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New Mexico Cancer Center (8/24):
will have ten of my watercolors in the upcoming NM Cancer Center Show.
It's a large show with several artists. Please attend the opening
reception on September 20th from 4 to 7 PM.
Opening Reception - September 20th from 4 to 7 PM
Jewish Community Center (8/23):
have two of my watercolors hanging at the Jewish Community Center along
with paintings by 35 other artists. Come to the Opening Reception and
meet the artists on Sunday, August 30th from 2 to 5 PM.
Opening Reception - Sunday, August 30th from 2 to 5 PM
NMWS Fall Show (8/22):
The entry deadline for the NMWS Fall Exhibition is almost here - be sure to enter.
Entry Deadline - August 31st
Selling Stuff (8/21):
I was busy posting my bride's doll collection on e-bay - I also posted
two old cameras - they both sold. So, I decided to post a really good
camera that I don't use anymore. It's my Canon Rebel ES and it comes
with extra lenses. If I can sell it then I'll upgrade my little "Red"
Nikon to a newer model - still "Red" of course.
Canon Rebel
Summer Roses Finished:
This morning, I finished my newest watercolor "Summer Roses". Below, are several steps in creating "Summer Roses"along the way.
Roses For My Bride (8/20):
mornings, I try to cut fresh roses for my beautiful bride. It's nice to
simply walk into the back yard and clip off a bloom. I usually
photograph them. Often I place various colors behind the roses to see
the effect.
August 20th Roses

Painting Roses (8/15):
painting roses to relieve the tension from painting people. I need a
nice break from time to time. At least I got a decent start this
Royal Street Duo Finally Finished (8/14):
It took way too long to complete this painting. I
finished it this morning and put it in a mat. They always look better
in a mat. I'll take it to Saturday Painters tomorrow for a critique.


Step by Step
Framed Last Two (8/13):
I framed my final two paintings for the exhibit at the New Mexico
Cancer Center - I'll hang ten watercolors there this Fall. One has a
music theme - it's called "Duct Tape Tuba". I painted it in 2009 from
an earlier trip we took to New Orleans.
Duct Tape Tuba
Summer Roses (8/12):
I cut some summer roses, from our backyard, for my bride today. |

Cutting Mats & Framing (8/11):
cut more mats today and even framed another painting of "Dorise". That
makes three versions I've done of this street musician from New
Orleans. I also ordered some new frames and plexi from Teresa
Youngblood today. She makes the best frames.
"Dorise" X Three

Tall Street Music
Framing More Paintings (8/9):
I'm planning ahead - I started framing the paintings that I entered into the Kansas Watercolor Society Show.
Isotopes Baseball:
Wonderful evening at the ballpark with my bride - ribbon fries with
cheese and green chili, cold beer, fantastic fireworks - plus the topes
pulled off a come from behind win in the last of the 9th inning. It was
85 degrees, dry with a nice breeze - life could not be better.
Framing Paintings (8/8):
I framed two watercolors. Yes, it's the same lady - "Dorise" - in both
paintings. One, I'm shipping to Jackson, Mississippi for the MSWS Grand
National. The second watercolor will hang with other signature members
paintings (in a seperate room) at the NMWS Fall Exhibition. Both are in
quality frames like the one's we used for Western Fed when it was in
New Mexico.
Signature Show
Today's Progress (8/7):
One day I might finish this painting - I did make some progress this morning.
Royal Street Duo
Kansas Entries (8/5):
decided to enter three of my New Orleans "Street Music" watercolors
into the Kansas Watercolor Society's National Exhibition 2015. I was
accepted ito the KWS show last year so perhaps I'll make it again.
Sterling Edwards is the juror of selection and the Judge of awards. The
show runs from November 20th, 2015 till January 3rd, 2016 at the
Wichita Center for the Arts in Wichita, Kansas. I'll get the jurors
decisions in mid October so then I can enter any rejects into Western
Fed or another show.
Kansas Entries
Signature Show:
decided to display this watercolor of "Dorise" with the other signature
members display at the Fall Show. The NMWS signature members paintings
will be in a seperate room and are not for sale. It just a way to show
off the quality of our work. Dorise and Tanya play beautiful music
together on the streets of the French Quarter.
"Royal Street Dorise"
May Fall Show Entries (8/4):
I send my entries for the New Mexico Watercolor Society Fall "Open"
Exhibition. Here are the three watercolors I decided to enter.
Fall Show Entries
Jewish Community Exhibit (8/3):
selected my two watercolors for the NMWS show at the JCC. The
Albuquerque Jewish Community Exhibit has a great exhibit space. I
choose paintings that I thought might have a chance to sell. We have a
rececption scheduled on Sunday, August 30th from 2 to 5 pm. We will
have snacks and even wine for our guests.
to live forever - Today we saw "Selfless" at the dollar ($1.15 now) the
movie really makes you think and pay close attention to the plot. My
bride slept through most of it - but, I loved it.
Royal Street Duo (8/1):
finally got back to painting yesterday morning - I made a bit of
progress on "Royal Street Duo". If this one works out it will be one of
my entries into the Weatern Federation show in Colorado.
Royal Street Duo
Another Painting to Mississippi:
learned today that my watercolor "Street Music" was accepted into the
30th Mississippi Watercolor Society Grand National in Jackson,
Mississippi Paul Jackson was the Juror. The exhibition dates are
October 5th - November 22nd, 2015 - This is my 6th year in a row being
accepted into the MSWS Grand National - we hope to view the show on our
way to New Orleans later this year.
"Street Music"