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Poppies in Full Bloom (5/24):
years ago, I planted seven poppy plants - they are still going strong
and giving me lots joy as well as material to paint from.
Poppies in Full Bloom
Back to Painting (5/23):
started a new watercolor this morning from street musicians we saw in
New Orleans. I have a stack of photo references to work from based on
our walks through the French Quarter last month.
Street Music
Home to Roses (5/22):
We arrived home to a backyard full of roses.
Back From Kansas (5/21):
just returned from a trip to Kansas City to see our family. My
beautiful bride got to celebrate her 30th birthday with a cake from our
triplet grandkids. Also, we got to deliver the portrait I painted of
Max, our youngest great grand-son, for his 3rd birthday. On our return
we hauled a U-Haul trailer back with furniture we got at Nebraska
Furniture Mart.
30th Birthday Cake

Watercolor Show Opens Today (5/10):
Yesterday was the opening reception and awards for the
Spring NMWS "Members Only" exhibition. This morning the Albuquerque
Journal ran an article highlighting a couple of our artists. |

Moody Blues Concert (5/9):
We took in our first Moody Blues concert today. The band
has been around for 51 years. I took these pics at the Route 66 Casino
on I-40 west of Albuquerque.
My Bride Turns 30 (5/8):
My beautiful bride turned 30 today - she deserves a new rose everyday.

Portrait of Great-Grandson (5/7):
Our youngest great-grandson has his 3rd birthday next week. I did a watercolor portrait of Max to take to his mother.
"Working Outside the Lines"
New Entries (5/6):
This morning I entered these 3 new watercolors into the Rocky Mountain Watermedia Exhibition in Golden, Colorado. Golden is just west of Denver and a 6 1/2 hour drive from Albuquerque.
Rocky Mountain Watermedia Exhibition
Watercolor Demo (5/5):
last night's NMWS meeting, our juror, Eric Weigardt's did a demo for
members. Today, he starts a four day workshop for 20 lucky NMWS members
at the Fine Arts Gallery in Expo New Mexico. The artists are going to
have fun learning his fast and loose technique.
Last Nights Demo
Another Entry (5/4):
I just entered two watercolors into a juried show in Overland Park, Kansas.
Art at the Center
Roses In Finally Bloom (5/3):
my roses have began to bloom - they are late this year. It also looks
like I'll have poppies in a few days. We enjoy our backyard and like to
see it full of color. This morning, we also had color in the sky as hot
air balloons floated over our house.
May 3rd
Almost Finished (5/2):
almost finished with my new "Street Music" watercolor - I'm thinking
about slightly darkening the lower portion under the chair - I'm also
thinking about some fine line work on the fingering of the guitar - I
put a mat on it to see how it would look - any advice would be welcome.
"Street Music - New Orleans"
New Facebook Page (5/1):
created a new Facebook page for RAEA. The purpose of the RAEA is to
establish the role of the retired art educators as an affiliate of NAEA
& develop a strong link with in-service art teachers. The RAEA
strives to conduct programs of professional activities at state and
national levels; to encourage continued personal involvement and
development in art education, to inform State Associations and NAEA of
concerns relevant to members of long-standing; to encourage and provide
mentor ship for members of the National Student NAEA Chapter.
At each
NAEA national convention the RAEA selects an outstanding Student
Chapter to recognize for it's excellence. This years winning student
chapter was from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. They were
presented at the RAEA Luncheon on March 27th, at the Hilton, in New
Orleans. Also at the RAEA business meeting in New Orleans officers were
elected - Linda Willis Fisher (Illinois) becomes the new president for
RAEA replacing Dean G Johns (North Carolina). Dean will now serve as
past-president for two years. As for myself (Woody Duncan - New Mexico)
I was elected as president-elect for the next two years.
Street Music Again:
Last week, I started another version of "Street Music"
from my New Orleans photos.
Progress So Far
