1st) before going back to join the other two watercolors at the Art League. |
Back Home (5/28): We came back from South Dakota to find my poppies on their last legs - But, my roses are in their full glory. Blossom is home from her stay at Zoey's TLC Bed & Breakfast for Dogs - Zoey's called today to see if she was happy with her grooming. I'm spending today and tomorrow unframing watercolors to steal mats and frames for other paintings. I did buy new mat board & foam core today - but, switching mats and frames saves time cutting new mats and buying more frames. |
Mt Rushmore (5/27): We just returned from our trip to South Dakota. One more thing off our Bucket List. It rained a lot while we were up there. The sun was shining at Mt Rushmore but it rained quite heavy at Crazy Horse. Because of the rain we skipped driving through Custer State Park. Perhaps next time when we go up for Devils Tower and Yellowstone. |
Judy Collins Concert (5/24): We especially appreciated the beautiful experience we had tonight here in Deadwood, SD - we attended a Judy Collins concert with a fantastic orchestra (the Blackhills Symphony) many of musician appeared fresh out of high school. A delightful hour with just the symphony followed by and hour backing up Judy Collins. One of our best memories will be of a unique rendition of Amazing Grace played by a young man on the bagpipes. How could the world survive without Great Art & Great Music ? |
Surprise - Painting in the Rose Show (5/23): I got a surprise phone call - one of my watercolors will be in the Albuquerque Spring Rose Show. |
Art of the Flower (5/21): All three of my watercolors were accepted into "The Art of the Flower" exhibition at the New Mexico Art League. I need to deliver the framed paintings on June 4th. |
............................................................................... Blossom Sniffs My Roses |
Roses & Poppies (5/19): My roses and my poppies are both doing quite well. The poppies won't last much longer - but, my roses should hang on through out the summer and on till mid November. Even Blossom loves the smell of the flowers. |
Going to New Orleans (5/15): This morning, I made two proposals for presentations at NAEA-15 in New Orleans next March. Wish me luck - But, I'm going to New Orleans no matter what. Today was the deadline - Why do I always wait till the last minute ? |
Poppies (5/14): It's going to be a good year for my poppies. Later on this summer I'm sure to paint from the photos I'm taking now. I took the photo below this morning just as the sun was starting to hit the poppies. |
Human Experience Exhibit (5/12): I entered two watercolors into an exhibition in Kansas City. Both were rejected from an early show there - but, these seem to fit the requirement of the "Human Experience". Art at the Center - Human Experience Exhibit runs July 18 till August 25, 2014 at the Tomahawk Ridge Community Center in Overland Park, Kansas. |
My Poppies (5/9): This morning, I found four poppies in bloom. I also found a Roadrunner on top of the roof of our two story house. I did not realize that Roadrunners could fly. |
My Final Painting (5/8): On the last day of the workshop, I finished my cut glass dish of M&M's. It's both watercolor and a touch of watercolor pencil added. Again, I did it all without liquid masque to protect the whites. I actually painting around each light area. |
My First Three Paintings (5/7): Below are my first three paintings in this weeks workshop. I'm not just learning how to paint things that shine - I'm doing it without liquid masque to protect the whites. I'm actually painting around them. |
Robin Makowski's Workshop (5/6): Today was the start of a four day workshop given by Robin Lee Makowski. My friend Laurel, from Las Cruces, is staying with Frani and I because she is taking Robin's workshop too. |
Red Roses (5/4): My red roses were the first to bloom this year - lots more varieties will come later. |
My First Poppy (5/3): This morning, my first poppy opened up. I got a pic early and then another shot a couple hours later. The look healthy - I'm going to have lots of beautiful poppies, this year, to photograph and paint. |
Reproductions of My Watercolors:
Matted and Ready to Fit into a 20 x 16 inch Frame ... |
Hard to Believe this self-portrait was created 21 years ago when I was 50 ![]() I drew it while at a Getty workshop at Cranbrook North of Detroit |
Drawings For Workshop (5/1): I started some drawings today for the workshop I'm taking next week from Robin Lee Makowski. It's called "Kicking Glass". We will learn how to paint glass and other shinny surfaces in watercolor. Robin Lee Makowski is an award-winning fine artist, illustrator, instructor, and published author and a NMWS signature member. She is proficient in most media, but watercolor is her medium of choice. Robin works as Art Studio Coordinator for the new Elliott Museum in Stuart, Florida, and is also an instructor at the facility. Her work may be seen on her website (which is being refurbished): www.rlmart.com, and she can be contacted at artcfartc5@gmail.com |
back to april 2014 |
on to june 2014 >>> |