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............................................................. My Beautiful Bride ![]() 53 Years Together |
.................................................. Is your dot on my map ? ................................. |
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Our Mountain From Our Backyard ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... |
Metro Student Art 2/22: Patty Williams and I served as watercolor division judges at this year’s Metro Youth Art Exhibit. We chose the watercolors that will be on display this year. We also awarded 1st through 5th place winners and six additional Honorable Mention awards. Two deserving student artists were given awards of $50.00 each from the New Mexico Watercolor Society. Both Patty and I also gave our own personal merit awards of $50.00 each of two deserving student artists. This years Metro Youth Art Exhibit will be on display at the Sid Cutter Pilot’s Pavilion at Balloon Fiesta Park. The Awards Ceremony will be Friday, March 3rd, from 5:00 till 7:00 pm. The exhibit closes on March 12th. The hours are Saturday & Sunday 1:00 till 5:00 pm – Closed Weekdays. The NMWS cash awards went to: Carrie Marchant – Sandia High School and to Jacquelyn Yepa – Cibola High School.
Teaching About Technology 2/18: My beautiful bride gets a lesson in using modern technology from our grand daughter Tess. We were vacationing in Colorado last summer with Buddy, Shari and the two girls. |
Watercolor USA 2/17: I decided to enter a couple of my "rejected paintings" into Watercolor USA in Springfield, Missouri. I was fortunate to be accepted into this show once before in 2015. |
My watercolor “Reggae Reflections” was accepted 2/16: “Reggae Reflections” was accepted into the Louisiana Watercolor Society 47th Annual International. This is the first time I’ve gotten into this prestigious international exhibition. I am honored to have the juror Susan Webb Tregay select my work. The exhibit will be in the Atrium of Place St. Charles, a luxury office tower in the Central Business District of New Orleans. The exhibit runs from May 6th till May 20th. In October, 2015 my bride and I took a cruise from Boston to New Orleans. That's where I found the subject for my watercolor “Reggae Reflections” which was accepted for the show in New Orleans. The musician I painted was on the island of Curacao. My bride and I are reflected in his sunglasses. ...
“Reggae Reflections” ... |
Backyard Cleanup 2/15: Today was the best day to start cutting back my roses bushes. They were showing starts of leafs starting. I cut six roses back today - tomorrow, I'll tackel the other three. I cut them back and my bride cuts them into little pieces to bag up so I can haul the bags to the convenience center later this week. Blossom loves the sunny weather and soon will have a beautiful clean yard to run around in. |
Very Good Movie 2/14: Yesterday, we went to the Dollar Show to see "Loving" - it's good to see Hollywood make an old fashion love story. The story is about Richard and Mildred Loving, an interracial couple, whose challenge of their anti-miscegenation arrest for their marriage in Virginia led to a legal battle that would end at the US Supreme Court. It was also good to regular folks playing the parts instead of the normal movie land beauty types. |
Wyandotte 2/13: My high school (1962) Wyandotte High School is a public high school located in Kansas City, Kansas serving students in grades 9–12. The building itself is a historic and notable public building, which was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1986. Wyandotte High School was built at 25th & Minnesota under President Franklin D Roosevelt's WPA Plan. It was completed in 1937 at a cost of $2 million. The building could house 3,000 students in 85 classrooms and could provide a staff of 90 faculty members. Our mascot is the Bulldog and our school colors are red and white. The athletic programs have won many state championships including an undefeated national championship in boys' basketball in 1923. Notable alumni of the school include actor Edward Asner, actress Dee Wallace, UCLA basketball star Lucius Allen and watercolor artist Woody Duncan. On March 28, 1985, the school building was designated as a Kansas City, Kansas Historic Landmark. It was registered in Historic Kansas Places on November 23, 1985, and placed in the National Register of Historic Places on April 30, 1986. Stephen King's "Sometimes They Come Back" was filmed at Wyandotte. |
RAEA Silent Auction in New York City 2/11: I'm sending out this message to art teachers everywhere: "Are you going to NAEA in New York City, or NOT - Retired Art Teachers RAEA needs your original art for our silent auction" Click Here for details: http://www.taospaint.com/RAEA_Auction.xhtml |
Painting Blossom 2/10: This morning I made more progress on my new watercolor "Blossom At My Feet" Question: Which orientation is better ? I'm not finished yet. |
Jayhawk Rising Above Albuquerque 2/8: This years "Balloon Fiesta" will have a beautiful bright spot when we see the Jayhawk Balloon rising above all the rest. |
Art at the Center 2/7: After my friend Julie's invitation, I decided to enter four of my recent musical watercolors into "Art at the Center" in Overland Park, Kansas. I had three accepted into their show last year. Already, I believed that my best work was already tied up in other juried shows. But juried shows are often like the lottery - if you don't enter, you can't win. This means that I currently have 13 watercolors out for jurors to make decisions on. Perhaps one or two will be selected - or even get an award. |
Framing Paintings 2/6: I framed two more watercolors yesterday morning - "Young Climbers" & "Colorado Rafting".
Todd Timbals 2/5: Todd presented at yesterday mornings New Mexico Watercolor Society meeting at the Albuquerque Museum. Todd spent five and a half years in the Peace Corps (mostly in Peru and Ecuador) in the 1960's. He carted his Master's Degree (in Latin American History) and Corcoran School of Art stint to Albuquerque in 1970, where he's been a full time artist and sometimes teacher since. You wouldn't say he has an easily-recognizable style in his paintings, but rather an eclectic, Renaissance approach. He considers himself a shapemaker (with a heavy dose of light to dark emphasis), rather than a fancy brush technician. |
MasterWorks 2/1: I was fortunate to be one of 40 watercolor artists juried into MasterWorks of New Mexico this spring. My painting "Clarinet NOLA" is part of my series on street musicians from the New Orleans French Quarter. |
Planning Ahead: I'm planning ahead on which paintings to enter into the NMWS "Members Only" Spring Show. The prospectus isn't available till February 1st. No New Orleans musicians this time - I'm trying a new look. Watercolor USA is the next show on my agenda. I want to paint something really unique for Watercolor USA. They only take two entries per artist. The prospectus says that artwork must utilize water- soluble paint as the primary medium. However, the Museum is particularly interested in highlighting artists who utilize watercolor in intriguing ways, both in terms of the content of the imagery as well as the process in which it was made. Artists whose work pushes the boundaries of traditional aqueous media are encouraged to enter. All artwork must be original, executed since January 1, 2016, and not previously shown at the Springfield Art Museum. ...
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