Two Orange Roses - Finished (10/24):
This morning, I completed my watercolor of "Two Orange Roses". I'm still debating how to crop and mat it.

Two Orange Roses - Step by Step
Rain, Rain and More Rain (10/22):
third day of rain and more on the way - my roses will love it. No one
living in a desert, like we do in the southwest, will ever complain
about rain.
Rain Clouds Over Our Mountains
I Can Brag Now (10/21):
watercolor “Dorise” was selected by juror Sterling Edwards for the
Kansas Watercolor Society National Exhibition. The exhibit runs from
Nov 20th, 2015 to Jan 3rd, 2016 at the Wichita Center for the Arts.
That's two years in a row making it into the KWS exhibit.
painting is boxed and ready to ship to Wichita - this is the 6th
painting to go out in this airfloat box - they are the only way to ship
For My Bride (10/20):
I cut this rose yesterday for my bride.
It still had rain drops on it from the early morning rain. |

Earnie Pyle (10/19):
training at the Albuquerque museum was a great way to learn
history - Baldwin Burr did a fantastic portrayal of Earnie Pyle -
this is the best way to learn about our past. Pyle (August 3, 1900 –
April 18, 1945) was a Pulitzer Prize–winning American journalist. As a
roving correspondent for the Scripps-Howard newspaper chain, he earned
wide acclaim for his accounts of ordinary people in rural America, and
later, of ordinary American soldiers during World War II. His
syndicated column ran in more than 300 newspapers nationwide.
From 1935
through 1941 he traveled throughout the United States, writing about
rural towns and their inhabitants. After the U.S. entered World War II
he lent the same distinctive, folksy style to his war-time reports,
first from the home front, and later from the European and Pacific
theatres. He was killed by enemy fire on Iejima during the Battle of
Okinawa. Earnie was a resident of Albuquerque. After his passing his
home was turned into a public library.
training session like these that make being a docent worthwhile.

Baldwin Burr as Earnie Pyle
Two Orange Roses (10/17):
This morning, I started on a new watercolor of two orange roses. Below is my drawing and the progress I've made so far.
Two Orange Roses
Rose For My Bride (10/15):
Now that we are back home - I'm again cutting a daily rose for my beautiful bride. |

Gift For Maggie & Nate (10/14):
in Kansas City, I stopped by to give Maggie and Nate a watercolor
painting I did of Nate holding their daughter - the couple were
students of mine at Rosedale MS - this beautiful pair created a
fantastic daughter Viviana - not all creativity is done on paper. The
photo was taken by Maggie's mom - also a student of mine at Rosedale.
Watercolor for Maggie and Nate
Back From Kansas (10/13):
bride and I just returned from Kansas - we got to visit with both of
our sons and their families. I also visited with my boyhood friend
Ralph in Pittsburg when I was there to do two workshops for Kansas art
teachers. We loaded a trailer with some furniture and drove the 16
hours straight back to Albuquerque. Now, I need to find some strong
young men to unload the furniture for us. We are getting too old for
any heavy lifting.
Mountains Workshop
Painting Workshop
Balloons (10/4):
waiting for the balloons this Sunday morning. It's a calm, cool morning
- but, with heavy cloud cover. So, even if the do lift off there is no
sun so the photography will be a dissapointing. Here are a few pics I
took yesterday on site at the Balloon Fiesta.
First Day - Balloon Fiesta 2015
Fall Show Opening Reception (10/3):
NMWS Fall Exhibition, juried by Linda Doll, had a very successful
opening reception this afternoon. I even received a ribbon for my
watercolor "Father & Son". Getting it accepted into this show
reinforces the notion not to give up if you really believe in a
particular painting. Earlier this year this same painting had been
rejected when I entered it in three other juried shows.
Art & Balloons (10/2):
juror Linda Doll's workshop ends today. Last night was the NMWS
Signature Potluck dinner with our juror. Tomorrow Balloon Fiesta begins
and the NMWS Fall show has it's grand opening. This morning a few
balloons took a test run. Tomorrow I get up real early to head to the
be among the balloons as they lift off.
Blood Moon - Last Month (10/01):
From our back yard, last Sunday night, I got some great shots of the eclipse. It was an opportunity to try out my new camera.
Moon Rising Over Our Mountain