Our Mountain From Our Backyard
November 30 - Finished:
third in the series - "Brother John III" Finished - I decided to mat it
a bit tighter. I could use suggestions for a better title.

November 29 - Back To Painting:
Working on "Brother John III" while I'm listening to Janis Joplin - I hope the Monk approves.
November 28 - Happy Thanksgiving:
awoke to a yard full of snow - it's still snowing at noon. Perhaps this
snowfall will hang around for awhile. This much snow is very unusual
here - we normally get a couple dusting each winter which melts by
noon. It is low where we live (5000 ft) in higher parts of Albuquerque
- 6000 to 6500 - they get much more.
November 27 - Third Times A Charm:
morning I started on "Brother John III" the third in my series about
the Monk we met at the Monastery of Christ in the Desert. I'm actually
painting on the back of an old painting from 5 or 6 years back. A sheet
of Arches 300 lb cost me $13.00 a piece - So, I'm being thrifty. This
finished painting will fit into a 28 x 22 inch frame.

November 26 - More Entries:
decided to enter a watercolor exhibition in California - because, they
will accept entries of paintings done it the past 5 years. It does not
hurt to try - unless rejections hurt, but I get use to those. This is a
brand new juried show so, if some of the top artists don't enter - I
may have a chance. I believe the work I've entered is award worthy -
plus, my Princess account needs the money.
KU Basketball:
night my Jayhawks beat Chaminade (Hawaii) by 30 points (93 - 63) in the
first round of the Maui Invitational. Tonight I'll be watching, again
at home, as our team takes on BYU. I'm so glad college basketball
season is underway. I hope the KU Alumni will be gathering soon at
Craft Republic on Jefferson (formally Fox & Hound) to cheer on our
November 25 - My Western Fed Entries:
decided on my three entries for Western Fed - Entry Deadline is Jan
10th. The paintings were finished so I might as well enter early. Even
if I'm accepted this year - the awards presentation in Idaho is the
first day I usually go to the workshop in Taos. I got in last year in
San Diego (my third time) getting signature status.
November 24 - Finished:
This morning I finished my second watercolor of the Monk we met at the Monastery of Christ in the Desert. I had to do a tiny bit of touch up with white gouach. I believe it turned out OK. Now I'm going to tackle a third in the series.
November 23 - Starting to Come Together:
removed the liquid masque protecting the lighter areas on "Brother John
II" this morning. Lots of work still to do to make this painting work.
Now I'm doing more scrubbing and blending than painting - but, it's
making progress.
November 22 - Some Progress Today:
worked on the fresco, in the background, behind the Monk before I
started on the figure of Brother John I hope the hand jesters
become the center of interest.
November 21 - Some Color As A Start:
first color on "Brother John II" is just an underpainting - time will
tell if I over did it or not - watercolors tend to dry much lighter - I
hope so this time.
November 20 - Protecting White Areas:
apply "pebeo" drawing gum as my liquid frisquet to what will be the
lightest areas of my painting. That way I can freely apply colors
without worring about the whits or other light areas of my composition.
November 19 - Another Portrait:
morning, I started a new watercolor of Brother John - this time on a
full sheet of 300 lb Arches rough. I feel that it will be a more
powerful statement since I'm including the mural behind the monk plus
the position of his hands. If it works out, this might have a
chance at Western Fed.
November 17 - More Portraits Planned:
After I finish this first portrait of "Brother John" - I have two more portraits of the monk that I plan to tackle.
November 16 - Painting Again:
I pealed the blue masque off to see what I've got to work with now on my portrait of "Brother John".
November 14 - Quick Trip to Kansas:
We have been out of town for a couple days - we drove back to Kansas to
see our grand daughters Tess & Tiffanie. Here are photos of Musical
Tess playing piano at a jazz concert and photos of Technical Tiffanie
assembling a play place for her pet birds.
November 11 - Moon Over Sandia:
I was on time tonight - it takes about 25 minutes after moonrise fot the moon to appear over our mountain.

November 10 - Moon Over Sandia:
I was a bit late catching the moon cresting our mountain - but, I still got a few photos.
November 9 - More Progress:
morning, I made quite a bit of progress on my watercolor "Fighting the
Balloon" and I started a new watercolor - a portrait of "Brother John"
from the Monastery of Christ in the Desert.
November 8 - Painting Progress:
I made some progress on my newest watercolors this morning. I finished
my landscape "Autumn - Rio Grande" and made some progress on "Fighting
the Balloon". I should be able to finish my balloon painting tomorrow.
November 6 - Monastery of Christ in the Desert:
are few pics from our trip to the Monastery of Christ in the Desert in
Rio Arriba County - and yes, Brother John made quite an impression on
me so there will be a portrait.
November 4 - MasterWorks Entries:
Here are my three entries into next years MasterWorks of New Mexico
juried exhibition. Masterworks is the best show in the state. Only 47
watercolors will be selected into the show. I'm serving as file manager
for the water media division. I'll collect the digital entries
and then send them on to our three jurors.
November 3 - Lunch With Eight Ladies:
after the watercolor meeting, I had a lunch date with eight ladies. All
of us were on the "Art in the School" board. We disolved the
organization last year after wisely began hiring many more art
teachers. It's good to get together from time to time to keep track of
what each of us are doing in our active lives.
November 2 - Angus Demo:
MacPherson did a great demo for the watercolor society this morning.
Angus is an acrylic artist but waters down his acrylic paints and
applies the color in a watercolor technique. He paints on streached
canvas. More important than just watching Angus paint, is to hear him
talk about creativity and the life of being an artist. Some people
celebrate life by dancing in the moonlight or singing in the rain.
Albuquerque artist Angus MacPherson has been known to paint up a storm
or two to express his ecstasy for living. Our members really enjoyed
his demo and talk.
November 1 - Two Paintings In Progress:
working on two new watercolors right now. I made some progress painting
with friends in our Friday painters group. One painting shows the early
morning Rio Grande outside of Taos. The other watercolor shows four
people fighting with a hotair balloon at this years Balloon Fiesta.