Our Mountain From Our Backyard
September 29 - Watercolor Finished:
Yesterday, I finished my newest watercolor - "Pricky
Pear Fruit". I believe it turned out OK - I'm just not sure it is
quality for a juried exhibition. Two things make this painting work -
the use of strong darks - plus the way the dark shapes are connected
through out the composition. Both things that I retained from the
recent John Salminen workshop. PS: I never used black - all the darks
are mixtures of reds, greens and violets - or whatever worked.
Susan Birdsong:
Susan Birdsong's watercolors flow from a nucleus of chance.
The Albuquerque artist randomly plops paint across damp paper and lets the painting tell her what to do.
This seemingly backward technique has served the artist well. The
winner of multiple awards and honors, Birdsong will hang her work in
the New Mexico Watercolor Society's Fall Exhibition at EXPO New Mexico
beginning next weekend.
The juried event draws more than 120 new watercolor and acrylic
paintings by New Mexico artists. The names include such luminaries as
Peter Hurd. This marks the show’s 50th anniversary.
Birdsong began as a realist when she first discovered watercolor 35
years ago. A former real estate agent, she took a class that became an
“I decided I was going to quit real estate and become an Albuquerque
artist,” she said. “I love the transparency and the flowing colors” of
The co-owner of the Scottsdale Village Tumbleweed Gallery from
1982-1992, Birdsong soon shifted away from representational imagery.
“My style now has gone to the experimental,” she said.
Birdsong created “Tantalizing Trail” using powdered pigment and water.
First she sprays or throws water across the paper. Then she fills in
the composition with collages from another painting.
In other works, she uses filters or templates such as doilies or a
potato sack, sprays the paper with water and pours three colors on top.
She conjures imagery from the resulting chaos.
"When it’s dry, I pull off all these imprints,” she said Her floral “In the Garden” and “Maiden”germinated from this technique.
"I realized the paint would flow together and have a softness,” she
said. In “Maiden,” “I saw her head with her hair. Also, there was a
circle forming the edge of the pot.”
She calls these her “leap of faith” paintings.
Birdsong has taught art through her church for 15 years. Her work can
now be seen at Gallerie Tamaya at the Hyatt Regency Resort and Spa,
Santa Ana Pueblo and at Onyx Swan Gallery in Old Town.
WHAT: New Mexico Watercolor Society 2019 Fall Exhibition
WHEN: Opening reception 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5 through Oct. 27.
Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday-Sunday; 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 27.
WHERE: Fine Arts Gallery, EXPO New Mexico, 300 San Pedro NE
HOW MUCH: Free at nmwatercolorsociety.org
September 28 - Happy Birthday:
fantastic triplet grandkids have their 21st birthday today (September
28th) - Happy birthday Tim, Tess and Tiff - They grow up way too fast
September 27 - Balloon Museum:
I attended a special Art Night at the Balloon Museum - I took a few
pics of the art but mostly pics of the museum enviorment. Albuquerque's
Balloon Museum is a rare treasure.
September 26 - Drawing Cactus:
I'm starting a drawing for a new watercolor - a study in red & green "Pricky Pear Fruit"

September 24 - Competition:
framed a watercolor to take to the Sagebrush Inn, for NMAEA, in October
- if they select my painting, I should get my room free of charge. The
title is: "Shadow on San Francisco De Asis".
September 23 - Two Workshops:
got two workshops coming up - on October 25th I'm doing my
"Kaleidocycle Workshop for New Mexico Art Teachers at our Fall
Conference. Then next March I'm doing my "Tearing Mountains" workshop
at NAEA in Minneapolis.
September 22 - Good Composition:
actually impressed myself - my "Bird on a Wire" is a success. The
simple composition worked out. The textured background is also quite
effective. I'll enter this one in a juried show and find out what the
jurors think. Most of my watercolors are much more complicated. Perhaps
I need to try some simple subjects.
September 21 - REDW Tour:
you Karin Cook for leading some members on a tour of the NMWS permanent
collection at REDW. It is impressive that we have 107 paintings in the
NMWS permanent collection now.
September 20 - "Bird on a Wire":
made a bit of progress on my new watercolor "Bird on a Wire" at Friday
Painter's this morning. I should be able to finishe it in my Saturday
group tomorrow.
September 18 - "Bird on a Wire":
decided to do two versions of "Bird on a Wire" - the larger version
will have a textured background - the smaller one will focus on just
the bird.
September 17 - New Watercolor:
Working from photos I took in Taos back in June - I
started a drawing, this morning, for a simple composition "Bird on a
Wire". I think I'll add texture to the surface before I start painting. |

