September 29:
I made a bit
of progress on my two new watercolors this morning. I'm working on
softer paper now - I'll have to find out how I like it.
September 28:
It's hard to believe - but our triplet grandkids turned 25 today - time sure does go by fast.
September 27:
I am in solid support of
the UAW Strike and I am proud of Joe Biden's support - he is a true
friend of labor. Many years ago - when I had a real job - I worked on
the GM Assembly line in Kansas City. I was a proud member of UAW local
31. It's way past time that auto workers get back to earning a decent
wage. I made good money back then in the 1960's - but, I choose to take
a 50% cut in pay to become a teacher.
September 26:
I'm starting on two new watercolors to keep me busy and out of trouble.

September 23:
Sadly, last
night's dinner was our last Burrito Spread for a while - that was the
end of my famous Red Sauce with chunks of pork in it. Which means that
I'll have to make up a whole new batch if we want to continue eating
good. It looks like my last batch was in 2020 - it freezes quite well.
September 22:
I think I'm Finished with my newest version of "Sri Lanka Dancer"
September 21:
My brides "Zoo Quilt" is finished - well except for the backing and the quilting. I have her permission to post an image now.
September 18:
I will get in trouble
for posting this - but, today I helped my bride decide which of the 14
elephants went where around her "Zoo Quilt"

September 17:
I decided to add my photo to all my outgoing e-mails.
September 16:
I feel like I made
good progress on my "Sri Lanka Dancer" this morning - the last thing I
did was remove the art gum protecting the whites - Still lots more to
do yet.
September 15:
I made good progress this morning on my newest version of "Sri Lanka Dancer"
September 14:
This must be my
4th attempt to paint this Sri Lanka Dancer - perhaps I'll get it right
this time - This was the reception as we arrived in Sri Lanka on our
world cruise.
I finished
"Tanya-NOLA" - it's on 300 lb Arches Rough - coated with a textureded
layer of gesso juice - I added just enough line work at the end. Of
course I was listening to her music while I painted - you can find
Tanya & Dorise on Royal Street in the New Orleans French Quarter -
it will fit into a 28 x 22 inch frame.
September 13:
Making progress on my watercolor of "Tanya-NOLA" - removed the Art Gum protecting the whites
September 11 - Remembering:
need to repost this every year to remind me of what is most important
in our lives. - I very intentionally turned off the news today. I did
not want to watch the replay of planes flying into buildings. When the
disaster happened, I was teaching in Kansas City, our middle school put
it on the TV in our classrooms. The next day I had my students develop
a display of words that expressed things that were important in their
lives. Our theme was "it is better to light one little candle than to
curse the darkness". We put the work up in the display cases in the
September 9:
Saturday's NMWS
demo introduced watercolor artists to Margy O'Brien - An artist who
melds her dual love of art and nature into her sketchbooks full of
paintings and then into her fantastic artist’s books. What a wonderful
experience it was to hear Margy and see her creative books.
September 6:
I'm working on my wayercolor of "Tanya-NOLA" I'm using pebeo drawing gum to protect the whites
September 4:
I'm starting a new
watercolor of an old subject - Tanya Huang is a street musician in New
Orleans - I put a layer of thextured gesso juice over my drawing of
September 2:
I finished my new watercolor "Dueling Twins" - here it is step by step.
September 1:
Here's a shot of last
nights Super Moon as it came over our mountain I shot the photo
hand held with my Nikon Coolpix P900. from our backyard. Also - Our
Selfie before we went out to celebrate sixty years together.

Reason To Celebrate:
Yesterday was our 60th Anniversary - Frani and I are looking ahead for many, many great years together.