Our Mountain From Our Backyard
December 22 - Full Moon:
shots of tonights full moon raising over our mountain tonight. The
towers on top of the Sandia - tonights moon came up it just the right
December 20 - Moon:
combined a photo of tonights moon with one of my brides Christmas
angels - I hope to get some good photos tomorrow of the full moon
riseing over our mountain.
Christmas Moon
December 17 - Finished:
second vision of "Bird Girl" finished - I'll try another version later.
Still not what I envisioned - I might be happy the next time I try.
December 15 - Nice Surprise:
Received a surprise check in the mail today - I did not realize that my
watercolor "Father's Day" had won an award in the Los Lunas Exhibition
at the Museum of Heritage and Arts.
December 13 - Bird Girl:
Drawing transfered to Arches Hot Press. The drawing gum was added to protect the lightest areas.
December 12 - Bird Girl:
doing my watercolor of "Bird Girl" over. I was really unhappy with my
first painting. This version is smaller (24x18 Mat Size) and I'm
transferring my new drawing to Arches Hot Press.
December 10 -Tierra Adentro:
today's luncheon at the Albuquerque Museum - we were entertained by
students from Tierra Adentro Charter School. The mission of Tierra
Adentro: The New Mexico School of Academics, Art and Artesanía (TANM)
is to create an inclusive and thriving learning environment comprised
of a demographically and culturally diverse student population with a
focus on academics, art, artesanía (artisanship), and the study of the
cultures that comprise our rich New Mexican heritage to ensure
awareness, preservation, and progression of our cultural legacy.
December 9 - Painting Exchange:
fun was had at the NMWS Painting Exchange today. Barbara McGuire got my
painting of "Eason Eige" (on the right) it was the last painting
December 7 - Christmas and My Watercolors:
assembled our lawn decorations today - to my surprise they still work
and the deer look good in front of our house. I also finished my
painting of "Bird Girl" from Auckland, NZ. Since I'm not happy with it
- I plan to start another from the several photos I took of her feed
the birds. My persistance may pay off in the end. I do have good news -
a local gallery contacted me about exhibiting my paintings in a "Figure
Exhibition" in March.
December 6 - Ready For Christmas:
tree is up - the final touch was adding 60 beautiful Native-American
Dancer ornaments. My bride has been an avid collector of Christmas
decorations for years. We also have at least two dozen santas around
the house now.
Click On Our Christmas Tree
for a Movie of it Revolving
December 5 - St John Exhibition:
This morning, I dropped off my painting at the Cathedral Church of St.
John in downtown Albuquerque. There will be an Opening Reception at the
Cathedral on Sunday, Dec. 9th, starting at 11:30 AM. The show will hang
until Feb. 26, 2019. The New Mexico Watercolor Society Holiday party is
the same day so I doubt I'll make the opening.

December 4 - Christmas Decorations:
finally got my pre-lighted Christmas tree up - it only comes in three
sections- but dumb me- I was trying to put it together wrong -
tomorrow, I'll start decorating it. I do want to wish all my friends a
wonderful holiday - hopefully my tree will be finished by Saturday so I
can go to the bar and root on our Jayhawks as they beat NM State. Rock
Chalk Jayhawk Go KUUUUUUUUU

December 3 - Getting Older:
I recently binge watched season 1 of The Kominsky Method on Netflix. Any man dealing with getting older should watch this.
Acting coach Sandy Kominsky (Michael Douglas) and best friend Norman
Newlander (Alan Arkin) keep each other laughing as they navigate the
ups and downs of getting older.
December 2 - Christmas on the Way:
awoke to snow on the ground this morning - of course it did not last
long. We got a start on christmas decorations around the house. Soon, I
need to put up our tree.
December 1 - Painting Again:
finally got back to working on my watercolors - when I'm not working
items off my "Honey-Do" list. The young girl feeding the birds in
Auckland is making progress. I'm quite impressed with the "Mark Arts"
venue in Wichita. I plan to enter that painting in MasterWorks of New
Mexico this Spring.