Our Mountain From Our Backyard
June 29 - Finished:
finished my newest watercolor - "Accordion-NOLA" 17 x 14 inch on 280 lb
handmade paper - someday, hopefully, we will visit New Orleans again.

June 28 - Montana Exhibition:
painting "Clarinet-NOLA" was selected by juror Iain Stewart to be in
the 38th Annual Montana Watercolor Society 2020 Exhibition. This is not
an on-line show - the exhibition will be in the Bigfork Art &
Cultural Center in Bigfork, Montana - Exhibition Dates; September 29 –
November 1, 2020
June 27 - "Acordian-NOLA":
got a good start on my newest watercolor "Acordian-NOLA" today. I
started by blocking out the whitest areas with liquid mask. Then I
began with a multicolored wash had some kosher salt for texture. Next,
I began working some darks into the acordian. Tomorrow I'll tackel the
musician himself.
June 26 - ZOOM Critiques:
Friday Painters Group had our ZOOM Critique again this morning - It's
good to see everyone and know that all are staying safe and healthy.
June 25 - Bike Shadows Finished:
Today I finished my watercolor of "Bike Shadows" - without people this
time. I'm working on 300 lb Arches Rough - the image will be about 15
inches square.
Drawing for my next watercolor - "Accordion-NOLA" 17 x 14 inch on 280
lb handmade paper.

June 24 - Bike Shadows:
love shooting photos of Bicycle Shadows - So my next watercolor will be
"Bike Shadows" - without people this time. I'm working on 300 lb Arches
Rough - the image will be 15 inches square.
June 23 - Stages Of Cadillac Ranch:
Ranch" just west of Amarillo, Texas is a great source of subject matter
for painting. Since the background was competing with the subject - I
painted over it with a coat of gesso. I may leave it white - I need to
live with it for a while first.
June 22 - Cadillac Ranch:
started a drawing for a new watercolor - "Cadillac Ranch" just west of
Amarillo, Texas. I'm working on 300 lb Arches Rough - the painting will
be 22 x 17 inches and should fit a 28 x 22 inch frame. I've done a
similar subject before - it should be fun to paint. If you have
not been to Cadillac Ranch - put it on your bucket list. Driving East
on I-40, just before you get to Amarillo it will be on the right
(South) side of the interstate. Once I was there when a yellow school
bus brought 4th graders to the site. Each student was given a rubber
glove and a can of spray paint - now, that's a field trip.
Finished - But Way Too Busy:
thought a side by side comparison would make more sense - Since my
painting is way too busy - I played with it in Photoshop to see what it
might look like if I painted over much of the background with white
gesso - any comments, suggestions - anyone ???
June 21 - La Jornada & Cartoon:
fitting cartoon in this mornings Abq Journal - The City's Art Board
(I'm a member) will have a Zoom meeting on Wednesday to discuss the "La
Jornada" sculpture. Amid a push to rid the public sphere of memorials
to racist and oppressive figures, protesters convened at the city's “La
Jornada” sculpture, which includes a statue of conquistador Juan de
Oņate. Personally, I wonder how many more statues must be removed. We
need to confront our past mistakes through dialogue, not through
violence. Symbols of our past errors help us deal with issues and
hopefully create a contrast with what our future can become.
June 20 - Am I Finished ?
Except for some touch up I'm finished with "Watercolor Strings"
June 19 - Watercolor Strings:
made some more progress on my newest painting "Watercolor
Strings" today - I'm working on 300 lb Arches Cold Press, it's on the
back of an old painting again - most of the harp strings are protected
with mask.

