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Our Mountain From Our Backyard

Freeze On The Way 11/15:

              Our first freeze in Albuquerque is predicted for Friday morning. That's when I say goodbye to my beautiful roses. I cut sme orange roses for my bride yesterday. As for today - we are trying out a new dentist this morning. Getting our teeth cleaned is a great idea. I'm also looking up recipes for Green Chili Chicken Stew - great for the colder weather headed our way.

KU vs No 1 Duke:
            But, tonight I'm planing to relax in the hot tub and then later watch the Jayhawks play Duke in New York City. After losing a very tight game against Indiana 103 - 99 now the Jayhawks take on No 1 Duke in New York, City. I hope the team keeps Coach Self happy - he was not happy to travel all the way to Hawaii to lose to Indiana.

Yesterday's Super Moon 11/14:
              “Supermoon” is a non-technical term for a moon that turns full at the same time it hits perigee — the point on its orbit when it is closest to Earth. The moon’s path around our planet is shaped more like an oval than a circle, so there are times when it is closer to us (perigee) and times when it is farther away (apogee).
            Supermoons occur about once every 14 months on average. However, Sunday night’s supermoon is extra super because the moon will be even closer to Earth than usual. At its closest approach, the moon will be 221,524 miles from our planet, compared with an average distance of  238,900 miles.
            The last time the moon sailed this close to Earth was on Jan. 26, 1948, when it came 30 miles closer. The next time won’t be until Nov. 24, 2034, when the distance between the two bodies will be 40 miles less.

Super Moon - Morning Nov 14

Why does the distance between the Earth and the moon fluctuate so much? The shape of the moon’s orbit varies due to the ever-changing distances and relative position of the sun, moon and Earth. Thanks to variations in these gravitational forces, the moon’s orbit is sometimes more oval shaped, and other times more like a circle. When more oval, the Moon’s perigee point gets unusually close to Earth, and if a full Moon arrives at that point, it will be considerably closer to us than during those times when the lunar orbit more closely resembles a circle.
            Astronomers warn that some skywatchers may be disappointed by this particular lunar show. At its closest (3:23 a.m. Monday morning) the lunar disk will appear 7% larger across, and 16% brighter than an average moon.
Here's music to go with the Super Moon "When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain" by Kate Smith

"Little Dancer" Finished 11/13:
This afternoon, I finished "Little Dancer" and found a mat to fit it.



"Little Dancer" 11/12:
               This morning, I made some progress on my new watercolor "Little Dancer". I just removed the liquid mask exposing the white areas. I may alter the title to "Feast Day - Little Dancer" to meet the theme of a juried show I plan to enter.

"Little Dancer"

Moon over Albuquerque tonight - November 12, 2016
(hand held shot from our back yard)
I'll try to get photos of it rising tomorrow night


"Little Dancer" 11/11:

             This morning, I did a drawing for "Little Dancer". She was part of the Pueblo Dancers at the Sandoval County Democratic Party get out the vote event at John Aragon's house in Algodones. It's on a 1/2 sheet of Arches rough.

"Little Dancer"

ABQ Poet 11/10:

             My newest portrait "ABQ Poet" is finished. It's of Hakim Bellamy POET Laureate of Albuquerque. I'm incorporated text from one of his poems into the background. Hakim was given the title of our cities POET Laureate by Mayor Richard Berry. Hakim was also named Albuquerque's BEST POET by the Weekly Alibi.

A quote from Hakim: "I will solicit poetry from every tongue..."

Shocking Election Night 11/9:
             The "H" in this sign now stands for "HELP" - We will need it over the next four years. My bride and I will always be proud of our votes. Please hope and pray that our new president does not govern the way he proposed in his campaign.
           I am very proud of New Mexico Democrats - we now will return to a majority in the state house and have increased our majority in the state senate in Santa Fe. We are the bright blue spot squeezed between Arizona and Texas.


"H" in this sign now stands for "HELP"

Election results or not - I decided to dampened my pallet, turn my studio lights on, and find some good music
 - from now on I'm going to loose myself in painting. The world goes on and on.


ABQ Poet

Chilly Morning 11/7:
Woke up to a chilly morning - It seemed like it was time to light a fire.

First Fire


Meow Wolf  11/6:
              Meow Wolf is an arts production company that creates immersive, multimedia experiences that transport audiences of all ages into fantastic realms of storytelling. Our work is a combination of jungle gym, haunted house, children’s museum, and immersive art exhibit. This unique fusion of art and entertainment gives audiences fictional worlds to explore.
The Meow Wolf Art Complex is home to Meow Wolf’s first permanent installation, House of Eternal Return.  This unprecedented art experience opened in Santa Fe, NM on March 17th, 2016!


Meow Wolf in Santa Fe

New Mexico Art Teachers 11/4 - 11/6:
              New Mexico Art Teachers (NMAEA) held our annual Fall Conference in Santa Fe this year. I did my "Soft Sculpture" workshop this year.


Democrats in New Mexico 11/5:

              I took a break in the middle of the art teachers conference (NMAEA) to deliver the watercolor portrait I painted to Fred Harris. He was attending a Democratic get out the vote rally in at the home of John Aragon in Algodones, NM. Democrats in New Mexico sure know how to party right.

Little Dancer

Senator Fred Harris

Out Our Backdoor 11/4:
              It's great to just walk out our backdoor and shoot a few photos of "our mountain" - using a telephoto lens of course.


"Our Mountain"


Roses for My Bride 11/3:

             As the weather changes, I won't be able to cut fresh roses for my beautiful. So, today I cut four roses for her. She hates it if I buy her cut flowers because they don't last - but, cut from our own backyard - that's OK.


Poet Laureate
Hakim Bellamy 11/2:
             I started a drawing for a new watercolor this morning. It's of Hakim Bellamy POET Laureate of Albuquerque. I'm incorperating text from one of his poems into the background. Hakim was given the title of our cities POET Laureate by Mayor Richard Berry. Hakim was also named Albuquerque's BEST POET by the Weekly Alibi.
A quote from Hakim: "I will solicit poetry from every tongue..."
                                              Hakim Bellamy, Albuquerque's Poet Laureate


"Mr Democrat" 11/1:
              I finally finished my portrait of Fred Harris, "Mr Democrat". I'll frame it first thing this week and take it to him. Fred now lives nearby in the village of Corrales, New Mexico. He is on the faculty at UNM. I supported him in his bid of the Democratic nomination for president in 1976.
           Harris ran for president on a campaign for "economic democracy."in 1976. To keep expenses down, he traveled the country in an RV and stayed in private homes, giving his hosts a card which was to be redeemable for one night's stay in the White House upon his election. He placed emphasis on issues affecting Native Americans and the working class. His interest in Native American rights is linked to his ancestry and that of his former wife, La Donna Harris Comanche who had been deeply involved in Native American activism in her own right. Moreover, he was from the state which had begun its political existence as Indian Territory.
            Harris served as US Senator from Oklahoma and as national chairman of the Democratic Party.

                               "Mr Democrat"

I recently got a very kind complement from a former student - "You have many teachers in your life....and there are always just those couple that you
always remember and stick with you because you actually learned something from them and they were great at what they did
....you , for me , were one of those...so thank you."


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