Our Mountain From Our Backyard
May 31 - Space-X Made History Yesterday:
second attempt to launch two NASA astronauts on a mission to the
International Space Station was successful. This is the first crewed
spaceflight to take off from US soil in nearly a decade. This is first
time that astronauts launched into space from US soil since 2011. This
is the first-ever crewed mission for SpaceX. This is also the first
time ever that a privately developed spacecraft launched humans into
Earth's orbit.
May 30 - Planting:
got down and dirty this morning - digging holes and planting my brides
vine and my new rose bush - we were able to find a trellis the right
size and design for the vine.
May 29 - Zoom Critique:
Buddies can still get together once a week - if not in person - at
least on Zoom. 12 of us joined together this morning to chat, to show
what we've been doing this week. I did not have any finished paintings
- but, I showed a couple unfinished watercolors.
May 28 - Space-X Cancelled:
As a Space Nut - I'll be watching again on Saturday in hope that all goes well
May 27 - Rust & Roses:
I completed a drawing for a new watercolor "Rust & Roses" on a 1/2
sheet of 300 lb Arches rough - No, I've yet to finish my Cactus Shadows
but, I'll get around to it.
May 25 - Cactus Shadows:
I'm starting on "Cactus Shadows" this morning - I'm working on 190 lb Arches Rough - 18 x 12 inches
May 23 - Finally - It's Time:
The last time astronauts went into space from U.S. soil was when the
Space Shuttle Atlantis launched for the final time in 2011. This will
be the first time human beings have flown on a brand new United States
spacecraft since 1981. The rocket will blast off from the same pad
where the space shuttle last soared in 2011.

May 22 - Zoom Critique:
Friday Painters had another critique session on ZOOM today - it looks
like this method of getting groups together is the way everything will
be for quite a while. Today, I also cut more roses for my bride - My
roses are starting to look better now.
May 21 - Cactus Blooms:
made a bit of progress on my watercolor of "Cactus Blooms" - it's on a
piece of handmade paper, coated with gesso, matted it should fit a 22 x
28 inch frame.
May 20 - Starting To Throw Color:
in hope of keeping my "Cactus Blooms" rather loose and free - perhaps
later I'll tighten up - but, I'm not really sure - I'll just go with
the flow and see how it develops.
May 19 - Painting Cactus:
got my drawing done now for my first cactus watercolor for this year.
It measures 16 x 21 inches - matted it should fit a 22 x 28 inch frame
(my favorite frame size) I'm working on the back of an old painting -
it's on handmade paper that I use to buy in Taos years ago. I put a
coat of gesso on it before I did the drawing because the handmade paper
tends to soak up the pigment. The paper has a bumpy texture that I hope
lends itself to the cactus subject.
May 18 - Looking For New Subjects:
bride and I ventured out the other day and found cactus in bloom. I
took several photos and I'm considering doing them in watercolors. It
will be a refreshing change from painting people. Flowers don't seem to
care if you change anything.
May 17 - Rock Climbers Finished:
Climbers" finished - I even sprayed the corners using a mouth atomizer
- I created my own accidents: I love starting a watercolor this way -
liquid mask protecting some parts, lots of wet-n-wet, plus a bit of
salt - this way I can create my own happy accidents. I photographed the
rock climbers last week. I'm working on 300 lb Arches Rough - 21 x 10
inches. It was the extra paper left from a full sheet for an earlier
painting. I found lots of suggestions that I developed into my final
I love starting a watercolor this way - liquid mask protecting some
parts, lots of wet-n-wet, plus a bit of salt - i can create my own
happy accidents. I photographed the rock climbers last week. I'm
working on 300 lb Arches Rough - 21 x 10 inches. It was the extra paper
left from a full sheet for an earlier painting. Now. I can find lots of
suggestions that I can develop into a masterpiece.
May 16 - Rock Climbers:
I'm all ready to start painting the rock climbers we saw last week
when we took a drive into the Jemez Mountains.
May 15 - I finished My "Guitat-Malaga" This morning:
it's time to move on to another painting. I'm going to attemp to paint
those rock climbers we saw when we drove into the Jemez Mountains last
May 14 - Progress:
"Guitar-Malaga" is getting darker and brighter at the same time - I
just removed the mask off showing the whites - a lot more work to do

