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Sixty-One Years:   
        Tomorrow is a special day - My bride (Frani) and I will celebrate 61 years of marriage.


Time To Stop:
        I waited to decide what to do next - I decided to stop - this is my final version of "Hong Kong Ladies" sometimes you just need to stop before it's overdone.


        I'm making a bit of progress on my "Hong Kong Ladies" - I'm trying to have fun with color and not get hung up with details.


        Today, I darkened the background of my "Pink Flowers-Kyoto". I hope it improved it.


        This morning, I dropped off ten prints of my watercolors at the state fair. They are $45.00 each. The preview night and awards is on Wednesday, Sept 4th. I also have four paintings in this years exhibit.


Am I Finished ?
        I believe I've finished my "Orchid" watercolor - of course, I could always go back and fix things. I'm told that in "Watercolor Less is More" I hope I stopped at the correct place.


        My bride says I should paint more flowers - So, I'm trying to make that happen. Here's how far I've progressed on my attemp at Orchids.


Hong Kong Ladies:
        I'm going to try a watercolor with figures. These ladies greeted us as we came off our ship in Hong Kong.


        I'm going to try another flower painting - I took the reference photo when we were on our last cruise.


Super Moon:
        A “supermoon” is a full or new moon that occurs when the moon is within 90% of its closest distance to the Earth. The closer proximity of the moon to Earth makes for somewhat bigger and brighter full moons, according to astronomers. It's scheduled for Aug 19th - but, I prefer to shoot photos one day early because I can often get a few details of our mountain (Sandia) to show in the image.


Sunday Morning:
         I should get up early every morning to paint - I finished my "Pink Flowers" - here are the steps I went through painting it.


Poets & Art:
        Great use of Gallery One space at city hall - I attended the opening this evening of the "Punched Tin and Poet Laureate" exhibition.


        I keep making changes to my paintings - I'd better stop and work on a new painting. Here are the steps I went through on my portrait of"Matt Baxter"


        I'm switching from painting people for a while - I'm going back to flowers - they are much more forgiving to the little accidents in watercolors.


        While working on a portrait of "Matt Baxter" I was listening to his music on You Tube - I'll finish the painting later this week


Matt Baxter:
        I got a decent start on my newest watercolor this morning. "Matt Baxter" was a musician my bride listened to after dinner on our last cruise. I'm trying to have more courage with color on this painting. It's just a start - I hope I can keep the fresh look as I finish it.


Paintings of Artists at Work:
        I finally finished my painting "Street Artist Rome". I enjoy painting people at work. My most recent watercolor is of an artist we saw as we walked around Rome on our world cruise last year. Earlier, I did a watercolor of a spray paint artist we saw that same day in Rome. Prehaps, I'm just capturing momemts from our travels.


Great Team:
         Joy is finally back in politics again


Steve's Book:
        I had a nice visit the other day with my friend Steve Borba. He recently published his book full of sketches from the many places he has visited around the world.


Watercolor Society:
        Thank you to Arian Pregenzer for stepping up to be the new president of NMWS in Albuquerque. Larry Waggoner gave a presentation on the business of art at our meeting last Saturday.


NM State Fair:
        I entered four watercolors in the State Fair - I need to wait to see if any are accepted.


Birthday Gift:
       Buddy and Shari sent me a birthday gift that I had to assemble. It's now in our front yard.




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