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.................................................. Is your dot on my map ? ......................................... |
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Where Woody's Watercolors Are Entered or on Exhibit in 2020 To see watercolors created by my friends in Taos every June CLICK HERE |
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Our Mountain From Our Backyard .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. |
July 30 - I Got It Finished: “Three Brothers - NOLA” 17 x 17 inches 300 lb Archers Rough (My newest watercolor) I'm sure there are sill things I should fix. |
July 29 - Deadline Friday: I pealed the liquid mask off of "Three Brothers - NOLA" - now I've got today and tomorrow to finish it for Friday's Zoom critique. |
July 26 - ZOOM Is the Safe Way to Meet Friends: With the virus hanging on forever - ZOOM is about the only safe way to visit with friends. Our Friday and Saturday Painters Groups use ZOOM to critique each others paintings. The city Arts Board holds our monthly meetings via ZOOM. The watercolor society now uses ZOOM for meetings - even the first Docent meeting will be with ZOOM in September. |
July 25 - Slow Progress: I'm taking my time - trying to create another masterpiece. Of course, I stop to watch my Dodgers play baseball as well. The streets of the French Quarter is ripe with subject matter for artists. Here is my start on "Three Brothers - NOLA". |
July 24 - Increase The Odds: I decided to enter my two newest watercolors into the NMWS Fall Exhibition. That means I'll have entered a total of five now. We can enter five now increasing our odds - but, of course only two can be accepted. Also - the Fall show is members only (it's not a national show) so if any are accepted they can still be entered into Western Fed next year. Plus - the odds are the Fall show will be a virtual show - so, I won't even need to frame the paintings. There will still be awards presented - So I'd encourage all members to enter. |
July 23 - New Drawing: I did a drawing, this morning, for a new watercolor -"Three Brothers - NOLA". It measures 18 x 18 inches square - on 300 lb Arches Rough. |
July 22 - Finished: I finished my new watercolor - "Street Vocal II" - It's an old subject done in a vertical format this time. I used liquid mask to save the whites - the painting is about 21 x 14 inches on 240 lb handmade paper from Spain. It will fit into a 28 x 22 inch frame. |
July 21 - Working On "Street Vocal II": I made some progress on my newest watercolor today. Tomorrow, the liquid mask comes off to expose the whites. |
July 20 - New Watercolor Started: The first step on my new watercolor - I started a drawing for a new watercolor - "Street Vocal II" - is to use liquid mask to block out the whites - the painting is about 21 x 14 inches on 240 lb handmade paper from Spain. |
July 19 - Happy With This One: Finally a watercolor I'm totally satisfied with: "Brother's Advice" - I hope this one evokes questions about the conversation going on in it. The subject is from the streets of the French Quarter in New Orleans. |
July 17 - Art Opening: My bride and I went downtown to see a different type of "Art Opening" - after the destruction the first night of the protests several windows were boarded up. Taggers and other artists have turned Central Avenue into a unique art happening. Much of the art is better than some openings I've attended before. |
July 16 - Today's Progress: I'm making some progress on my newest watercolor "Brother's Advice" - I need to take it slowly because this composition has potential to tell a good story. Plus, it's good to be working on a brand new sheet of my favorite - 300 lb Arches Rough rather than the back of an old painting. These young men were sitting on a curb in the French Quarter trying to raise a few bucks playing a drum. |
July 15 - "Brother's Advice": My newest watercolor will be titled "Brother's Advice" - about 21 inches square on 300 lb Arches Rough - original photo shot in the French Quarter in New Orleans. |
July 14 - "Rega Drummer" Finished: I finished my watercolor of "Rega Drummer" today - it fits an 24 x 18 inch mat. I painted on Arches 300 lb Rough - on the back of an old painting. The subject is from a 2015 cruise - we were in Curacao on Nov 6th, 2015 on route to New Orleans. The detailed pattern was a real challenge in this one. |
July 13 - Mural Love: I'm on a committee of the Albuquerque Arts Board with the task of selecting artists for ten murals around Albuquerque. We met by ZOOM today. Our list of artists will be presented to the entire Arts Board in a couple days. If they approve, then the final decision goes to the mayor and the city council. The list will not be public knowledge until then. |
July 12 - Experiment: This cartoon, in today's ABQ Journal, mirrored my own thoughts on the opening of schools this fall - Are we actually planning on this major experiment on our children REALLY ??? I heard that New Mexico had the oldest teaching staff in the country - Think long and hard before opening classrooms this fall - even with the staggered A & B schedule that Albuquerque is considering. |
July 11 - Another Entry: I just entered "Brother John II" into the National Watercolor Society: First 100 Years - Exhibition at Hilbert Museum of California Art - Wish me luck. |
