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To see watercolors created by my friends in Taos every June

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Entry For Las Cruces:
        Here's the watercolor I entered into the NMWS-SC show in Las Cruces this fall. The theme is “Five Thousand Years of Agriculture in New Mexico" which was a struggle for me to find something that would fit. I adapted  this painting of my friend Jason in Taos. I hope "Pueblo Corn" fits the theme.


July 20:
        I'm working, a bit, on my newest painting today - "Street Artist Rome"


Travel Subjects:
        Travel is the best way to encounter unique subjects for my watercolors. This street artist was in Rome when we were on our world cruise last year. I finally got around to painting him this morning.


July 12:
        I actually finished my "Spray Paint Artist" this morning


Teaching Design:
        I had a discussion with a friend in Taos about teaching design to adults. I shared my approach to explaining the elemenys of art and principals of design to 8th graders when I taught years ago. Every student maintained a notebook with the artists we studied each week. They also were to illustrate concepts we covered in class. Here are drawings from one students notebook.



July 5th:
        We drove up to Taos yesterday to drop off my paintings and to attend the opening reception of the watercolor exhibition.


July 4th:
        Wishing everyone a Happy 4th of July from Albuquerque. "Fireworks with the moon rising over our mountain" - I love shooting photos of the moon as it peaks over our mountain.


1986 Memory:
        I got a nice surprise on Facebook this morning - One of my students sent me a photo of her art from 1986. Her mother framed her art (that's what mothers do). Thank you Teresa Irene Reyes for remembering me and sending the photo. Lot's of fond memories from my years at Rosedale. A special Thank you to your mother for holding on to memories like this.


        It's the little things that you pick up on a trip that bring memories - like this little cozy for a wine bottle that we got in Japan – or like this little kitten. Click on Kitten image to view movie of her head bobbing - it's run by a solar cell.




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