Our Mountain From Our Backyard
April 29 - Watercolor Finished:
Yesterday morning, I finished my newest watercolor of "French Quarter Sax" - now I'm ready to move on.
April 28 - Our Back Yard:
Our back yard is looking better with the addition of my Bride's new tree and my roses starting to bloom.
Back Yard
April 23 - Our New Tree:
finally assembled our new tree in the back yard. We bought it after our
last cruise when we spent a few days in New Orleans on the drive home.
I really should learn not to take my bride to New Orleans. She always
finds something to buy. The tree looks beautiful - we plan to sit out
back with drinks when the sun goes down.
April 22 - Remembering Phyllis:
Several fellow artist friends of Phyllis gathered at Sally Harris's house to remember Phyllis.
April 21 - More Street Music:
This morning I started on a drawing for "French Quarter Sax" - Let the music continue.

April 20 - Red Dress:
I finished my newest watercolor "Red Dress" this morning. Here are the steps it went through.
April 18 - My Workshop:
was my pleasure to teach a watercolor collage workshop yesterday
afternoon at the Pala Duro Senior Center - Once a teacher - Always a
April 17 - Blue Wave:
Torres Small, Deb Haaland and Michelle Lujan Grisham are three of the
reasons why New Mexico is turning "totally blue" again.
April 16 - Busy Morning:
day already - I loaded the car for my workshop tomorrow, when to docent
training at the Museum - then came home and planted three Geraniums
behind our bedroom. I plant red Geraniums there every year.
April 15 - Isotopes Baseball:
was our first baseball game of the year - the Topes lost 7 - 2 - but,
the cold beer, ribbon fries, and foot long hot dogs were great. And, of
course the weather was fantastic 66 degrees, warm New Mexico sun shine
with very little breeze - unlike baseball in KC yesterday in the snow.
April 14 - Progress:
how much progress I made this morning on my newest watercolor "Red
Dress" - The last thing I did was to remove the liquid mask exposing
the whites - which I will tone down later.
"Red Dress"
April 13 - Red Dress:
I'm starting a new watercolor this weekend of the model from MasterWorks New Mexico open house last Sunday.
I made some progress on "Red Dress" this morning - it's on a half sheet of 300 lb Arches Rough - I might finish it tomorrow.

April 12 - Framing Paintings Today:
Busy day today - I finished my article for NAEA News, took my boxed
paintings to FedEx, then framed my paintings for the NMWS Spring Show -
all while my beautiful bride was out doing all the hard yard work. Now
I need to decide which paintings to put in the NMWS Signature Exhibit
My watercolors for the Signature Room at the NMWS Spring Show
All are "NFS"
April 11 - Taxes Done:
taxes are done and e-mailed off - our refunds will go directly into our
Princess account - So, this morning, I made French Toast with Banana
Bread to celebrate. Then I got my paintings ready to ship off to
Watercolor USA and the Louisiana Watercolor Society - They are both in
brand new "Air Float" boxes.
April 8 - MasterWorks Open House:
was one of several artist who went to the MasterWorks Open House today
- to work with very talented high school students - we drew and painted
from a model - I was privileged to work with a talented student named
Jessica today.
April 7 - Watercolors Accepted:
you, Lynn McClain for selecting my two watercolors for the NMWS
"Members Only" Spring Show. As Juror, Lynn chose 113 paintings from the
237 submitted by our members. I know it's going to be a fantastic
This End
How to Steal a Pallet:
wonder what colors Michelangelo used on that famous ceiling or the
colors in an Andrew Wyeth painting. Jay Drummond showed us the way to
steal a pallet. Her demo today for the New Mexico Watercolor Society
was an eye opener to finding the colors any artist used but more
importantly it was a lesson on using a very limited pallet to create a
successful painting.
April 6 - Painting Finished:
This morning, I finished my newest watercolor "Royal Street Trio". Now it's time to move on to more challenging subjects.
April 4 - Painting Headed to New Orleans:
going to be a good year - this makes my 5th painting accepted into a
juried show this year. My watercolor "Clarinet-NOLA" was accepted into
the Louisiana Watercolor Society's 48TH INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION IN
2018 - Exhibit Dates: May 5- 25, 2018 - Reception: May 12,
2018 - 201 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans , LA - Juror: John Salminen.
My "Street Sax" is hanging at MasterWorks of New Mexico - here in
Albuquerque. My watercolor of the "Brooklyn Bridge" is now in the NMWS
Southern Chapter's Spring Show in Las Cruces. I'm about to box up most
recent "Clarinet-NOLA" to ship it off to Springfield, Missouri for
Watercolor USA. Plus, my New York Street Sceen "Walking & Talking"
was accepted into the Art at the Center's national exhibition in
Overland Park, Kansas.





"Street Sax"
for MasterWorks
to New Orleans |
"Broklyn Bridge"
to Las Cruces
"Clarinet-NOLA" for Watercolor USA
"Walking & Talking"
to Overland Park, Kansas