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............................................................. My Beautiful Bride ![]() 53 Years Together |
.................................................. Is your dot on my map ? ................................. |
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Our Mountain From Our Backyard ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... |
MasterWorks 1/30: I was fortunate to be one of 40 watercolor artists selected into MasterWorks of New Mexico this spring. My painting "Clarinet NOLA" is part of my series on street musicians from the New Orleans French Quarter. |
Breakfast 1/28: This morning, I made breakfast for my bride and I - French Toast, Strawberries and Bacon - Life is Good. This afternoon, I head to Fox & Hound to cheer on our Jayhawks as they beat Kentucky. |
Old Paintings - Changed 1/27: I painted on top of some old paintings that I wasn't too happy with. If I don't like my improvements I can always pait on the backs. Isn't it great tat paper has two sides. |
Thanks For The Honor 1/26: I was honored with a page in the next issue of the NMWS newsletter. The February issue of Brushstrokes will be out soon. Each month, our editor Jinkle, highlights one NMWS board member. Thanks Jinkle - I too appreciate learning more about the various members that keep the New Mexico Watercolor Society running smoothly. |
Truth in the Comics 1/23: Even though I can check the news on my smart phone now - I'm never giving up my morning paper - this comic says it all - yes Sunday morning is a "Minuet" (a slow, stately ballroom dance for two) as is most of our life after 53 years together. |
Our Mountain 1/22: I took a photo of our mountain this afternoon - taken with my new iPhone 7plus - just to see how it works. |
I Finally Got an iPhone 1/20: I've been spending a lot of time trying to learn about this new fanged gadget - my iPhone 7 plus - I'm trying to move into the 21st century - I even bought a book of instructions for old folks like me - the next step is to hire a teenager. |
Fox & Hound 1/19: On Saturday's I join other KU alumni at the Fox & Hound to cheer the team on today - our Jayhawks always win again of course. I had the "Woody Special" again (flat bread pepperoni pizza with green chili) |
Taos Watercolor Workshop 2017 - 1/15: I’ve been attending the same watercolor workshop at the Sagebrush Inn in Taos every June since 1985. If any artist would like to join us for this year’s Taos Watercolor Workshop Sunday June 4th - Saturday June 10th here is what to do: 1: Send the $150 registration fee to Karen Urbielewicz at PO box 1525 in Corrales, NM 87048 2: Make a reservation with the SAGEBRUSH INN & SUITES 1508 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur Taos, New Mexico 87571 1-800-428-3626 info@sagebrushinn.com be sure to tell them you are with the Taos Watercolor Workshop to get the workshop rate 3: Breakfast is part of the room rate – if you want (6) dinners with the group there will be an additional charge (not yet determined)
The workshop does not have an instructor but several artists are giving
small workshops during the week. We learn more from each other
I'm doing one of my middle school lessons this June at the Sagebrush Inn. ![]() Check out the Taos Watercolor Workshop on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/889439354512178/
There are a few photos on my website at http://www.taospaint.com/AS2008/Page1.html |
New Orleans Street Sax 1/14: Yesterday morning, in my Friday Painters group, I made some major changes to my "NOLA-Sax" watercolor. Now I'm happy with it. |
Planning Ahead 1/13: I'm planning ahead on which paintings to enter into the NMWS "Members Only" Spring Show. The prospectus isn't available till February 1st. No New Orleans musicians this time - I'm trying a new look. Watercolor USA is the next show on my agenda. I want to paint something really unique for Watercolor USA. They only take two entries per artist. The prospectus says that artwork must utilize water- soluble paint as the primary medium. However, the Museum is particularly interested in highlighting artists who utilize watercolor in intriguing ways, both in terms of the content of the imagery as well as the process in which it was made. Artists whose work pushes the boundaries of traditional aqueous media are encouraged to enter. All artwork must be original, executed since January 1, 2016, and not previously shown at the Springfield Art Museum. ...
