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Good Progress This Morning (10/24):
painted with my Friday friends this morning at the Unitarian Church. I
made quite a bit of progress on my newest rose painting. I also got a
start on my attempt to paint Nate holding his daughter. I'll continue
on both of these two paintings tomorrow at the La Mesa Church.
Starting Two New Watercolors (10/23):
strarting two new watercolors - on of the center of a beautiful rose,
the other of Nate holding his daughter. I need three entries worthly of
entering into Western Fed. The rose is from my back yard. Nate was one
of my students in Kansas City. He and Maggie are always posting photos
of their beautiful baby girl.
Beautiful Rose
Fathers's Love

Watercolor Off to Kansas (10/19):
My painting, of "Young Brave", is ready to be shipped to Wichita for the
Kansas Watercolor Society National Exhibition 2014 - this is the 5th
painting I've shipped in this AirFloat box. But, it's the first time I've been accepted into a KWS exhibition.
Home From Taos (10/18):
On the way back from Taos, I stopped at the Artisan's Art
Materials Expo at the Buffalo Thunder Resort. I picked up a some new
paints at a good price. But now it's good to be home with my bride and
enjoy my roses.

Trip to Taos (10/16):
drove to Taos for the 20th annual Southwest Art History Conference at
the Mable Dodge Conference Center. One of the presentations at SWAHC in
Taos was about how Maynard Dixon’s paintings changed during the Great
Depression. Largely self-taught, Maynard Dixon (1875-1946) was an
American muralist, illustrator and landscape painter best known for his
colorful depictions of desert scenes, Native Americans, early American
pioneer settlers and cowboys. Dixon's marriage to noted photographer
Dorothea Lange from 1920 to 1935 inspired him to give his work a more
modernist tone. In these years, his art found power and drama not yet
seen in his earlier pieces.
New Painting of Allison Krauss (10/13):
Saturday, I picked up my two paintings that were on
display at the Unitatian Church. Then, in our Saturday Paint Group, I
finished my newest portrait of Allison Krauss. In the late afternoon, I
went to the opening of the Portrait Exhibit at the New Mexico Art
League. I have two portraits on display at the NMAL. That caused me to
miss part of the 8th and 9th inning of the Royals game.

Cows Can Fly (10/11):
Today's Balloons (10/9):
was Special Shapes day for the Balloon Fiests - but, the Special Shapes
didn't make it all the way to our house. But, while I was shooting
photos of balloons this morning I noticed the water drops on my roses
from last nights rain. I also used a pic I took of the moon to add a
balloon, thanks to photoshop.
I Love My Little Nikon Cool Pix 510
Neighborhood Landing (10/8):
morning a balloon landed in the street less than a block from our
house. I shot several photos and several small videos. This is the
first time I've used i-movie to stitch several movies together. Click
on the photo below to open a four minute movie of the landing.
Click on the Photo Above to Open a Four Minute Movie of the Landing
My Roses are still going strong:

Balloons In Our Neighborhood (10/6):
I simply slip on my robe and go out into the back yard to shoot photos and short movies early in the mornings.
Click on the photos above to watch short movies of balloons landing behind our house
Balloon Fiesta (10/05):
got up at 4:15 this morning to go see the balloons at the park. High
winds at higher altitudes kept the balloons grounded. But, they
inflated them for the thousands who showed. Today turned into a good
day anyway - When I got back from the Balloon Park, Frani cooked a
great breakfast, I planted 36 new Purple Ice plants to go with the 40 I
had planted three weeks earlier, I checked out my roses and even had a
visit from our neighborhood Roadrunner - all before 10:30 - then we
headed for the Arts and Crafts Show. You can get a lot done when you
get up early.
This Cow Did Not Fly - Neither Does Our Roadrunner
"Father's Day" (10/4):
I am with my painting in the NMWS Fall Show - the title is "Father's
Day". Earlier in the morning, I was able to photograph balloons from
our back yard.

Dawn Patrol 6:00 am and Landing Behind Our House 7:30 am
New Mexico Watercolor (10/2):
Monday's watercolor society meeting, Lian Quan Zhen did a fantastic
demo for members of the NMWS - in fact he did three demos - first he
showed how he autographs his books, then he did a traditional Chinese
painting os sunflowers, and then created a more standard watercolor on
arches paper of grapes on the vine - his workshop continues all this
week. His lucky students are in for a real treat.
Lian Quan Zhen
Welcome To Fall Weather (10/1):
have not had the AC (Refrigerated Air) on for over three weeks now,
because it's been warm, but tolerable. Now we are getting really decent
and mild fall temps. Cool weather means that my roses are happy and
balloons are in the air. They floated past our house this morning.
Balloons and Roses
My Exhibits:
The NM State Fair Exhibit is over now. The NMWS Fall Show opens on
October 5th, the exhibition in Mississippi on Oct 7th and the NM Art
League Portrait exhibit on Oct 11th.
Maps To My Current Exhibits:
are maps to where my watercolors are on display in Albuquerque and one
in Mississippi. Click on each map for a larger image.
maps to where my watercolors are on display