Road Trip (9/30):
that my bride can walk in shoes - we decided to take a road trip to
Gallup to look at Indian Jewelry. Here's a glance at my Chevy's MPG
when we got to Crackle Barrel in Gallup for breakfast. Actually there
were a few 50 mile stretches where we got over 41 MPG. I love my Chevy
Equinox. On the way home we stopped at Route 66 to lose money and eat
at their two for one buffet.
A couple things we picked up in Gallup were a set of beaded
wine glasses and this neat pen. Life in New Mexico should be colorfully
Blood Moon - Over Albuquerque (9/28):
From our back yard, last night, I got some great shots of the eclipse. It was an opportunity to try out my new camera.
Moon Rising Over Our Mountain Last Night
Last Nights Moonrise (9/27):
The clouds got in the way, but I still got a few shots of the moon with my new camera.
Moonrise September 26th
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Remember - Click on Any Image Outlined in Blue to View a Larger Version ..........................................................................U.......................................................................................................................................................
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Art in the School (9/25):
morning, I went to the Natural History Museum to observe a training
session for Art in the School volunteers. (I'm on the board of AIS)
David Welch opened with a presentation on Monet. Then Beth Sailer did a
demo of the suggested lesson on Monet. After the demo, the volunteers
got to paint. It was a very productive morning.
Camera Test (9/24):
I tested my new camera out by shooting the moon.

Orange Rose (9/23):
cut an orange rose for my bride, this morning, and took pics of it in
varied settings. Perhaps one of these will end up in a watercolor.
Orange Rose
Laurel's Demo (9/22):
my friend Laurel Weathersbee drove up from Las Cruces to do a demo at
the NMWS meeting here in Albuquerque. Laurel stayed at Frani's B&B
for the night and went to breakfast with my bride and I, at Weck's of
course, before driving home. Laurel is very active in the Southern
Chapter of the New Mexico Watercolor Societh in Las Cruces.
Thank You Laurel
My Saturday Friends (9/19):
This morning, I took photos of the artists I paint with, each Saturday morning, at the La Mesa Church.
click on the photo for a larger version
Two Hummers (9/18):
made a little progress on my watercolor of hummingbirds in Utah on
Friday morning at the Unitarian Church. Then, I finished it on Saturday
morning at the La Mesa Church.
Two Hummers
Tearing Mountains (9/13):
watercolor paper online today for my hands-on workshops in Kansas
(KAEA) and Chicago (NAEA) I discovered I was 5 cents shy of spending
enough for free shipping. Then I realized I needed a new rubber cement
pick-up ($1.99) added put me over the necessary amount. No tax and free
shipping is the way to go. The photo shows a 4th grader in Kansas
painting my "Tearing Mountains" Lesson. Looking forward to sharing this
lesson with other art teachers.
Tearing Mountains
Hummingbirds (9/12):
is the progress I made , this morning, on my watercolor of
hummingbirds. I've removed the liquid mask - now, I need to begin
blending, scrubbing and softening the forms. I'm about 60% complete.
Two Hummers
Rose For My Bride (9/11):
roses are starting to thin out. It's getting hard to find the nicer
ones to cut for my beautiful bride. I hope the cooler weather headed
our way will bring them back in their full glory.
Two Roses I Cut Yesterday
Fall Watercolor Show (9/10):
Here's the beautiful postcard created by Tina for the NMWS Fall exhibition.
Opening Reception - Saturday, October 3rd, 1:00 till 4:00 PM

Hummers (9/8):
I'm going to try painting some of the hummingbirds we
saw when we stopped for breakfast on our recent trip to Utah. I did the
drawing yesterday morning.
Just a Start
Red & White Roses (9/7):
I cut some different roses for my bride this time. |

The Word is Out:
word is out now about which paintings our juror Linda Doll accepted
into the NMWS Fall exhibition. I’m so glad that my “Father & Son”
watercolor made it into this show. I thought it was quite close to the
style Linda Doll uses in her paintings. I also feel that it tells a
story of communication between generations. It has been rejected from
other shows, so I’m glad other people will get to see in now in our
Fall show. My inspiration was our visit to San Francisco. We had
breakfast in Sausalito, next to the water, these two were sitting just
outside our little seaside cafe.
“Father & Son”
NM Cancer Center Show (9/6):
I dropped off my ten watercolors for the New Mexico Cancer Center
exhibition. The Opening reception is on Sunday, September 20th from 4
to 7 pm.
NM Cancer Center Show
Yellow Roses - Step by Step (9/5):
Yellow Roses - Step by Step
Yellow Roses (9/4):
I decided to start painting a yellow rose this morning - and I finished it today as well. Here's what it looks like matted.

Paintings Ready (9/3):
I got my ten paintings ready to deliver to the New Mexico Cancer Center this Saturday.
Mexico Cancer
Yellow Rose For My Bride
Good News (9/2):
found out yesterday that my "Tearing Mountains" watercolor/collage
hands-on workshop was accepted for the NAEA Conference in Chicago next
March. Now I know that I won't be just another talking head at a
meeting or discussion panel. Now I'll get to actually teach something
and have some fun doing it. I've made this proposal before - but, this
is the first time it's been accepted. I'm doing the same workshop in
Kansas this October - so I can refresh my lesson there.
"Tearing Mountains"
At the Santa Fe Opera (9/1):
Yesterday, we celebrated 52 years of wonderful married life
together by driving to Santa Fe for a Mexican Dinner and then a night at the
Opera. We were at this beautiful venue for "good music" not for an
opera. We were there to hear Music legends Emmylou Harris and Rodney
Crowell performing their "The Traveling Kind Tour" concert to benefit
the Santa Fe Animal Shelter.
Painting Returned:
Also, today my watercolor came back from Watercolor USA in Springfield,
Missouri. Now I can include it in the show at the New Mexico Cancer

I've been using this same "Air Float" shipping box for five shows now and it's holding up quite well.