Our Mountain From Our Backyard
May 31 - Way Behind Posting:
have not posted much in the last couple weeks. I'm getting ready for my
annual trip to Taos, New Mexico. One whole week of painting with
friends, good food and a few drinks. If you come up to Taos on Friday
June 8th you can see all our paintings on display from the weeks
workshop at the Sagebrush Inn. I plan to have Sangria for all my
On our last secession, Saturday Painters group had lunch at Pei Wei's someones face got blocked by an extra big hat
May 18 - More Entries:
just entered the 45th Annual Rocky Mountain National Watermedia
Exhibition - The Submission Deadline is May 22, 2018 - The Exhibition
Dates are Sept 8 – Oct 27, 2018 Perhaps my luck will continue.
May 17 - Playing:
Playing in Photoshop with my brides roses this morning - Perhaps I should paint one of these.
May 14 - Spring Cleaning:
that time of the year to take all our goodies down - wipe off the dust
and put things back where they belong. I hold the ladder while my bride
climbs to the higher places. I have a very healthly fear of heights
which tends to get me out of some work.
May 13 - Getting Ready for Taos:
morning, I Loaded my pallet for a week of painting in Taos - I made a
list of the colors I'm short so I could stop by Artisans.


May 12 - Magic Fingers Finished:
This morning I was able to complete "Magic Fingers" - I even deckled the edges.
May 10 - Magic Fingers:
Starting on a new watercolor this morning "Magic Fingers" from New Orleans.

May 9 - My Studio:
It took several days - but you can see the floor now - I actually cleaned up my studio space so I could paint at home.
My Studio
May 6 - Spring Show Awards:
afternoon, was the awards presentation for the NMWS Spring Show. I
received an Honorable Mention Award for my painting "This End Up".
That's NMWS President Rex Barron handing me my award - thr check will
go straight into our Princess Account.
Three Other Paintings On Display:
have one additional painting in the Spring Exhibition - "Holy Mudder" -
I'm entering it into the International in San Diego. I have two
watercolors on display in the Signature Room (Not part of the Juried
Exhibit and not for sale) I'm also entering one of those "MasterWorks"
into the International in San Diego. The portrait of "Sara's
Daughter" will get shipped to Sara in Kansas City.
May 5 - French Quarter Sax:
are the updated steps in my French Quarter Sax" watercolor - now I can
enter it and see what the jurors say - Thanks to everyone who suggested
that I go dark. I just entered my "French Quarter Sax" into the 2018
National Watercolor Society 98th International Open Exhibition
Deadline: May 18, 2018 - 12:00 Noon, PST Exhibition Dates: October 4th - December 16th, 2018
2018 JURORS OF SELECTION: Carla O'Connor, Linda Daly Baker and Linda A. Doll
May 4 - WOW !
My painting was selected to receive the Watercolor USA Honor Society
"Richard Clubb Memorial Award” of $300 for “Clarinet Nola”, in this
year's Watercolor USA 2018. Just getting a painting into
Watercolor USA is quite an honor. I consider Watercolor USA one
of the top juried watercolor shows in the country. Organized in
1962 by the Springfield Art Museum, this event aims to attract the best
in contemporary American watermedia and strives to exhibit work by
artists who are pushing the boundaries of the medium. Besides the
award and the cash - I'm told that now I will become a member of the
"Watercolor USA Honor Society"the Watercolor USA Honor Society is a
unique organization formed in 1985 from a broad based assemblage of
inventive artists. WHS endeavors to cultivate and promote an interest
in watermedia painting via the venue of the Watercolor USA
exhibition. Wow - what an honor, since this is only the second
time I've had a painting accepted into Watercolor USA.
May 3 - Buy Art:
sure to stop by the NMWS Spring Exhibition - Opening Reception:
Saturday May 5 - 1 to 4 pm - Exhibition open May 6 through 27 (Thurs -
Sun 10 am - 4 pm) While you are there buy a beautiful painting to take
May 2 - San Diego Watercolor Society:
are the watercolors I decided to enter into the San Diego Watercolor
Society 2018 International Exhibition - the entry deadline is May 7t.
May 1 - Watercolor Demo:
Lynn McLain's demo, last night, at the NMWS meeting - He is doing a workshop all this week for 22 lucky members.