Our Mountain From Our Backyard
August 31 - fifty-Seven Years:
years together and we are still in love with each other. The first
photo is from our our first cruise in 2013. The photo was taken
in Golden Gate park in San Francisco. The second photo was taken a few
years ago at a dinner theater in Manitou Springs, Colorado.
August 30 - Celebration:
took a day trip up to Santa Fe today, to celebrate our 57th Anniversary
- a day early because the store Double Take would be closed on Monday.
We took the long way home through the Jemez Mountains. Of course we
wore our masks - as the sign in Santa Fe says - "it's The Law". On our
drive through the mountains - we checked out Valles Caldera.
August 25 - Framed:
John II" is now framed and ready to ship to the Margaret Harwell Art
Museum in Popular Bluff, Missouri for the Watercolor NOW exhibition.
August 24 - Watercolor NOW:
decided to submit my watercolor "Brother John II" into Watercolor Now -
it will be displayed at the Margaret Harwell Art Museum in Popular
Bluff, Missouri starting December 5th. Watercolor NOW is a biennial
exhibition sponsored by WHS, and open to all Watercolor Honor Society
Members. My painting is 21 x 29 inches and fits in a 28 x 36 inch
frame. I've submitted "Brother John II" in
juried shows - but, it's been passed over by the jurors. In this
exhibition, it's my decision what is displayed.
August 21 - Critique Via ZOOM:
Friday Painters group held another ZOOM Critique this morning. My
friend Fran Krukar showed her newest Freeway Interchange Abstract. I
believe she is developing a strong series. I look forward to
seeing this one finished and to see what comes next in this series.
August 20 - New Watercolor:
starting on another watercolor - this time it's a "Six String Banjo" -
I'm determined to get the fingers correct on this one.

August 19 - Memories:
is an important memory in many ways - I did this watercolor of our
beautiful triplet grandkids at the beach in Santa Monica in 2003. It
was my first year of retirement from teaching. We took the family to
Disneyland - the triplets were almost five. I took them to the beach in
the late afternoon because the light was right providing both cast
shadows and reflections on the wet sand. Later, I painted from photos
from that day. Another painting from this same "Beach Series" was my
first painting accepted into Western Fed. The WFWS exhibition was at
the Arvada Center in Colorado - that was 2007. John Salminen was the
juror that year. Of course the triplets are grown now - they turn 22
next month.
August 18 - Painting Finished:
I finally finished my "Four String Banjo" matted it will fit a 24 x 18
inch frame - It's another look at New Orleans street music - it's on
300 lb Arches Rough. My excuse for not painting of late is either
because we have been watching the Dogers playing baseball or because
I've been wasting my time binge watching Gothan on Netflix - I'm more
than halfway through Season 3 now.
August 17 - Democratic Convention:
loved the Democratic Roll Call tonight - perhaps this is the way all
future conventions should be. Tonight Democrats from 57 states and
territories elected Joe Biden as the 2020 Democratic nominee for
President of the United States. Traditionally, the Democratic National
Convention roll call is held on the floor of the convention, but this
year, speakers submitted videos from their home states to formally cast
their votes. Well the votes are in, and people across the nation
are amazed by New Mexico’s natural beauty! Our video was shot on the
Pueblo of Sandia and included Representative Derrick Lente giving a
Tiwa greeting and a commitment to respecting tribal sovereignty. We
then emphasized the importance of protecting our natural and cultural
resources for future generations.
August 15 - Binge Watching:
finished binge watching Gotham season 1 & 2 on Netflix - I'll start
on season 3 tomorrow - I need a break.“Gotham” is, for the most part, a
show about bad guys — and that means there have been a whole lot of
them introduced in the first two seasons.
