Our Mountain From Our Backyard
Valedictorian 5/21:
just retunned from our trip to Kansas to celebrate our triplet
grandkids graduation. My bride and I are very proud of our grand
daughter Tess Duncan - she is now in Hawaii celebrating.
Our First Born 5/16:
Our oldest son Jim with his girl friend Judy.
My Bride Keeps Busy 5/16:
My bride has started on a new cross stitch (Van Gogh's Starry Night)
this will keep her busy for a long time.
Clowning Around (Buddy with his Mother)
Family 5/15:
Here's a photo of Max, our youngest great grandson working on his electronic pad.
Triplets Graduation 5/14:
Roses and Poppies 5/11:
roses are in full bloom now and my poppies are starting to bloom. I my
have only three poppies in bloom today - but, they beg for me to grab
my camera. These photos were taken with my i-phone 7 plus - then they
were played with in Photoshop.
Happy Birthday 5/8:
I cut a beautiful rose for my wonderful bride this morning to help celebrate her 30th birthday.

My Roses 5/7:
My roses were slow to bloom this year - but, now they are starting to
produce some nice flowerss. I try to cut one each day for my beautiful
bride. Her birthday is tomorrow and she turns 30 again. We plan to take
in an Isotopes game to celebrate. She loves the ribbion fries covered
with cheese and green chili they have at the ball park.
Roses Make a Great Subject for Paintings
Watercolor 5/6:
days of a very successful workshop is over now. On Thursday,
night the NMWS Signature Group held a potluck dinner with our juror. It
was held in the room where signature members displayed paintings of
their choice. I choose to hang my watercolor "Street Vocal" in the
signature room. Then today, we held the opening reception for the
Spring Show - handing out awards and all. A lot of praise to all the
members who put in many, many hours of work to have everything run so
"Street Vocal"
My Workshop Paintings 5/5:
Yesterday, I completed my third painting in Thomas
Schaller's workshop. The title is "This End Up". I got a good head
start on my next watercolor titled "Walking & Talking". It shows
three young ladies on a sidewalk in New York City.
My Watercolors
Schaller Workshop 5/4:
demo by Thomas W Schaller at his workshop in Albuquerque. The NMWS has
a great projection system so we can follow the artist's demos as
they paint.
Schaller Demo
"Royal Street" 5/3:
Here is the watercolor I completed in today's workshop. I depicts a
crowd strolling down "Royal Street" in New Orleans. Yesterdays lesson
was on perspective - so I selected the scene. |

Schaller Workshop 5/2:
W Schaller did a great demo at the New Mexico Watercolor Society
meeting in Albuquerque last night. Today he starts a 4 day workshop.
I'm lucky to be taking his workshop.
NMWS "Members Only" Spring Show 5/1:
May 6th is the opening reception of the NMWS Spring Show (from 1:00 to
4:00 pm). I was lucky to have have two watercolors juried into this
show. I'm taking the four day workshop that our juror Thomas Schaller
is conducting (Tuesday - Friday) May 2nd through the 5th.
"Young Climbers"