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............................................................. My Beautiful Bride ![]() 55 Years Together |
.................................................. Is your dot on my map ? ......................................... |
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Where Woody's Watercolors Are Entered or on Exhibit in 2019 To see watercolors created by my friends in Taos every June CLICK HERE |
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Our Mountain From Our Backyard .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. |
February 28 - My Spring Entries: These are my three entries into the "NMWS Members Only" Spring Exhibition - entries will open March 2nd - enter through the NMWS website - I'm the file manager, so if you need help please contact me - Reminder The workshop by our juror John Salminen has a few spots left - don't miss this great workshop. I had to make a change in my entries for the Spring Exhibition
correct entries are shown below |
February 22 - Metro Awards: I just returned from Judging awards for the APS Metro Student Art Show - I was one of three from the City Arts Board. We selected 3 pieces to be purchased by the City. Then I selected 2 watercolors to receive cash awards from the Watercolor Society. The Octopus and the portrait both received cash awards from the NM Watercolor Society. Then I wrote a check of my own for a Merit award for the Orange and Blue Dragons. Opening night for the exhibition is Friday, March 8th - 5 to 7:30 PM. |
February 21 - ABQ City Arts Board: I've always had trouble remembering names - So, I create my own Mnemonic devices (memory trick) to help me learn names. Now that I'm on the city Arts Board I have new names to store in my head. Somehow the rolodex up there won't hold names - so I need help. Even when I taught school - I had students photos on my seating charts. We took this photo at last months Art Board retreat - now, I've added names to help my poor brain out. |
Here's an early invitation to the opening reception to a show my watercolors are in. I took 14 paintings to Sumner & Dene's Gallery today. I do hope you can attend the opening on Friday, March 1st. |
February 20 - Time to Paint: Yesterdays snow cancelled meetings - so, it gave me time to paint. I believe that my new watercolor "Window Washers" is finished - but, I'll need to live with it for a while to be sure. |
February 19 - Snow in Albuquerque: My painting is finished, Snow is coming down, Art in the School meeting was cancelled - I guess it's a good day to relax. Tomorrow I go to judge the high school watercolors - then, later there is a Abq Art Board meeting. Then on Thursday I'm delivering 14 of my watercolors for a show at Sumner & Dene. |
Window Washers - Sydney: I'm going to try a watercolor that shows reflections of Window Washers suspended in baskets from photos I took in Sydney, Australia. |
February 18 - Mud Artist: My watercolor of the "Mud Artist" from Taos is starting to develop once I put the shadow in to give it meaning. |
I removed the Art Gum (Liquid Mask) on my watercolor of "Mud Artist" exposing the lightest areas - the painting is finally starting to come to life |
February 17 - One Finished: I finished my "French Quarter Sax" yesterday and made good progress on my "Mud Artist" at the Ranchos Church. |
February 16 - New Watercolors in Progress: This morning, I'm joing my friends painting at the La Masa church. I'll be working on two new watercolors. I need entries for the NMWS Spring exhibition. |
February 15 - National Watercolor Society: I'm trying again by entering the National Watercolor Societies Member Exhibition in San Pedro, California. I entered this watercolor of "Tanya & Dorise" playing music on Royal Street in New Orleans. |
February 14 - Texture: I love adding a sense of texture to Adobe Walls using Golden Light Molding Paste applied with a pallet knife - I'll paint over it later. |
February 13 - NAEA Boston: I'm trying to get everything together for my hands-on workshop at NAEA in Boston. I'm going to do my Kaleidocycle workshop for 25 art educators from all over the country. |
February 12- Mud Artist: I'm starting new painting today on a full sheet of Arches rough - back to a subject I love - I love Taos and i paint the Ranchos church often. Each June talented volunteers restore the adobe surface of this beautiful landmark. They do it for the community as well as to restore their own faith. I love painting shadows and the texture on the adobe walls - this one should be fun. |
February 11 - Watercolor USA: I decided on the two paintings I wanted to enter into Watercolor USA in Springfield, MO. |
February 10 - "Tiny Bubbles" Finished: I had contempleted a darker background - but, the painting is a gift to the model and she prefers to remember the warm sunny day in the South Pacific where I took the photos. Doris lives way up in Canada where it's damn cold right now. I want to display the painting in the Signature Members Room at our Spring Exhibition. After that I'll ship the portrait up to it's new home in Canada. |
February 9 - Railyards: This morning I got to explore the Old Albuquerque Railyards - I took lots of photos for future paintings - of course I played with them in Photoshop to fit my style of painting. |
February 8 - "Tiny Bubbles": I'm making good progress on my new watercolor "Tiny Bubbles". The subject is Doris, a friend in Canada, that we met on our last cruise. Four coulpes dined together each evening on our 28 day voyage. Doris took Ukulele lessons while on the cruise. These are the first six stages in the painting - still much more to do. |
February 7 - MasterWorks: At todays MasterWorks meeting we got an introduction to Gary Chaffin's wire sculpture. Gary will be teaching wire sculpture to elementary students at the MasterWorks Open House on April 7th. The kids are in for a real treat. |
I framed two new small watercolors today - both are in 20 x 16 inch frames |
February 6 - Sunport Art Tour: Here is a glance at the art we saw on our docent tour of Albuquerque's Sunport. The next time you are flying in or out of Albuquerque - take time to check out the wonderful art in our airport. After the tour, several of us enjoyed a leisurely lunch. |
February 5 - My Morning: What a wonderful way to start out a morning - first, I did a drawing for my newest watercolor "Tiny Bubbles". Doris became a good friend of ours while on our last cruise. Later while my bride sleeps in I made my famous french toast. |
February 4 - Two From One: One old watercolor suddenly becomes two new watercolors - I believe they look better in separate mats - so, I cut the painting in half. These two musicians were working together on the streets of Malaga, Spain. |
February 3 - Smaller Paintings: Cutting matts, this morning, for my smaller watercolors - I'll have eight 16 x 20 and six 18 x 24 inch matts. My bride is sure that the only reason I buy books is to weight down the mats while the laters dry. |
February 2 - Cyanotype Artist: This morning, my old friend Beth Larsen, gave a great demo for the New Mexico Watercolor Society. |
February 1 - Young Banjo Progress: I'm starting a new watercolor - working from a photo a friend sent me. He captured this shot in the New Orleans French Quarter. He captured the light and shadow perfectly. I'm using a lot of drawing gum to protect the lightest areas before I start with paint. |
ABQ Art Showcase in August: I created a new web page to promote my paintings for a special exhibition coming this August 15 through 19. The exhibition will be at the Albuquerque convention center. Click on: http://www.taospaint.com/WoodysBlog19/ABQ-Preview.html |
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