1-29, 2021November 1-29, 2021..........................................................................................................................................................
Our Mountain From Our Backyard
November 30 - Holidays Are Here:
I've been quite slow keeping my Blog up-to-date because I've been
putting up Christmas Decorations inside and outside of our home.
November 22 - Change Of Plans:
my first "Sax" drawing was reversed - I decided to use it for a print
(printed it will then have the corrected orientation) - I'm in the
process of creating a "Collograph Printing Plate". I've just begun to
create the printing plate.
November 21 - Drawings For More Watercolors:
are some of my drawings for an upcoming workshop. I seem to have my
best luck painting figures. These drawings are on tracing paperso I can
transfer them to watercolor paper for my paintings.
November 20 - Starting To Decorate:
It's just the beginning - It's not even Thanksgiving yet.
November 18 - Gold Key Memories:
Some memories stay with you forever, your first kiss, getting married,
your first born, and that Gold Key from the National Scholastic Art
Competition. My Junior High art teacher was C W McWaid. He entered our
art into Scholastic Arts back in 1957. I was in the seventh grade then.
Mr. McWaid took us to see the exhibition at Emery Byrd Thayer
department store in Kansas City, Missouri. A drawing of mine was in the
exhibit. That's when I found out that the best art had little Gold Key
Awards on them. My drawing only had an “HM” on it for Honorable
Mention. It was not until 1962, that I received my only Gold Key.
Eileen Hughes was my High School art teacher. I remember taking that
sheet of glass off her desk to place over a drawing I had done on a
field trip to the Country Club Plaza around Christmas 1961. I traced
the drawing onto the glass in water-soluble black ink using a
toothpick. Then I dampened a sheet of newsprint and pressed it over the
still damp ink. That's how I pulled the mono-print that won my Gold
Key. Of course I cleaned the glass so I could return it to Miss Hughe's
desk. She suggested that I ask permission next time. The awards were
presented in a large auditorium at Hallmark Cards. My mother had the
print framed when it came back to school. I still have it hanging in my
home almost 60 years after high school.
Years later, I became a Middle School art teacher. I hope
my own students have similar lasting memories to cherish from their
years. I never missed an opportunity to enter their creations into
Scholastic Arts during my 27 years of teaching. I realized how
important I felt when my own creations were on display at

November 17 - FedEx:
I just shipped my two watercolors off to Wichita via FedEx
November 15 - Our Projects:
was "our day" to work on our different projects - My bride on her new
quilt and recent cross stitch - While I was busy framing my watercolors
to ship to Wichita for the Kansas National Watercolor Exhibition.
November 14 - Looking For More Ideas:
I'm going through lots of old photos - looking for good ideas for new watercolors:
November 13 - Fish & Roses:
I made even more progress on my new watercolor "Fish & Roses" this morning.
November 12 - New Watercolor:
I'm working on the back of an old painting. It's on a piece of handmade
paper that I got in Taos years ago. I coated it with a layer of "Gesso
Juice" with lots of swirls and texture. My photo reference for this one
are some of the roses from our back yard in front of an old paintinh of
Koi. I started it this morning and I think my progress is good so far.
November 6 - Tiffanie Owns A House:
flash from a post by her proud parents - Our grand daughter Tiffanie
signed all her final paperwork on her first house! At 23 she has a
degree, a fantastic career and will be a proud homeowner. She has had
her eye on the goal instilled in her since an early age and she has
succeeded in accomplishing that goal! You go baby! There isn't anything
that girl can't do! Grandma & Poppie are proud of you! Especially
since you did it on your own.
November 5 - Painting with Friends:
This morning I painted, with friends, at the Unitarian Church. I
finished two watercolors today. Both are on a textured layer of "Gesso
Juice". I love the texture and all the happy accidents that happen when
I paint watercolors over the "Gesso Juice".
November 4 - We Love Our Stuff:
enjoy collecting art - It's obivious just by looking around our home.
People should collect the things they love - it makes a home feel like
it's worth coming back to every day. But, then since we are retired -
we don't have to leave that often.
November 3 - My Demo:
The artist who was to do our November demo got ill at the last minute.
So, I'm going to do the same demo that I did in Las Cruces this
November 2 - Hugh Quilt:
We had to move furniture to lay out my brides new creation - we had to measure it for the backing.
November 1 - HALLOWEEN Was Yesterday:
bowl of treats were ready for all the Ghouls, Ghosts & Goblins who
visited - but very few showed up. Perhaps it's still the pandemic and
lots of caution. I guess my bride and I will have to finish off all the
leftover candy.
