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.................................................. Is your dot on my map ? ......................................... |
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Where Woody's Watercolors Are Entered or on Exhibit in 2020 To see watercolors created by my friends in Taos every June CLICK HERE |
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Our Mountain From Our Backyard .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. |
April 30 - NMWS Fall Entries: I withdrew my entries from the New Mexico Spring Exhibition since I've entered them into other juried shows. The Spring show was cancelled due to the Covid-19 Restrictions and now becomes the Fall Show in October. Below are the three watercolors that I decided to enter. |
April 28 - Steps Along The Way: I've got a good start on my watercolor of my "Young Accordian" player. I used Drawing Gum to block out the lightest areas. Then, I put come color under everything plus a dash of salt just for taste. Next, I'm laying some major color areas. |
April 27 - Memory of Crete: My next watercolor is of a young street musician playing his accordian on a damp rainy day - I took the photos in Crete on a cruise in 2017 - and yes I left him a Euro. |
April 26 - More Juried Watercolor Exhibits: I'm going to keep entering juried watercolor exhibitions - I just might get one accepted. |
Painting Portraits: Perhaps I should keep with painting old disheveled musicians, with dreadlocks - trying to paint beautiful young ladies is really hard. |
April 25 - Looking For Bao Her: I've searched but can not find her on Facebook now - nor in any old e-mails. Hopefully she will contact me again in the future. I should be able to finish her painting today. |
April 24 - Bao Her: My newest watercolor is of a student of mine years ago - "Bao Her" was in my art classes in the 6th, 7th & 8th grades at Rosedale Middle School. She was on my Facebook page - but listed with her married name. I did not realize she had been a student of mine till she told me that I knew her as "Bao Her". She said she would be honored if I would paint her portrait. Her originial Hmong regaiia is going to be a challange to paint. When I did this drawing yesterday, I again searched but could not find her on Facebook - nor in any old e-mails. Hopefully she will contact me again in the future. |
April 23 - Finished: "Bare Foot Artist" finished - time for another subject. Terri Lizzio always paints outside in the Sagebrush Inn courtyard. |
April 22 - Bare Foot Artist: Here's how far I've gotten so far on "Bare Foot Artist" - I just removed the liquid mask today. Terri Lizzo has seen what I posted on Facebook - so, the final painting better turn out good. |
April 21 - Busy in the Kitchen: Well at least my brides been busy in the kitchen. About the only thing I cook is breakfast. But, I dis create the "Chili Verde Sauce" to go over the Burittos. My bride made 20 hugh burittos and all but two are in the freezer. Those two were for dinner tonight. We are eating very good while we are staying in place at home. |
April 18 - Bare Foot Artist Progress: My new watercolor of is moving slowly - but since this "Artist in Residence" will be here for quite a while - there is little need to rush. |
April 17 - Supplying Context: I did some watercolors earlier of a mural artist in Mexico. I knew he was way up on a high tower - but, that was not apparent to the viewer of my painting. So, here I'm including a photo of the tower as seen from below next to my paintings. |
April 16 - Bare Foot Artist: I've started on a new watercolor of a friend who comes to the watercolor workshop in Taos. Terri Lizzio always paints outside in the Sagebrush Inn courtyard. I'm always shooting photos of the other artists as they work for a slide show that I present on Friday nights. This is the first time I've attempted to paint Terri. |
April 14 - Stay Home - Stay Safe: The few times we have ventured out - We have worn a mask to stay safe or to protect others - with this Covid-19 one never knows who is a carrier. You might be a carrier and not feel ill - but you could infect others. |
April 13 - Eating Too Good: With this "Stay At Home" thing imposed by Covid-19, We have spent a good bit of time cooking and stocking the freezer. My bride warned me not to get on the scale. We are really eating good of late. ![]() ![]() ![]() ... ![]() ![]() ![]() ... |
April 12 - Recent Watercolors: I did some touch up on three of my most recent paintings. In each painting - I sprayed the corners - perhaps it helped a bit. |
April 11 - Art In Motion: This is from a workshop I did last fall in Taos for New Mexico art teachers. |
Three Additional Kaleidocycles Samples |
April 10 - Food For The Duration: We are stocking our freezer for the next several months because we are staying home and safe for however long this Covid-19 lasts. My bride and I made egg rolls one day and she made breaded pork tenderloins the next. Today was my day to cook. First, I made a batch of my green chili sauce. It is best served over scrambled eggs and fried potatoes. Then next, I made a pot of my red chili sauce with pork. We will use it over tamales, chili rellanos or burritos. We plan on eating good. |
April 9 - Another Shot of the Moon Over Our Mountain: Sometimes the weather cooperates - other time the clowds get in the way - but, on Tuesday everything worked out. I was able to get several good shots of the moon raising over our mountain. A lot of credit goes to my Nikon Cool Pix P900 - I love that little camera and especially the 83X Zoom equal to 2000 mm lens. |
April 8 - Finished: Yesterday, I finally finished "Street People - NOLA" and as I often do I finished it by outlining. I realize it makes it look cartoonish but in this case I think it called for the the technique. One thing for sure this painting was fun to paint. |
April 7 - Progress on "Street People - NOLA": A bit of progress on this one. The second times a charm - I hope. I'm doing another version on my "Street People - NOLA". This time the painting will be square 18 x 18 inches - matted and framed it will be 24 x 24 inches. I'm including the bike to provide more atmosphere (context) and to help contrast with curved lines of the figurers. I shot my reference photos on Royal Street in New Orleans. Someday we hope to return. |
April 6 - Travel The World From Home: These links were in yesterdays Albuquerque Journal - Tour the World while stuck at home. The Louvre https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne Yosemite National Park http://www.virtualyosemite.org/about-virtual-yosemite/ Van Gogh Museum https://360stories.com/amsterdam/oldamsterdam/story/vincent-van-gogh Great Wall of China https://www.thechinaguide.com/destination/great-wall-of-china Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History https://naturalhistory.si.edu/visit/virtual-tour Yellowstone National Park https://www.nps.gov/yell/learn/photosmultimedia/virtualtours.htm Museum of Modern Art https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/moma-the-museum-of-modern-art San Diego Zoo https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/live-cams British Museum https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/the-british-museum Tour the World while stuck at home ... |
April 5 - Back To Painting: Second times a charm - I hope. I'm doing another version on my "Street People - NOLA". This time the painting will be square 18 x 18 inches - matted and framed it will be 24 x 24 inches. I'm including the bike to provide more atmosphere (context) and to help contrast with curved lines of the figurers. I shot my reference photos on Royal Street in New Orleans. Someday we hope to return. |
April 4 - Egg Roll Fun: Since we are stuck at home - We are making egg Rolls - and freezing them for later - We tested them and they are better than any restaurants egg rolls. My bride and I, working together made about 60 egg rolls - which should last us a while. |
April 2 - "Bird Girl" Finished: I finally finished my painting - this is my 3rd attempt at painting this young girl feeding birds in a park in Aukland, New Zealand. It's finished, I guess I'll have to search through old photos for material to paint. We were in hope of going to New Orleans for new material - but that won't happen now. The exhibit I got into there will now be an on-line exhibition. That'shappening a lot now. Sure saves on shipping expenses. |
April 1 - Cancellations & Entries: Some exhibits cancelled or re-scheduled later and some just turning into on-line exhibitions - lots of changes. With the NMWS Spring Show cancelled and hopefully the Cover-19 restrictions will ease by October - I decided to enter the San Diego WC International. |
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