Happy Holidays (12/29):
Happy Holidays
Snow (12/27):
of snow in eastern New Mexico mostly on the other side of our mountain
- just not in our yard. Blossom does not seem happy with the snow.
Painting After Christmas (12/26):
did another watercolor of "Tanya" from New Orleans. I finished it today
- I cropped it down (22 x 28 Matted) it's on 300 lb Arches Hot Press.
Christmas in New Mexico (12/24):
spent Christmas Eve walking around Old Town. We went early to beat the
crowd and ate at the Church Street Cafe. I’m attaching some photos I
took last night in Old Town. It Taos they call the lighted paper bags
farolitos, in Albuquerque we refer to them as luminaries. On Christmas
Eve, candlelights line the streets and houses in New Mexico. The words,
farolitos and luminaries, are often interchangeably used in New Mexico
to name the lights, which are constructed of a brown paper bag, sand
(to weigh the bag down and hold the candle in place), and a votive or
tea candle. The lights are placed in lines and rows on the ground,
along streets and sidewalks, around plazas, and on porches, parapets,
porticos, and the flat rooftops in New Mexico.
My Bride at the Church Street Cafe - Photo of Luminaries in Old Town
Star Wars (12/23):
We bought tickets to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens in
IMAX 3D next Monday - we have reserved seats for this showing. I'm
looking forward to see this movie projected on an IMAX screen in 3D. I
was surprised to see they are still running the Martian since it starts
at the dollar show in 3-D this Friday.
stitched together three pics of our mountain today - it's great to see
snow on the mountain where it belongs and not in our yard
"Street Sax" Finished (12/20):
I finished my watercolor of "Street Sax" this
morning. It's part of a series I'm doing on street musicians in New
Orleans. It's on a full sheet of 300 lb Arches Hot Press.

"Street Sax"
Jayhawk Basketball (12/19):
noon today, I watched KU Basketball from Lawrence on my computer. It's
actually better watching the game on my big screen iMac than the TV. I
took the photos when Perry hit a free throw to take KU ahead by 51
points. I felt sorry for Montana but the crowd in Lawrence sure had fun.
Progress (12/18):
morning, at Friday Painters, I made some progress on my new watercolor
"Street Sax" - I just took the liquid mask off and have to decide what
to do next. I'll need to look at it for a while to decide how to
"Street Sax"
Painting A Saxophone (12/17):
should have known how hard a Saxophone was to draw before I started on
this new painting. (too late now) I'm working on a full sheet of Arches
300 lb hot press.
Liquid Mask to Protect the Highlights - Wet-n-Wet Color With a Touch of Salt
New Painting Started (12/16):
painting I'm starting today should be less challenging than my last
one. I'm working on a pelican we saw in Cozumel, Mexico. If I can paint
a Roadrunner then I can handle this bird too. I did my drawing this
morning around 4:00 am.
My WFWS Entries (12/15):
I decided on the three watercolors that I'm entering into the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies.
My WFWS Entries
"Reggae Reflections" (12/14):
to stop - I think "Reggae Reflections" is ready to enter into WFWS -
I'm considering creating rough deckled edges and floating the painting.
"Reggae Reflections"
Reggae Reflections (12/13):
Sunday morning, I'm starting on a new (full sheet) watercolor called
"Reggae Reflections" - I took the photo on our last cruise in Curacao.
"Reggae Reflections"
The Process of Creation in Watercolor:
started by blocking out some of the whites in my new watercolor. The
first wash of color is applied - now I need to go away for and hour to
allow the magic to happen. There are no mistakes in watercolor - just
happy accidents.
"Reggae Reflections" in Progress
"Royal Street Strings" Finished (11/12):
I finished my watercolor of "Royal Street Strings" - Can you haer the sound of New Orleans ?
"Royal Street Strings"
Back To Painting Again (12/11):
I finally got back to painting this morning. My of the "Royal Street Strings" is getting closer to being finished.
"Royal Street Strings"
Entry Deadlines (12/10):
I'm posting this as a reminder for artists to enter two very important juried exhibitions.

Students On Facebook (12/9):
really nice thing about Facebook is being able to keep track of many of
my ex-students — with Desiree Amador, Pavina Tonsavanh, Janet
Chanthavong Perez, Napoleon Eugene Stewart, Nina Rivera, Daryl
Jimmerson, Jayana DeWolf, Margarita Garcia-Stewart, Alexander Latin,
Jamine Emerson, Theresa Reyes-Cummings, Rosaly Melendez, Nang Mani,
Dustin Trober and many, many more.
Sunrise Over Our Mountain (12/8):
It's a delight waking up in New Mexico - I shot the sunrise this morning from our back yard in Albuquerque.
Christmas Cactus (12/7):
My bride has a new Christmas Cactus.
Christmas Cactus
Watercolor Holiday Party (12/6):
beautiful bride and I just returned from the NMWS Holiday Party &
Painting Exchange. Again, I came home a winner with "Santa" by Bob
Merry Christmas Everyone
Range Cafe in Bernalillo (12/4):
morning, I joined a group democrats from Sandoval county at the Range
Cafe in Bernalillo. Michelle Lujan Grisham was the featured speaker.
It's great to have a strong Democrat representing us in Washington.
Michelle Lujan Grisham
Lunch at Church Street Cafe (12/1):
after docent training, I had lunch with four beautiful ladies at Church
Street Cafe. It's one of my favorite places to eat. If you come to Old
Town in Albuquerque - be sure to stop there. I had my favorite Old
Fashioned Chili Relleons, with green chili of course. We got a table in
the back room near the fire place.
Our Tuesday Docent Team at Church Street Cafe