Our Mountain From Our Backyard
June 27 - Full Moon:
moon put on a great show at sunset tonight as it rose over our
mountain. These photos were shot using my little Nikon, hand held, from
our back yard in Albuquerque.
June 25 - An Invitation to Exhibit:
Watercolor Exhibit - this time in Popular Bluff, Missouri. I'm sending
a new painting "Cadiz Guitar" to Watercolor Now - it's not juried -
it's by invitation.

June 24 - "French Quarter Trio":
finished and framed my redo of "French Quarter Trio". I even created
deckle edges and used a hot glue gun to hold the painting down to the
foam core.
RFK Quote:
"Some men see things as they are, and ask why. I dream of things that
never were, and ask why not."

June 23 - Tribute to RFK:
my new painting will be a proper tribute to Robert Kennedy - he is the
reason I got involved in politics - that was after his speech at Allen
Field House in Lawrence, Kansas in 1968. Of course I can never enter
this painting into any juried exhibit because I'm working from someone
else's image - and since I don't have Shepard Fairey's lawyers to fight
in court - So, I'll just paint.

Working On Both Watercolors:
I removed the liquid mask - now I've got lots of glazing, blending, scrubbing, etc to do
Under Painting on my tribute to RFK
June 22 - French Quarter Progress:
Some progress on my painting today.
June 21 - French Quarter Trio:
any painting there is a certain amount of fear and apprehension - this
is especially true when I'm trying to redo a painting that was a
success - we will see - I've only applied the liquid mask to areas I
want to protect - Then just a start - I like to start with some subtle
colors underneath to show through the later colors and of course a bit
of salt for taste.

June 20 - Do Over:
decided to try and paint my first painting from Taos over again - I
want a fresher cleaner look to this composition full of deep dark
shadows. Of course, I fully understand that the second time seldom
Another Rejection:
I just received notice
that I did not have a painting selected for the 45th Annual Rocky
Mountain National Watermedia exhibition - but, there are other
opportunities waiting out there - so I'll keep trying.
June 19 - Public Art:
a new member of the Albuquerque Arts Board, tonight I attended the
dedication of our newest public art piece in the Huning Castle
Neighborhood. The artwork is entitled "Neighbors" by artist Frank
Morbillo is located on Laguna Blvd., just east of the Albuquerque
Country Club. The photo shows our new Mayor Tim Keller with the
sculptor Frank Morbillo in front of the sculpture. I need to add that
our new mayor is not a lawyer - he has an Art History degree from Notre

June 18 - Old Music Fixed:
I darkened the background of my watercolor "Old Music" I hope it's OK - here it is matted.

June 17 - My Studio:
My studio is all set up now - I just hope I can keep it neat and tidy so I'll have a place to paint.
June 16 - It's Good to be Home:
It's always good to be home and to look out from our back yard and see our mountain.
June 15 - Hong Kong Buffet:
Of course we went out for Chinese food when we got back to Albuquerque.
And of course our grand daughter had to taste the Fried Calamari
June 14 - Drive Home:
afternoon we visited White Sands National Monument. We had planned to
watch the sunset over the dunes - but, rain was on the way. So we
headed back to our motel to watch the rain.
White Sands National Monument
June 13 - Sitting Bull Falls & White Sands:
Carlsbad Caverns, we drove to a very hidden place - "Sitting Bull
Falls". Because it's off the beaten path I wonder how many people even
know it exhists.
June 12 - Carlsbad Caverns:
According to Tess, we walked 14,000 steps down into and through the caverns before we took the elevator back out.
June 11 - Waiting for Bats:
We drove to Carlsbad Caverns in time to be there for the Bat Flights. Tomorrow we will walk down to explore the caverns.
June 10 - Home From Taos:
grand daughter Tess and her boyfriend Bailey held a concert in our
backyard. We also have a plant with a 17 foot erection in our yard -
those little blue pills really work.
June 9 - Drive Home:
I drove home from the Taos Watercolor Workshop, along the Rio Grande, I
stopped to take a few photos. The river was quite low, but the rafters
were still enjoying their float trip.
June 8 - Friday Night Slideshow:
On Friday night, I put together my annual slide show of the weeks activities in my Studio/Room 115.
Studio/Room 115
June 7 - My Seven Watercolors for the Week in Taos:
June 6 - My Collograph Workshop:
Wednesday, I held my Collograph Workshop. I learned a good lesson - to
never try printing with waterbase inks, outside, in the hot summer sun.
Most of the time the inks dried before we could pull a print. But we
did have some success.
June 5 - Wine Party:
Every afternoon - before dinner we would have a wine party. Afyer a hard day of painting it's good to relax a bit.
June 4 - Getting To Know Other Artists:
Thanks to Don's "Getting to Know" sessions - We learned more about our fellow artists in the workshop.
June 3 Another Wonderful Week In Taos:
been driving to Taos, New Mexico since 1985 for the same Watercolor
Workshop. The Sagebrush Inn is just like home. I go one day early to
set up my Room/Studio so I can paint all week. Below is my first
watercolor in Taos this year - "French Quarter Trio".
June 2 - Another Winner:
- Another watercolor accepted - My painting "Uncovering the Past" was
accepted into the 38th annual San Diego International Watercolor
Exhibition. We observed this scene as we walked through the French
Quarter in New Orleans.
June 1 - My Entries:
just entered the 45th Annual Rocky Mountain National Watermedia
Exhibition - The Submission Deadline is May 22, 2018 - The Exhibition
Dates are Sept 8 – Oct 27, 2018 Perhaps my luck will continue.
are the watercolors I decided to enter into the San Diego Watercolor
Society 2018 International Exhibition - the entry deadline is May 7th