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New Facebook Page (4/29):
morning, I created a new Facebook page for RAEA. The purpose of the
RAEA is to establish the role of the retired art educators as an
affiliate of NAEA & develop a strong link with in-service art
teachers. The RAEA strives to conduct programs of professional
activities at state and national levels; to encourage continued
personal involvement and development in art education, to inform State
Associations and NAEA of concerns relevant to members of long-standing;
to encourage and provide mentor ship for members of the National
Student NAEA Chapter.
At each
NAEA national convention the RAEA selects an outstanding Student
Chapter to recognize for it's excellence. This years winning student
chapter was from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. They were
presented at the RAEA Luncheon on March 27th, at the Hilton, in New
Orleans. Also at the RAEA business meeting in New Orleans officers were
elected - Linda Willis Fisher (Illinois) becomes the new president for
RAEA replacing Dean G Johns (North Carolina). Dean will now serve as
past-president for two years. Woody Duncan (New Mexico) was elected as
president-elect for the next two years.
Street Music Again (4/24):
This morning, I started another version of "Street Music"
from my New Orleans photos. After our Friday Painters group - my bride
and I are going to the "Gathering of Nations" event at the Pit.
Progress So Far

MasterWorks Open House (4/19):
just returned from the Open House at MasterWorks - artists are ask to
come and paint for the afternoon at the exhibit. We had a cowboy for a
model and I got to "mentor" a high school art student. "Xena" was an
excellent artist and did not need my help. There was also a model for
the elementary students - a beautiful Great Pyrenees.
"Street Music" Finished (4/17):
quite satisfied with the way my newset watercolor turned out. The
subject is a musicial on the streets of New Orleans. The French Quarter
is a wonderful resource for artists - especially if you want to paint
musicians. This the first watercolor I've painted since we returned
home from New Orleans.
Street Music
Another Reject (4/15):
My entry into the NWS members exhibition in San Pedro was
rejected - one more painting that I don't have to frame. I'll enter
this one in another show for sure. |

Docents (4/14):
far, we have the best docent team at the Albuquerque Museum of Art and
History - Today we had training on the new technology added to the
museum - tomorrow we take a group of school children through the new
history exhibit.
Best Docent Team

Watercolor USA (4/12):
I framed my watercolor that was accepted into Watercolor
USA in Springfield, Missouri. "Cadillac Ranch" is the title. I had to
steal the frame from another painting - now I need to box it up and
ship it off to Missouri. Hey - Sandra Humphries - we both made it for
the first time - Congratulations to both of us.
Also, I just found out that my entries were rejected by the Northwest
Watercolor Society in Seattle. You win some and you lose some.
Progress (4/11):
I made a good deal of progress this morning on my newest
watercolor of a Street Musican in New Orleans. Two hours yesterdayand
two today - it looks like it will be a six hour painting. I'm working
on a full sheet of 300 lb Arches Hot press. |

Back Home - Painting Again (4/10):
started a new watercolor today - I'll be doing a lot of paintings now
based on things we observed on our trip. The first one is from street
music in New Orleans.
Easter Sunday - Back in New Orleans (4/6):
We arrived back in the "Big Easy" to a parade where we collected beads and enjoyed another day of fun.
Enjoying Our Last Day in New Orleans
Cozumel, Belize, Roatan and Costa Maya (4/5):
Norwegian Dawn stopped at four ports on our cruise. In Belize we toured
Ancient Mayan Temples - then, in Roatan we played with the monkeys.
Great food and calm blue waters for the entire trip.
After NAEA - We Took A Cruise (4/4):
the National Art Teacher conference, my Bride and I took the Norwegian
Dawn out of New Orleans. It cruise was a wonderful experience - with
one exception - students were on spring break so there were lots of
very young people on the ship. Our first surprise was just how long it
took our ship to travel down the Mississippi river before it reached
the Gulf of Mexico. I got some great shots of the sun setting over the
Mississippi delta.
Watching the Sun Go Down as We Travel Toward the Gulf
RAEA (Retired Art Teachers) (4/3):
stated purpose of the RAEA is to define and establish the role of the
retired art educators as an affiliate of NAEA; to conduct programs of
professional activities at state and national levels; to encourage
continued personal involvement and development in art education, to
inform State Associations and NAEA of concerns relevant to members of
long-standing; to encourage and provide mentor ship for members of the
National Student NAEA Chapter.
At each
NAEA national convention the RAEA selects an outstanding Student
Chapter to recognize for it's excellence. This years winning student
chapter was from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. They were
presented at the RAEA Luncheon on March 27th, at the Hilton, in New
Orleans. Also at the RAEA business meeting in New Orleans officers were
elected - Linda Willis Fisher (Illinois) becomes the new president for
RAEA replacing Dean G Johns (North Carolina). Dean will now serve as
past-president for two years. Woody Duncan (New Mexico) was elected as
president-elect for the next two years.
On the left: Linda Willis Fisher
(Incoming RAEA President) On the right: Dean G
Johns (Outgoing RAEA President)
Representing Indiana University of Pennsylvania left to right: Marissa McClure Sweeny (Chapter Advisor)
Student Chapter Leaders: Kathryn Close, Andrea Petrillo, and Olivia Mays
Preservation Hall (4/2):
in New Orleans, we had to take in the jazz music at the Preservation
Hall in the French Quarter. It's on St Louis Street - a half block off
Bourbon Street. I purchased our tickets well in advance - otherwise the
line to get in was a block long. The place holds about 80 squeezed in
quite tightly.
NAEA in New Orleans (4/1):
have not updated my website or my blog for a while because we were in
New Orleans for NAEA - National Art Education Association annual
convention. While in the BIG EASY, we walked the French Quarter and
took in a lot of wonderful Street Music.