September 16 - Docent Training:
was quite special for Docent training at the Albuquerque Museum.
Several previous Docent Coordinators told us stories from their past
some as far back as 1971. Afterwards, Renate was recognized for her 44
years as a docent at the Albuquerque Museum.
September 14 - "Boy With Puppy" Finished:
This morning, in my Saturday Painters group, I finished my new watercolor "Boy With Puppy".
September 13 - Baby Quilts:
My Bride finishing another Baby Quilt - perhaps they will sell at the "Blue Portal" since the Balloon Fiesta is coming soon.
September 12 - Boy With Puppy:
night, I started a drawing for a new watercolor "Boy With Puppy" - the
little guy was helping his mom clean rooms at the Sagebrush Inn - he
carried the small puppy everywhere they went.

September 11 - Remembering:
very intentionally turned off the news today. I did not want to watch
the replay of planes flying into buildings. When the disaster happened,
I was teaching in Kansas City, our middle school put it on the TV in
our classrooms. The next day I had my students develop a display of
words that expressed things that were important in their lives. Our
theme was "it is better to light one little candle than to curse the
darkness". We put the work up in the display cases in the hallways.
September 10 - Floating Mesa:
love this fountain "Floating Mesa" out side the Albuquerque Museum -
The artist of this sculpture was Jesus Bautista Moroles from Texas - I
used him as an explemplar in my art classes - I got to meet him when
NAEA was in Fort Worth, Texas - He died in a car crash in 2015.

September 9 - Kansas National Watercolor:
morning, I boxed up my painting to ship to Wichita for the Kansas
Watercolor Society National Exibition - Thank you Thomas W Schaller for
selecting my watercolor "Sydney Reflections"
September 8 - Girls to Ladies:
our latest trip to Kansas - I was made aware of how much our triplet
grand children had grown. Tess and Tiffanie have become beautiful young
September 7 - NMWS Fall Exhibit:
had two watercolors accepted into the NMWS Fall National Exhibition.
Thank You, Laurie Goldstein-Warren for selecting my paintings.
September 6 - Back To Painting:
I finished "Railyard Shadows" this morning - Perhaps a better title might be "Hard Hat Ladies" I'll be thinking about that.
September 5 - Polish Food:
brought back Polska Kielbasa back from our trip to Kansas City - I'm so
glad I married a Polish girl. She made me Kielbasa one day and I
grilled pork chops the next - Damn, I'm a good cook.
September 4 - Kansas Watercolor Society:
watercolor “Sydney Reflections" was chosen for the Kansas Watercolor
Society National Exhibition in Wichita. Plus, while in Kansas, I gave
my grand daughter Tess the portrait I did of her playing her flute in
our back yard in Albuquerque.
September 3 - Shopping With the Girls:
day in Kansas City we took Tess and Tiffanie to Cabelas to shop and of
course to check out all the stuffed animals - plus the fish tank.
After shopping at Cabelas - we visited Russell Stovers. No trip to
Kansas City is complete without stopping at Russell Stovers to buy big
boxes of chocolate candy. Then we took the girls to lunch at I-Hop.
September 2 - Shari and Buddy:
also got the opportunity to take our youngest son Buddy and Shari out
to Cracker Barrel for dinner. They gave us triplets, 21 years ago, so
we could have three times the fun.
September 1 - Visiting Kansas City:
enjoyed our week back in Kansas City. Thanks to Doug & Doris we
took our oldest son Jim and his girl friend Judy to Margarita's on Taco
Tuesday. The large photo on the wall shows part of the crowd at Union
Station back when the Royals won the World Series. The flood line on
the wall shows how high the water got in 93 and 98 when Southwest Blvd
was under water.