Our Mountain From Our Backyard
February 27 - RAEA Awards:
awards session was on ZOOM today. Each awardee had a few minutes to
share some of their activities. Those attending did not need to
be registered for the convention next week. Our president Kathryn
Hillyer did a fantastic job handeling the ZOOM meeting.
The Awards were
as follows: 2021 Emeritus Art Educator: Debi West, South
Carolina, 2021 Outstanding Student Chapter: Indiana University of
Pennsylvania, RAEA Distinguished Service: Dean Johns, North Carolina,
2020 Emeritus Art Educator: Bob Curtis, Oklahoma, 2020
Outstanding Student Chapter: Illinois State University
February 26 - Friday Painters Critique:
Again, my friends meet on ZOOM to share their paintings and get advice on possible improvements.
February 24 - Sunset:
It's a good idea to keep a camera handy - I took this photo out of back door this evening.
February 23 - Slow Progress:
Sometimes it's worth taking on a challenge - I hope this one is worth all the effort involved.
February 21 - Progress:
I got back to working on my newest watercolor "Railyard Tour". I used
masking tape to block out my major light areas. The great thing about
the tape is that you can see your drawing through the tape so yo know
where to cut the tape.
February 19 - ZOOM Critique:
Every Friday my artist friends gather on ZOOM to critique each others paintings.

February 18 - Perseverance:
NASA Perseverance rover safely landed on Mars after its 292.5
million-mile journey from Earth, the agency confirmed at 3:55 p.m. ET
Thursday. The rover landed itself flawlessly, according to the
mission's team. "Percy," as the spacecraft is affectionately called at
mission control, sent back its first images of the landing site
immediately after touchdown, which shows the rover's shadow on the
surface of its landing site of Jezero Crater.
February 17 - New Watercolor Started:
I've starting on my next watercolor - this one may turn out to be a
challenge. I took the photo references when we took a tour of the
railyard buildings in Albuquerque.
February 16 - Snow One Day - Gone The Next:
More snow last night, a couple of inches - but, it's all gone now. Of course it's still up on our mountain where it belongs.
February 12 - Friday Critique:
Another ZOOM Critique with my Friday Painter's group.
February 11 - Slow Progress:
not making much progress on my newest watercolor - I'm spending way to
much time watching "Outlander" on Netflix. I've seen it before, but
this time my bride and I are watching it together. Perhaps I can finish
"Old WindMill" by our critique on Saturday.

February 10 - Old WindMill:
A bit more progress on my "Old WindMill" - I may get it finished in time for critique this Friday.
February 9 - Painting Back From Watercolor Now:
painting just got back from Watercolor Now in Popular Bluff, Missouri -
My painting came through fine - But, my air-float box looks like it's
been through hell - My painting "Brother John II" is entered into
another exhibit - but it's a virtual show so, if it gets in I won't
have to ship it.
February 8 - Happy New Year:
To help celebrate - "The Year of the OX", my bride and I made 90 egg rolls today. They are safely in our freezer now.
February 5 - ZOOM Critique:
may be quite a while before my friends and I can gather together to
paint and discuss each others work. For now we will have to use
technology to get together. It seems that most of us are being quite
productive while this pandemic continues on and on.
February 4 - Southwest Egg Rolls:
I didn't do any painting today - instead, my bride and
I made Southwest Egg Rolls - in a few days we will be making Chinese
Egg Rolls.
February 3 - Starting New Watercolor:
working from photos I took the last time we were in Taos. This windmill
is on the enchanted circle as you drive from Taos up to Angel Fire.
February 2 - Waiting On Jurors Decisions:
Here are some of the watercolor exhibitions I'm waiting to hear from.
February 1 - Check Out This Art:
The Southern Chapter of the New Mexico
Watercolor Society has created an on-line exhibition. Please check it
out - the paintings are for sale or just for your enjoyment. Click the
link below:
