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............................................................. My Beautiful Bride ![]() 53 Years Together |
.................................................. Is your dot on my map ? ......................................... |
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Where Woody's Watercolors Are Entered or on Exhibit in 2017 To see watercolors created by my friends in Taos every June CLICK HERE |
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Our Mountain From Our Backyard ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... |
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Kansas Entries 8/31: I just submitted my entries for the Kansas Watercolor Society National Exhibition in Wichita, KS. |
Sneak Peak 8/30: I just found out that I had two paintings accepted into the NMWS Fall "National" Exhibition. ![]() ... |
Art in the School 8/29: The Art in the School Board met at my house today - my bride is the best hostess ever - AIS is a real social group as well as working for great cause. https://www.artintheschool.org |
Comfortable in Albuquerque 8/27: Every time there are tornadoes, snow storms, hurricanes, floods, etc., else where, on the news - I remember to thank my bride for agreeing to move to Albuquerque. We do have a bit of heat, a bit of cold, a tiny bit of snow, a smidgen of rain and yes plenty of sunshine. I've even adapted to the crazy drivers and the folks who complain about whatever. I now wait patiently in line while the clerks visit with customers - hey I'm retired, I have lots of time. |
Geranium 8/26: Back in May - I bought this Geranium when we were in Kansas City - I'm amazed that it has held up so long this summer. Perhaps I can keep it inside this winter. |
Victory 8/25: I made a bit of progress on my newest watercolor of Theresa Reyes-Cummings titled "Victory" |
Playful Blossom 8/24: With the weather cooling off - Blossom likes being outside better. I took a few photos with my I-Phone 7 Plus of her yesterday. |
Solar Eclipse & Green Chili 8/21: I have not posted much lately - but I did check out the solor eclipse today after a meeting at the Albuquerque museum. We had lots of clouds and I didn't have the protective glasses. So, I tried to photograph the event as it was reflected in a small puddle of water on the base of a statue outside the museum. Then we drove, to the ball park, to buy Isotopes tickets for two more games. One is next Sunday and then for the last game of the season on August 31st. It's fitting that they plan fireworks for the final home game because it's our anniversity. Fifty-four years together and still enjoying each other. On the way home we stopped at WalMart where I shot this photo of a chili roaster. We use to buy 30 pounds and have them roasted - but, now we buy them canned or frozen. It's just easier that way. |
Made Some Progress Today 8/13: Step by step. I'm beginning to make progress on my newest "Runner" watercolor. I had originally planned to leave the background empty. But then I realized that the green made the other colors pop. ![]() ![]() Theresa Reyes-Cummings ... |
Painting Theresa Day Two 8/11: I stated painting on my newest watercolor "Runner" this morning. a drawing for a new watercolor this morning. Theresa was a student of mine back in the 80's. I have not decided how to deal with the background yet - but. I know I want to include lots of bright colors and somehow show the reflections on her skin. |
Painting Theresa 8/10: I stated a drawing for a new watercolor this morning - It's from a photo that's not mine - I did ask permission - the subject, Theresa Reyes-Cummings was a student of mine in the seventh grade. As Theresa reminded me - she got plastered in middle school, now she gets painted. To be clear my art students cast various parts of her in class later to assemble her whole body for an art show. It's the colorful outfit and the reflection off her skin that makes this painting a real challenge. |
Night Time 8/9: Last night I was playing with my camera after dark - I got a shot of the full August moon & a better photo of our new yard lights. |
New Lighting 8/8: Yesterday, I added some solar powered lights to accent the blue glass rocks in our landscaping. |
Blossom All Worn Out 8/7: I took Blossom to the groomer this morning. She is beautiful, but all worn out. I guess it takes a lot out of a lady to get beautiful. I took all the blame for not having her cut way back - her "Mother" is not happy with me. |
Watercolor Meeting 8/6: Fantastic watercolor meeting yesterday morning - a dozen new members introduced themselves and presented their work which was quite impressive. I hope each of them enter our exhibitions - I included a few samples below. |
Some Progress 8/5: Yesterday, I got a good start on my new watercolor "Taos Sax". I need to remove the liquid mask before I continue. |
NM State Fair 8/4: After I framed "Holy Mudder" - I decided to enter it into the NM State Fair - I'll still be able to enter it into WFWS after the fair. I'm entering two other smaller paintings as well. I'll price "Holy Mudder" high because I want to enter it into WFWS later. I'll price the others to sell. |
Western Fed 8/3: Here are the three watercolors I'm entering into WFWS-43 in Southern Arizona - the exhibit will be in May of 2018 - Wish me luck. |
New Watercolor Started 8/2: I did a drawing for a new watercolor. The subject is a street musician up in Taos, New Mexico. I'm working from photos I took back in June when I was at the Sagebrush Inn. |
Entries For NMWS Fall "National" Exhibition 8/1: Here are my three entries into the NMWS Fall Show. |
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