Binge Watching Net Flix 1/9: It seemed like my persistent cold would never go away. But Thanks to Net Flix I relaxed in my recliner and Binge watched several programs. The best was "Hell on Wheels". I watched all five seasons - Net Flix recently releasd the final episods of season five. I love the history of the old west. The series sets out to tell the story off Cullen Bohannon who follows the tracks of a group of Union soldiers who are responsible for the murder of his wife. Throughout the series, we see Bohannon enrolled in multiple roles getting involved in conflicts he wouldn’t have normally got himself into. The story evolves around the building of the first transcontinental railroad across the United States. I watched "OA" about a young woman named Prairie Johnson who resurfaces after having been missing for seven years. Prairie now calls herself "The OA" and can see, despite having been blind before her disappearance. I can also recommend "Ascension" it is a six-part Syfy miniseries. Ascension imagines a scenario in which a secret mission was launched by the United States during the ’60s to colonize another planet. But with a twist in which a murder sends the ship into a tailspin just over 50 years into its 100-year mission. Another series mixes SyFy with my love of politics. "Continuum" rises above both the usual fare we find on Syfy and on network television. The show follows the efforts of Kiera Cameron (Rachel Nichols) to thwart the ambitious and destructive terrorist group Liber8. The hook: Cameron and the terrorists are accidental transplants from the year 2077, where corporations subsidized global debt with the subordination of the world’s governments. As for another mixture of both history and politics - I'm currently watching "Revolution" where fifteen years after a permanent global blackout, a group of revolutionaries seeks to drive out an occupying force posing as the United States Government. And of course I watched "Terra Nova" which enters on the Shannons, an ordinary family from 2149 when the planet is dying who are transported back 85 million years to prehistoric Earth where they join Terra Nova, a colony of humans with a second chance to build a civilization. ...
Jonathan Keeton Demo 1/7: Jonathan Keeton did a fantastic demo for the NMWS members this morning at the Albuquerque Museum. In his background: He has studied painting and theater, and worked as a schoolteacher, a waiter and actor and then spent thirty years as a pioneer in digital visual effects for television, films and commercials, before returning to his first love, painting landscapes and nocturnes. He lives in Santa Fe, with his wife, two dogs and three cats. Jonathan says his work is a meditation on what he sees and on the impulse to honor the natural world; that everything is just so. He also feels that at night our influence wanes and the natural beauty and mystery of things takes over again, so it is landscapes and nocturnes that Jonathan is drawn to. After spending much of his adolescence taking and developing photographs, Jonathan picked it up again later when he realized that he wasn’t able to work en plein air for weeks at a time with unchanging light. Now he takes photographs while out on extended rambles, and decides later on which images should remain as photographs and which might perhaps work as paintings. He has always liked the delicacy and perhaps the demanding nature of watercolor, and prefers to paint in this medium most of the time, although he recently begin working in acrylics as well and appreciates the forgiving nature of the medium. |
Morning Snow & a Finished Painting 1/6: I woke up to a layer of snow this morning. I still went to join my Friday Painters group. Of course the snow had melted by the time I came back home. My watercolor "Rio Grande Catch" is rather small. Matted it will fit into a 20 x 16 inch frame. |
Young Rock Climbers 1/4: When we were in Colorado last summer, I shot several photos of a young lady climbing the rocks at "Garden of the Gods". I turned the idea into a watercolor. My watercolor shows two young girls atempting the climb. I included a photo of the young lady after she reached the top. If you look closely you can see that I added texture by applying acrylic molding paste with a pallet knife before painting over it. I altered the girls hair style so it might read as twin girls doing the climb. This might be an entry into the NMWS Spring "Members Only" exhibition. |
Welcome to the New Year 1/1: It's nice to look out the backdoor and see snow on our mountain where it belongs (and not in our yard). Of course the Sandias are 6 or 8 miles away but we have an unobstructed view. The photos below were shot on New Year's day from our back yard in Albuquerque. |
My Entries For MasterWorks 2017:
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