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Decisions, Decisions, Decisions (6/30):
waiting to hear from the juror in the exhibit in Overland Park, Kansas
- then I can decide what to enter into the next five watercolor shows
I'm considering. I need to keep track of which paintings I'm entering
in each show. I also want to save my best for WFWS in Denver next year
- I can't enter anything into Western Fed that's been in a national
30th Mississippi Watercolor Society Grand National
Jackson, Mississippi
Paul Jackson - Juror
Art Center of Mississippi Gallery Entry Deadline - July 16th
Exhibition Dates October 5th - November 22nd, 2015
New Mexico Watercolor Society Members Show
Albuquerque Jewish Community Center
non-juried members exhibit
August 16 - September 17, 2015
NWS 95th Annual International Exhibition
Exhibit: October 25 - December 20
915 South Pacific Avenue, San Pedro, CA
Online entry: June 1 - July 31
Jury of Selection Chair Judi Betts
New Mexico Watercolor Society Fall "Open" Juried Exhibition
Juror: Linda Doll
Oct. 3 - 25, 2015
Fine Arts Building - Expo New Mexico
October, 2015
Kansas Watercolor Society National Exhibition 2015
The Wichita Center for the Arts
Nov 20, 2015 - Jan 3, 2016
Entry Deadline Aug 28
Juror: Sterling Edwards
New Watercolor (6/26):
started on a new watercolor this morning. It's called "Three Mudders" -
it shows three women fixing the adobe wall at the Rancho's Church in
Taos. Please notice the play on words - Mother's vs Mudder's.
"Three Mudders"
Painting Rejected (6/24):
Mehaffey rejected my enrties for the 42nd Annual Rocky Mountain
National Watermedia exhibition. Juror, Mark Mehaffey, selected 66
works of art from 665 entries to hang at the Foothills Art Center.
The N-Word (6/22):
Maron, the comedian and host of the popular interview podcast WTF with
Marc Maron, made news because of a single word. President Barack Obama
used the dreaded "N-word" in a thoughtful conversation about racism in
this country. BIG DEAL !!! - racism is still here and fester it's ugly
head daily even when cloaked as something else. Sometimes it is hidden
- too often not - but, it's still a major factor in our lives. So,
talking about it is a start at getting rid of it. The word was not used
in my classroom without consequences - even thought my black vice
principal thought it OK if it was pronounced differently. Thank you Mr.
President for raising the issue again - We need to discuss it again and
WTF with Marc Maron
NMAEA Teachers in Santa Fe (6/20):
What a HOOT !!
Western Region (6/18-20):
just returned from a very informative three days of NAEA Western Region
states in Santa Fe. I learned a good deal about the issues each of the
states were dealing with. Here we are in front of the Museum of Folk
Art in Santa Fe.
Friday Night Open House (6/12):
We put every thing out on display on Friday Night.
My Display
My Best Watercolors from Taos (6/10):
I'm working on a series of "Street Music" from New Orleans.

My Friends in Taos (6/9):
I've been very busy painting and visiting with old and new friends that I'm way behind in posting.
Thanks to Jason for the Shirts
Headed For Taos (6/5):
almost finished with my newest "Street Music" watercolor - I'll have to
finish it when I get to Taos. The car is packed and I head north in the
morning for a week of intensive painting.
Almost Finished
Rose For My Bride (6/1):
I cut a beautiful rose for my bride today. |
