Our Mountain From Our Backyard
April 30 - John Salminen Workshop:
day into John Salminen's workshop - everyone worked on adding details
to their drawings. Our instructor began a demo on values in a
April 29 - John Salminen Demo:
John Salminen did a great demo at the NMWS meeting tonight. I'm looking forward to taking his workshop for the next four days.
April 28 - Fifty Years of Watercolor:
This mornings Albuquerque Journal ran an artical on the NMWS Spring Exhibition.
April 27 - "Practice" Finished:
I finished the portrait of my grand daughter Tess practcing her flute in our back yard.
April 26 - Progress:
morning, I made good progress on my portrait of Tess - Tomorrow, I'll
remove the Drawing Gum before finishing the portrait. It's important
that the portrait look like my grand daughter - but, it's also
important that I get the finger positioning correct on her flute.
April 25 - Tess:
weekend, I'm starting a new music watercolor - this time it's of our
beautiful grand daughter Tess. I took the reference photo when she was
practicing in our back yard in Albuquerque.
April 24 - Salminen Workshop:
I just finished my drawing for next weeks John Salminen workshop. I
hope I'm not taking on more than I can handel. It's a full sheet of
Arches 300 lb rough.
April 21 - TOPES WIN!:
took in our first baseball game of the season today. The Isotopes
squeeze by the Rainiers this afternoon, 23-2. The Isotopes 23 runs tie
a franchise record for most runs scored in a game (previous 7/30/07 vs.
Oklahoma City) The 21-run margin of victory also ties the largest in
franchise history.
April 20 - Full Moon:
night we enjoyed a relaxing soak in the hot tub as we watched the full
moon rise over our mountain - life is good in New Mexico.
April 19 - "Artist at Work":
Starting a new watercolor, "Artist at Work" about artist Karl Hofmann working on his instalation at the Albuquerque Museum
April 18 - Smaller Paintings:
getting ready for the ABQ Art Showcase in August. My booth will have a
Jazz Music theme. I thought smaller paintings would sell better so I'm
framing smaller pieces for the show. Of course I'll have several of my
normal larger paintings on display. By small I mean 20 x 16 inches and
a few at 24 x 18.
April 17 - Paintings Framed:
I framed my two paintings for the NMWS Spring Exhibition. We have to take them to the show on April 30th.
April 16 - Starry Night:
finally framed my brides beautiful counted cross stitch of Van Gogh's
Starry Night. She worked a long time on this one. In fact, it took two
long ocean cruises to finish it.
April 15 - New Mexico Art League:
Here are my three entries into the New Mexico Art League's "Flower as Still Life" exhibition
April 14 - More Progress:
I removed the Drawing Gum, this morning, to expose the lightest areas of my painting.
April 13 - Painting Koi:
decided to branch out and try to paint looser. I'm working from a
reference photo that I took at "Joy Wok" restaurant in Kansas City.
This is just a start - the blue areas are mask out with Drawing Gum -
later I'll remove it to expose the whites.
April 11 - Two Good Movies:
My bride picked out two great movies (Greta & Green Book) - we saw both at the dollar show this week.
April 10 - New Lights:
I decided to get new lights for our back yard. Very soon the alien space craft will know where to safely land.
April 9 - Black Roses:
found some Black Roses that are perfect for a vase I bought my bride
last year. So, "Dia de los Muertos" is early in our house this year.

April 8 - San Diego Entries:
might as well try - the San Diego International is a really tough show
to get into - but, here are my three entries. I would think that my
watercolor "Holy Mudder" has a chance. It deserves to be seen by a
larger audience.
April 7 - MasterWorks:
years MasterWorks Open House was a great sucess. High school students
learned new techniques, Elementary students learned wire cculpture and
Nicholas Tesluk was our model.
April 6 - Watercolor Critique:
This morning, Susan Weeks and Bud Edmondson did a friendly critique of members paintings at the NMWS April meeting.
April 5 - Painting Again:
traveling to Boston for the NAEA conference, and then to Kansas to
visit family - I have not been painting. So, this morning I got out an
old unfinished portrait to work on.
April 4 - Signature Exhibit:
plan to enter these two watercolors into the NMWS Signature Exhibition
in Los Lunas this July (if they will accept two paintings)
April 2 - Creativity Fair:
each year, docents at the Albuquerque Museum can display their art and
crafts during a museum luncheon. Here are the paintings I displayed
last Monday.