Our Mountain From Our Backyard
"Poppy Artist" Finished 6/30:
morning I completed my "Poppy Artist" Step by Step". The location
was the Couse/Sharp Historic Site in Taos, New Mexico. Eanger Irving
Couse House and Studio—Joseph Henry Sharp Studios, also known as the
Couse/Sharp Historic Site, is a property on the U.S. National Register
of Historic Places. We took a tour of the home and studio when I was at
the Taos Watercolor workshop earlier this month. Several artists
painted on the grounds of the Couse House.
My Flowers 6/29:
slightly cooler weather is helping my flowers - the Geranium I brought
back from Kansas is doing great and my yellow roses have decided to
bloom again. By slightly cooler, I mean 68 in the am and 90 by
afternoon (4% humidity of course) we live in a high desert (5000 ft)
Slightly Cooler Weather
Sandoval County Democrats 6/25:
I attended a Democratic Party Fund Raiser at the home of Fred Harris in
Coralles. Here a a few of the photos I took at the event. There were
several speaches - but everyone came to hear Jim Hightower. He did his
usual powerful job of entertaining everyone.
Finished 6/24:
I finished my portrait of Jim Hightower.
Hightower should be at the home of Fred Harris in Coralles this
afternoon. I'll deliver it to him there.
Did anyone notice the button on Jim Hightower's shirt ?


Jim Hightower 6/21:
starting on a portrait of Jim Hightower. Pardon my smudges - I will
erase them before I start painting. Hopefully I'll finish it by
Saturday when he will be here for a political fund raiser. Hightower
will be at the home of Fred Harris in Coralles this Saturday.

Life is Good 6/19:
(a few) of my roses are holding up despite the heat. I cut a few for my
bride this morning. Here's a photo of Blossom checking out our
landscaping. I don't really know if she appreciates it.
New Watercolor 6/16:
morning, I started my first watercolor since I returned from Taos. It's
of a friend painting "Plein Air" on the grounds of the Clouse House in
downtown Taos. The Eanger Irving Couse House and Studio—Joseph Henry
Sharp Studios, also known as the Couse/Sharp Historic Site, is a
property on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places. In 1915,
Couse was one of the six founding members of the Taos Society of
Artists, and was elected first president. Another founding member was
the artist J. H. Sharp, who adapted a chapel near Couse's house as a
studio. Later Sharp built a combined house and studio on the land. The
adjacent properties are recognized jointly as the Couse/Sharp Historic
Site, and are preserved and operated by the Couse Foundation.
Jim Hightower 6/13:
years ago, Jim Hightower spoke at a fund raiser at the home of Fred
Harris in Coralas, NM. Now again, next Saturday, he will be in town to
help raise funds for New Mexico Democrats. So, I'm going to another
fundraiser for the Democratic Party. Four years ago I took the photo
below of Hightower - that was on June 28th in 2013.
Juror Guidelines Meeting 6/12:
of the NMWS ABQ Board met at Rex's house to discuss and draft
Guidelines for future Spring and Fall Exhibition Jurors and File
Managers to utilize. (L to R) Tina Stallard, Ruth Andrews-Vreeland,
Toni Seidel, Rex Barron, Woody Duncan and (not pictured) Barbara J.
McGuire. Watch for more info in upcoming emails and Brushstrokes.

Max Enjoying Summer 6/11:
Our youngest great-grandson Max is enjoying his grand father's pool back in Kansas.
Back Yard 6/10:
I was running around town - My bride was spreading glass in our yard -
it's over 1/2 finished - I ordered 6 more boxes today to complete the
Blue Glass
Mudding Ranchos 6/9:
I left Taos on Saturday morning - I stopped by the famous Ranchos de
Taos church to photograph the annual restration of this adobe church.
Painters are not the only artists working in Taos.
Art Show Night 6/8:
all get our rooms set up to display the paintings we created over the
week. I put up my chili lights and cut fruit to add to the sangria wine
in my room. I also have a slide show running on the TV with photos I've
taken during the past week.
One More Watercolor 6/7:
finished nine paintings by Wednesday night - since, I was on a role, I
decided to tackle one really tought one - New York City at night.
That's Me in my "Room/Studio" Working on My Last Watercolor
Ten Paintings in One Week 6/6:
painted Sunday through Thursday and completed ten watercolors. On
Friday I cleaned up the studio and got ready for our display and walk
through. Of course, I did not paint all the time - I also ate, slept,
drank lots of wine, visited with new and old friends and took lots of
photos to include in our slide show on Friday night.
Two of My Sucessful Paintings for the Week
Group Photo 6/5:
We gathered in the Sagebrush Inn's courtyard for a group photo shoot. Jason designed our aprons and we all singed each others.
Why Taos 6/4:
I always stop along the road to Taos to shoot pics of the white water
rafting on the Rio Grande. Just more material for future paintings. Of
course, the other artists can easily become the subjects of my
watercolors too.
Plenty of Subjects to Paint
Day One Painting in Taos 6/3:
afternoon I set my studion up in room 115 at the Sagebrush Inn. Then I
went to dinner with friends. Sunday I got busy painting and completed
my first two paintings. I was redoing (but larger) two original
compositions I'd done in the Tom Schaller workshop a week earlier. I
had drawn my subjects out before I went to Taos.
End Up"
"Walking and Talking"
Lynn McLain Demo 6/2:
morning, before I drove to Taos, I went to the NMWS meeting at the
museum. I did not want to miss Lynn McLain's demo. Our demos always
If it's June 6/1:
headed to Taos New Mexico - you can find me in room 115 at the
Sagebrush Inn. The first year I attended the watercolor workshop in
Taos was 1985. It's hard for me to believe that I was able to get all
of my painting gear into my MG Midget. Of course I no longer have to
drive the 800 miles from Kansas City. Now, Taos is less than a three
hour drive from my home in Albuquerque. If my math is correct - this
will be my 31st year at the workshop - perhaps I'll learn to paint.
Several of us are doing small workshops while in Taos. I'm doing my
"Tearing Mountains" watercolor/collage workshop like the one I did at
NAEA in Chicago in 2016.
"Tearing Mountains"