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Father & Son 2/28:
finished my newest watercolor titled "Father & Son". I worked from
a photo I took while we eating breakfast in Sausalito, California. That
was the morning we were boarding our ship for Alaska. I need to decide
in about a week - which show to enter this painting into.
"Father & Son"
Back To Painting 2/26:
Tomorrow, I'm getting back to painting. I'm working on a watercolor I started before we took off for Kansas.
Father & Son by the Water
MasterWorks 2/23:
I was lucky to get one of my watercolors selected
into MasterWorks of New Mexico this year. Here's a photo of it framed
and ready for the show in April. |

While In Kansas 2/22:
While we were back in Kansas visiting family and
watching the snow fall we got to see Max. Here are pics of Max - our
youngest great-grandson. We got to see him on Valentines Day.
Blossom Loves Snow 2/21:
loved running and playing in all that snow. I have paintings I did of
her romping throught the snow five years ago. It looks like she
remembers the fun.
Blossom In The Snow
Return to Kansas 2/20:
have not posted for a while - because, we went back to Kansas to visit
family. While there, we learned one of the major reasons for moving to
a warmer place - SNOW. We knew it would be colder - but had not planned
on the white stuff.
Snow On My New Car

Great Demo (2/7):
David Drummond did his demo today at the NMWS meeting
- he showed us his approach to painting miniatures. Of special interest
was - the use of the taped edges of his paper as his palette. Over 80
members watched David's demo about painting water on a very small scale. |
Scholastic Art Exhibition (2/6):
Scholastic Art Exhibition opened tonight at Warehouse 508 in downtown Albuquerque.
Starting On My Taxes Today (2/5):
I'm digging out my records from last year so I can
file my taxes early this year. Right now that's more important than
starting a new painting.
Full Moon:
I took
this photo of the full moon yesterday morning. I used my little Nikon
(Hand Held) to take the photo as I went out to get our morning paper.

Looking Forward to Jazz in New Orleans (2/4):
Visualizing Albuquerque (2/3):
Monday, Docents got our first training on Visualizing Albuquerque - the
newest exhibit featuring the development of art over the years in our
city. The following day, our docent team took 3rd graders on a tour of
the new exhibit.
Visualizing Albuquerque
Spring Show Entries (2/02):
I decided to enter the same three paintings into the NMWS Spring Show that were rejected from WFWS - Wish me luck this time.
Spring Show Entries
We Traded In The Chevy Cruze:
we have a vehicle that will be more comfortable on trips. We tested it
out a couple days back with a drive up to Santa Fe. I have lots of toys
to play with in the new car. Of course it has On-Star to give us
directions - and, it also has a hands free phone as well. Both features
were on my Cruze - but now I also have WiFi built in so I can access
the web from the car. It also has voice commands so I can access
several features simply by speaking directions. Also, via my i-pad - I
can access things like mpg, oil changes, tire pressure, etc. I can even
start the car remotely from my i-pad.
Chevy Equinox
Orange Roses Finished (2/01):
took me awhile - but, I finally finished my newest watercolor of
"Orange Roses". I took photos at various stages of the paintings
development. I don't have any plans to enter it in any juried shows.
For the NMWS Spring "Members Only" Exhibition - I'm simply going to
enter my three paintings that were not accepted into WFWS. Right now -
my next objective is to start on my income tax returns so I can file
them quickly this year.
"Orange Roses" - Step by Step

I got a new shirt to wear to KU games