Our Mountain From Our Backyard
March 30 - Cancellations & Entries:
exhibits cancelled or re-scheduled later and some just turning into
on-line exhibitions - lots of changes. With the NMWS Spring Show
cancelled and hopefully the Cover-19 restrictions will ease by October
- I decided to enter the San Diego WC International.
March 27 - Watercolor USA:
My portrait of "Brother John" was accepted into
Watercolor USA in Springfield, Missouri. The exhibition runs from June
6 to August 16, 2020. I ship the painting in May. Watercolor USA was
organized in 1962 by the Springfield Art Museum, this event aims to
attract the best in contemporary American watermedia and strives to
exhibit work by artists who are pushing the boundaries of the medium. |

March 26 - Friends Are Back Safe:
news - our friends (Robin, Tom, Bruce & Lynne) from a 2018 cruise
are back safe and sound, yesterday, from their 77 day cruise around
South America. Lynne promised to send me pics of penguins from
Antarctic and the cruise down the Amazon river.
March 25 - A Wise Decision:
Louisiana Watercolor Society has made a reasonable decision to have
their International exhibit take place online only. All paintings will
be included in the award selection process as well. Prizes will be
announced early in May. Work has begun on producing a digital
version of the 50th International Exhibition, which will be posted
online for everyone to enjoy and share.
My painting has been boxed and ready to ship - this decision will save
me the cost of shipping both ways. We had already made our decision to
not travel to New Orleans for the opening. The LWS is also refunding my
handling charge that I paid earlier.
March 23 - Things Do Change:
seem to change - especially just when I get my watercolors accepted
into several national shows. But, that's life - we all must adjust. My
"Boy with Puppy" hangs in Atlanta at the Oglethorpe University Museum
of Art. But I don't know if anyone has seen it. Their website says that
the jurors workshop has been cancelled and that awards have been
cancelled. The show ends in three days so they will ship my painting
back soon. The same thing goes for the national show in Kansas City, my
best watercolor is there now - "Clarinet-NOLA" - they have postponed
the exhibit till May and perhaps cancel in later if restrictions are
not lifted. I'm OK with being home with my bride for several months. I
we survived 50 days together on a cruise - I think we can manage
together at home.
March 17 - Bandelair & Fresh Air:
- We decided to stay away from crowds and breath some fresh air - So we
drove to Bandelier National Park for a great day trip.
March 15 - Lots of Changes:
much has changed in only one week - But, I did go painting with friends
today just to maintain some bit of normality in my life. My Jayhawks
should have gone all the way but, basketball is over. I should have
taken two watercolors to MasterWorks today - but, it's been postponed
till July. We love going to Isotopes ballgames but they have been
postponed as well. Even the Albuquerque Museum (where I'm a docent) has
stopped tours and training. We love the Super hugh "Gathering of
Nations" and that has been canceled. We were suppose to fly to
Minneapolis for the annual art teacher conference - the materials for
my "Tearing Mountains" watercolor workshop are still packed and sitting
here. My bride loves the Arts & Crafts fair that was suppose to be
this weekend - well, that change has saved me money since she can't buy
anything. She took a couple of her baby quilts to the "Blue Portal" to
sell - it is now closed as well. I could go on and on but your life has
been disrupted too - I'm sure you could make an even longer list of
changes in your life. I've even started ending my e-mails with "Here Is
A Virtual Hug From Woody" just so I don't catch or spread anything but
LOVE. That's what we all need to be spreading everyday.
March 11 - My Mistake - Corrected:
little watercolor of "Boy With Puppy" is now hanging in the Oglethorpe
University Museum of Art 4484 Peachtree Rd NE Atlanta, GA. There was a
mistake "I made" in the entry - But, a kind person at the Georgia
Watercolor Society worked it out for me. Now, I even better understand
how Southern Hospitality works. Thank You - "Kie".
March 9 - Another Entry:
seeing a friends entries it reminded me to enter the Illinois
Watercolor Society - 36th National Exhibition. The deadline being
today. I was careful to not enter any full sheet paintings. I don't
want to buy anymore hugh boxes for shipping. I already have boxes that
fit my favorite sized frames 28 x 22.
March 8 - Painting For Kansas:
ready to ship my painting off to Kansas. It's a new box - that's why it
only has one photo on the box. The opening of the "Art at the Center
National Juried Exhibition" is on Friday April 3rd. It's from 5 to 7 pm
at the Tomahawk Ridge Community Center 11902 Lowell Avenue in Overland
March 7 - Dave Cook's Demo:
Dave Cook did a great job with his demo at the Watercolor Society's March meeting.
March 5 - Blossom Got Her Haircut:
It's difficult to believe that this is the same dog that posed for so many famous paintings.
March 4 - For Signature Room:
chose these two watercolors to display in the Signature Room at the
NMWS Spring Exhibition. The paintings are not for sale. It is just an
opportunity for signature members to select the work they would like to
display. As always, we plan a potluck dinner in this room for signature
members. We always invite our juror to join us at the dinner.

March 3 - Blossom:
Blossom's new hair cut has her seeking warm sun in the morning.
March 2 - Getting Paintings Ready:
morning, I got paintings framed and boxed up to ship to shows in New
Orleans and Kansas City. The ones for MasterWorks I can hand deliver to
the Fair Grounds here in Albuquerque.
Currently, I
have a painting in Davis, California and I just shipped one to Atlanta.
There are two in Las Cruses, New Mexico that we need to pick up later.

March 1 - Student Art Awards:
One of the benefits of serving on the city Arts Board is
getting to spend taxpayers money to purchase student art for the city.
Our committee selected these three pieces cash/purchase awards from the
current APS Metro Art Show.
NMWS Awards to Students:
As a retired art
teacher, it was a real joy and a special privilege to select the award
winners in the watercolor division of the annual Metro Art Show. The
Watercolor Society gave three cash awards to High School artists in
watercolor. Many thanks to our membership for encouraging these your
artists to pursue their passion in a media that we love.
This year's show
is now on display at the Berna Facio Professional Development Center,
3315 Louisiana NE. Awards will be presented on March 13th from 4 - 7 pm
at the close of the exhibit.