But even by
“Gotham's” standards, the season 3 premiere was villain overload,
thanks to Fish Mooney's gang of freaks who escaped from Hugo Strange's
Indian Hill facility at the end of season 2. We didn't get a good look
at them yet, but they are front and center in season 3 — and even for
hardcore fans of the DC Comics on which “Gotham” is based will likely
have found themselves confused about who all these people were. And
that's because nearly all of them are, apparently, original to the
show. This would make some thematic sense, as Fish Mooney herself is
not drawn from comic book lore.
August 9 - ZOOM Backgrounds:
things to do - when I should be painting - I created more ZOOM
Backgrounds from places we've been - Houses in Maderia from airel tram,
Sail Boats in Lisbon, View from on high in Malaga, and sunset in Hawaii
- Sorry, I'm still in my robe - it's only noon.
August 8 - ZOOM Critique:
At this morning's ZOOM Critique - we got to see Steve Maize's new puppy - He's going to be a big one.
August 6 - Thanks To Bud Edmondson:
You Bud Edmondson for the fantastic on-line demo for the New Mexico
Watercolor Society members - the video on YouTube (for members only) is
very informative - members should check their e-mail for the link. The
link is on an unlisted NMWS YouTube page. Bud's 55 minute demo was
first show on the NMWS monthy ZOOM meeting on Saturday, August 1st.
NM Art Teacher Exhibition:
I have two watercolors accepted into the New Mexico Art Teachers
Exhibition at UNM's Masley Hall - I drop them off next week - it
appears to be an actual exhibit and not a virtual one. I know, I did
not teach in New Mexico - the show is open to all members of the New
Mexico Art Education Association. I've been a member of the NAEA since
1976 when I attended my first national convention in St Louis.
August 5 - "Four String Banjo":
this mornings progress on my new watercolor "Four String Banjo" - it's
on a 1/2 sheet of 300 lb Arches Rough - the image is 18 x 13 inches and
matted it fits into a 24 x 18 inch frame.
August 4 - Back To Painting:
Back to painting finally - I did a new drawing "Four String Banjo" - I'll be back to painting by tomorrow. But, tonight I've got to watch my Dodgers play baseball - they lost yesterdayerday to San Diego.
August 3 - Back From Space - Watching It Live:
Crew Dragon spacecraft — carrying NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and
Douglas Hurley — splashed down into the Gulf of Mexico on Sunday,
marking a safe end to an historic two-month mission and paving the way
for the United States to once again become a world leader in human
spaceflight. The Crew Dragon vehicle fired up its engines and safely
plunged back through the Earth's thick atmosphere on Sunday afternoon
before deploying parachutes and slowing the vehicle down for its target
landing off the coast of Florida. Their mission to the International
Space Station marked the first crewed spaceflight to launch from the
United States since the Space Shuttle program retired in 2011. It was
also the first time in history that a commercially developed spacecraft
carried humans into Earth's orbit.
August 2 - Binge Watching:
not getting much painting done because I'm spending hours watching my
Dodgers play baseball each night - then during the day I"m watching the
"Umbrella Academy" on Netflix - Season 2 started yesterday. Perhaps,
next week I'll get back to painting. My Dodgers are winning games and
the Umbrella Academy is trying to save the world. So, Late night last
night - I watched my Dodgers beat the Diamondbacks by 11 -2 --- then I
stayed up to finish season two of the Umbrella Academy - now I'll have
to wait another year to see season three. A BIG PLUS - I was proud to
discover, that my watercolor "Royal Street Bass" was accepted into
Kentucky's AQUEOUS USA 2020 - along with paintings by three of my
friends who are also in the exhibit - Jane Fritz, Dawn Thomas and
Marilyanne Bradley. The national exhibition is another on-line virtural
show - so, I don't have to frame or ship my painting - Best of luck to
my friends as we await the awards notifacations.
August 1 - New Mexico Watercolor Meetings on ZOOM Now:
NMWS Executive Committee meeting began at 9AM - Afterwards there was a
membership meeting followed by video demo presentation featuring
Charles "Bud" Edmondson - Bud is a master watercolorist, who shared
some of his 90 years of expertise in "How to Start a STRONG Watercolor