Our Mountain From Our Backyard
Blossom's New Haircut (4/8):
Blossom is all ready for summer with her new haircut. 
Signature Group Show (4/7):
will have two paintings in next months NMWS Spring "Members Only"
Exhibition. One watercolor is of "Dorise" playing her guitar. My second
watercolor, "Royal Street Duo", shows both Dorise and her partner Tanya
together. While the Spring show is on in the Fine Arts Gallery at Expo
New Mexico - one room will be for a seperate exhibit of work by
signature members of the NMWS. The signature paintings, in this
seperate space, were not juried in and are not for sale. I decided to
display my "Tall Street Music" of an accordian player from New Orleans
in that room.
Royal Street
Street Music
Photographing Paintings (4/6):
put this notice on the "Taos Watercolor Workshop" Facebook page - I've
been going to the same workshop in Taos every June since 1985 - Good
Food, Great Friends plus a little wine really improves your paintings.
This June at the Sagebrush Inn - I plan to give a workshop on
photographing your paintings and preparing the proper digital images
for entering shows. Good photos will greatly improve your chances of
getting into juried shows. Bring your camera - use my computer and try
it out. I shoot hand held, without special lighting and edit with Adobe
Photoshop Elements software.
Photographing Paintings

Award Winner (4/4):
I just got word that my watercolor "Royal Street Strings" won the 2nd Place award in the NMWS-SC Show in Las Cruces. |
Watercolor Demo (4/3):
Trica Love did a demo yesterday morning at the NMWs meeting at the Albuquerque museum. About 60 members saw her demo.
Trica Love Demo
MasterWorks (4/2):
Yesterday was the opening day for MasterWorks of New
Mexico. Here I am with my painting in the show at the Hispanic Arts
Building at Expo NM. |

(Not-Invited) Watercolor USA (4/1):
My entries into Watercolor USA in Springfield, Missouri were rejected by the juror. I'll just have to roll them over to another show and try again.