June 18 - On-Line Exhibition:
I just received an e-mail from the New Mexico Art League telling me
that all three of my watercolors were accepted into their "In Bloom"
on-line exhibition. I look forward to viewing and promoting the
June 17 - More Paintings:
I finished my "Ice Sculpture" - Now, I'm about to start on a new watercolor titled "Watercolor Strings".
June 16 - Back To Painting Ice:
Today I got back to working on my watercolor of "Ice Sculpture" from photos we took on a
cruise to Hawaii in December 2014. So far I removed the liquid mask
protecting the major white areas.
June 14 - Nancy's Dog:
called my friend in Kansas City to find out the dogs name - it's "Niko"
I do not want to get it wrong on the back of the frame. I just finished
this portrait of a friend's dog - Nancy's daughter ask me to paint it
for her mother who recently lost this cute dog. The image measures 15 x
15 inches - it's on 280 lb cold pressed, handmade paper from Spain.
I've never painted on this surface before - I must have bought it years
ago. I have a frame that will fit it perfectly.
June 13 - Painting Pet Portraits:
stopped painting on my "Ice Sculpture" so I could start on a pet
portrait for an old friend in Arkansas - actually her daughter in
Kansas City asked me to paint the dog her mother lost recently. I've
painter several watercolors of our dog Blossom - but, have never
painted a dog I did not know. My friend Jim in Kansas City mailed me
several photos of the dog. I put them on my computer to find one to
work from. I mailed the originals back to him. Yes, snail mail, my
friend does not have a computer, or a cell phone - I remind him often
to join the modern world - but no luck there.
June 12 - ZOOM Critique:
Friday Painters group had another critique this morning. It seems like
this is the only way we will be getting together for a very long time.
June 11 - Painting Ice:
starting on a new watercolor - "Ice Sculpture" from photos we took on a
cruise to Hawaii in December 2014. So far I'm using liquid mask to
protect the major white areas.
June10 - Looking For Subjects to Paint:
I went through old photos on my computer trying to find subjects to
paint - I found several - some I've painted before, some are new
June 8 - More Entries:
decided to enter my newest paintings into the New Mexico Art Leagues
exhibition "In Bloom". It's an on-line exhibit this years due to
Covit-19 - so I won't need to frame the paintings. Included is my
newest watercolor "After the Rain" is finished - after a wash of Cobalt
Blue over the lower part of the back ground, then a touch of Daniel
Smith Pyrrol Scarlet on the roses, plus a lot of scrubbing and blending
on the edges of the exposed whites - finally I resorted to my fall back
technique of some final ink lines. The last touch was spraying the
corners with a bit of red using a mouth atomizer.
June 7 - Painting Roses:
starting on the background for my watercolor of roses "After the Rain"
- my biggest challenge will be getting a bright enough red in these
June 6 - WFWS 2020:
take time to watch this fantastic video presentation about the 45th
WFWS Exhibition. Because of Covid-19, the exhibition had to go on-lne.
It was fun to see my old friends Anne Watson Soresen and Stephen
Quiller present both their states and a truly beautiful exhibition of
watercolors. The Idaho Watercolor Society welcomes you to the 45th
Annual Juried Exhibition of the Western Federation of Watercolor
Societies and the 1st WFWS Virtual Exhibition (caused by Covid19).
Followed by awards and comments by renowned Juror Stephen Quiller.
Sadly, None of
us were able to go to beautiful Idaho this year for the WFWS
exhibition. Many, thanks to the work involved in producing this
wonderful video about the exhibit we missed. Last year in San Diego, I
was fortunate to receive my signature status in WFWS because I was
selected into my third WFWS exhibition.
After The Rain:
I'm almost ready to begin painting on my next watercolor of roses - "After the Rain" - I feel that this one has potential.
June 5 - Zoom Critique:
Friday, artists who usually paint together at the Unitarian Church join
each other on-line to discuss and critique our recent paintings. Social
distancing via our computers, pads and smart phones.
June 4 - No Taos This Year:
this time every June, my bags would be packed and my car loaded for a
drive up to Taos for our annual watercolor workshop. But, not this
year. Actually, at first I decided not to go because we were planning
on a few days at Disneyland. But, like everything things changed due to
Covit-19. Then even the Sagebrush Inn decided to remained closed till
July. Everyones life and especially travel has been changed. But, hey
staying home with my bride is OK. So, we are adapting - she is even
making cool masks for us to wear the few times we venture out.
June 3 - My Roses:
may well be "my roses" but it's my beautiful bride who goes out it the
hot sun to dead head the spent blooms so we will have more and more
flowers. For me, I take a lot of photos of the flowers and play with
them on Photoshop.
June 2 - New Watercolors:
made a few changes to my "Rust & Roses" today - I brightened the
pink on the roses and used a mouth atomizer to spray the corners with
both red and grey - the painting is on a half sheet of 300 lb Arches
rough - The subject shows several pink roses poking through an old
sculpture in our backyard. At the start, I applied pebeo drawing gum to
mask out the lightest areas. A lot of table salt was used in creating
the texture plus a lot of dry brush technique as well. This was a fun
painting. I believe I'm finished with my newest watercolor "Cactus
Shadows" - it's 18 x 15 inches on 140 lb Arches rough (back of an old
painting) I protected the whites with pebeo drawing gum before painting
- there is a lot of dry brush used in this painting.
June 1 - Space-X Docking Success:
was a very exciting morning for Space Geeks like me - getting to watch
the docking of Space-X with the International Space Station.