July 10 - ZOOM Critiques: Meeting friends and fellow artists via ZOOM meetings is the only way to get folks together anymore - at least untill it becomes safe to have face-to-face gatherings. This friday, I started using a virtual background. It would work better if I had a green screen behind me - but that's too much trouble. Our saturday painters are using ZOOM as well - plus the city Arts Board are holding meetings that way too. |
July 9 - NMAEA Exhibition: Another Exhibition Entered - New Mexico Art Education Association Member Exhibition: Aug 17 - Sept 3 UNM's Masley Gallery. It may go viral if the Covid-19 restrictions are not lifted - they are framed and ready to hang just in case. |
July 7 - Slow Start: I'm starting out very slowly on my new watercolor of "Rega Drummer" - lots of details in this one so I'll take my time. |
July 6 - My Lucky Month: More Great news - I just heard that my watercolor "Artist - Majahual, Mexico" was selected into the San Diego Watercolor Society International Exhibition. For me to be in the same exhibition with the likes of Soon Y Warren, John Salminen, Thomas W Schaller, Dean Mitchell, Ted Nuttall, and Laurie Goldstein-Warren is beyond FANTASTIC. July must be my lucky month. I also will have "Clarinet - NOLA" in Montana - plus, "Brother John" in Watercolor USA in Springfield, Missouri. |
July 5 - Last Nights Fireworks: We were able to sit in our backyard last night and enjoy the fireworks display set off by the city. Albuquerque had firework displays in four city parks spread out around the city s citizens could stay home and enjoy the show. |
July 4 - Happy Birthday to Our Country: Happy 4th of July - I hope everyone is staying home and staying safe - I'm here in my messy studio doing ZOOM Critiques with my friends and contemplating what to paint next. My wonderful bride is creating BBQ Spareribs for dinner tonight. If the clouds will stay out of the way - I will try to get pics of the full moon raising over our mountain about 8:45. |
July 3 - Friday ZOOM Critiqie: This morning, on our Friday Painters Group had another ZOOM Critique. It's good to see friends and share our paintings - it may be quite a while before we actually get together in person again. This morning, I shared my most recent watercolor "Acordian-NOLA" and a portrait I did of one of my students daughter sleeping on a couch. I took the painting of "Sara's Daughter" into Kansas City last year and gave it to Sara. |
July 2 - What we missed this year: I had planned to go to the bar with other KU alumni to watch our Jayhawks go all the way in the final four - but, of course all basketball was cancelled. We did not attend the National Art Education conference in Minneapolis because like almost everything it was cancelled – so, I did not get to do my “Tearing Mountains” workshop. Our family had planned a road trip to Disneyland and then on to Portland, Oregon for a wedding – but, Disneyland is closed and the wedding was put off till next year. My paintings were selected for lots of juried exhibitions – like in Georgia, in Louisiana, in Kansas, etc. But, those exhibitions were cancelled or became virtual exhibitions. I was supposed to have watercolors in the NMWS Spring Show and in the MasterWorks exhibit but they were both cancelled. In June, I'm always at the Sagebrush Inn, with my friends, in Taos – but the watercolor workshop was cancelled – hopefully next year it will be OK – my room is reserved for June 2021. The list continues – we will not be attending any baseball games because the Isotopes will not play this year. There will not be a “Gathering of Nations” Pow Wow, nor, an "October Balloon Fiesta" - nor, any "New Mexico State Fair”. We have not eaten out since early March – neither have we been on our weekly movie outings since February. We missed driving to Kansas to see family and especially missed our grand daughter graduating from college. In October we were to be on a cruise to the Mediterranean – of course we cancelled that. Perhaps, next October in 2021 it will be safe to cruise again. I have not been painting with my friends on Friday and Saturday mornings. We do see each other on the computer via Zoom and talk about our paintings via the computer. Of course the museum is closed where I'm a docent – who knows when it will open. I'm on the city Arts Board – but our meetings are now on Zoom as well. I'm sure I've left a lot of things out. I'm sure everyone else has a list even longer than mine. But, you know what – I don't regret one minute of being home with my bride the last 3 ½ months. After almost 57 years together we do seem to work everything out. I'm getting a lot of paintings done and Frani is trying to finish a hugh cross stitch. Blossom (our dog) does not seem to mind being cooped up with us all the time. In fact for the first couple of weeks – Frani and I made egg rolls and other foods to stuff the freezer with. So, if nothing else we are eating really good. |
July 1 - Mural Love Selection ZOOM Meeting: Members of the Albuquerque Arts Board met this morning in an effort to narrow the list of artists who submitted for ten mural sites around the city. The list has been narrowed from 180 artists - down to 37 artists. We get together again on May 13 to decide which artists and their designs to submit to the entire Arts Board on May 15 - of course all via ZOOM. |
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