May 13 - Guitar Malaga:
finished my drawing for my new watercolor "Guitar Malaga" - it was
quite a hike up to where this young man was playing - his guitar yet it
was only half way to the top.
May 12 - Jason Finished:
finished my new watercolor of "Jason" painting in the Sagebrush Inn
Courtyard in Taos, New Mexico - it measures 22 x 18 inches on 300 lb
Arches Rough. I'm going to miss seeing all my friends in Taos this
June. I won't venture out and I doubt few will make the trip. They have
yet to say that the workshop is cancelled. I expect to hear that
message soon.

May 11 - Some Progress:
made a bit of progress on my new watercolor of "Jason" yesterday and
even more this morning. Even though I like the effect of the salt in
the background - it will be lost because I'm sure I'll make the
background quite dark.
May 10 - New Watercolor Started:
started a drawing of "Jason" painting in the Sagebrush Inn Courtyard in
Taos, New Mexico - I'll start painting on it tomorrow. 22 x 18 inches
on 300 lb Arches Rough. I'm going to miss seeing all my friends in Taos
this June. I won't venture out and I doubt few will make the trip. They
have yet to say that the workshop is cancelled. I expect to hear that
message soon.
May 9 - Painting Blossom:
Except for a few touches - I think I'm finished with my portrait of "Blossom"
May 8 - Day Trip:
took a drive in the country today just to look at the scenery - drove
up to Valles Caldera in the Jemez mountains and back. I sopped some
rock climbers - perhaps they may become a painting.
May 7 - More Entries:
entry - this time Montana WC Society - The exhibit in Kansas never took
place - they are returning my painting so I'm rolling it over - it's my
best watercolor ever so it needs to win something. Also, a couple off
to Kentucky WC Society - might as well keep trying.
May 6 - Meetings on Zoom:
Distancing at work - Today the Albuquerque Arts Board met via ZOOM.
Among the items decided were a final mural project by Alma for th city
convention center - plus a unique mural project using "AR". Augmented
Reality allows the mural to become 3-D when viewed on a cell phone or
tablet. Zoom may be the only way for groups to meet until a vaccine is
May 5 - Exhibition Moved to July:
of New Mexico is the top show for visual artists in our state. Holding
the show in April wasn't going to happen. So, they are going to try in
July. I'm not sure that I will be ready to join a large group of people
in July - but, I'll take my paintings in if it works out. The paintings
have been framed and ready since March.
May 4 - Waiting To Hear:
waiting to hear from five or six different watercolor shows around the
country. Perhaps I'll be accepted into some of those exhibits - or
better yet, I'll win an award - cash would be nice. Because of Covit-19
many of those exhibits have been rescheduled or have become on-line
exhibitions only. Georgia just informed me that they finally have
permission to enter the gallery to remove paintings. So my painting
should come home sometime this month. I just shipped "Brother John" off
to Springfield, Missouti for Watercolor USA. They decided not to hold
an opening reception in in June - instead they will hold a closing
reception on August 14th.
May 3 - Painting Hollyhocks:
working on 300 lb Arches Rough - the final painting will be 19 x 10
inches - I blocked some of the lightest areas first with "pebeo drawing
gum" that's the blue spots - My background is wet-n-wet with salt. I
posted this one in progress to better demonstrate the experimental
nature of watercolor - this morning I started on the red flowers. I
usually paint people - but flowers are much more forgiving to Happy
Accidents - with flowers I can play with the paint more.

May 2 - Finished:
I surprised myself and finished my new watercolor "Young Accordion" it's on 300 lb Arches Rough - measures 18 x 18 inch square
May 1 - NMWS Fall Entries:
withdrew my entries from the New Mexico Spring Exhibition since I've
entered them into other juried shows. The Spring show was cancelled due
to the Covid-19 Restrictions and now becomes the Fall Show in October.
Below are the three watercolors that I decided to enter.
Progress On Young Accordian:
finally got back to painting - here's the progress so far on my "Young
Accordian" - I removed the mask and started on some of the details.