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Chili Verde Sauce (11/31): Yesterday, I cooked up a batch of my famous "Chili Verde Sauce" - We serve it over Burrittos. My brides has been after me for years to write the recipe up - When I do, I'll post it on my website - I tasted it and it is sooooooooo good. We spread it over burritos then cover with graded cheese before putting the plate in the microwave to melt the cheese, just before serving. Now to freeze it in small batches for future meals. |
Workshop in Las Cruces (11/30): In January, I'm headed south to Las Cruces to do a one day watercolor workshop and a demo at the NMWS-SC membership meeting. It's a good time of the year to be driving down to the warmer portion of our state. Right now, we are getting our home ready for Christmas. The triplets will be here for the holiday. We have not had a tree up for seven years because we always drove east to be in Kansas for Christmas. I'm also trying to finish my paintings for entry into WFWS. Tomorrow, I pick up my eight paintings from my exhibit in Placitas. ...
Back On E-Bay (11/26): I reposted the remaining "porcelain ballet dancer ornaments" that did not sell last week in my bride's E-Bay Store. We have 14 sets remaining (three dancers per set). This year we decorated our tree with "porcelain native-american dancers' - it looks beautiful. If you want a truly elegant tree then check out these ballet dancers at: |
Concert In Placitas (11/25): The concert tonight, following my art opening in Placitas, featured Guillermo Figueroa & his sister Ivonne Figueroa, he was the violinist and she was on piano. There were two violins, two violas, a cello plus the piano. Classical music (Brahms, Turina and Chausson) are not our thing but the concert was excellent. I'm sure my music/art director Jean Ney, back in Kansas City, Kansas, would have loved it. ...
![]() Christmas 2012 |
Watercolor Repaired (11/24): I finished my watercolor of Tiffanie with a balloon - It's the one on handmade paper that I repaired with Daniel Smith's watercolor gesso. The repairs worked out OK - this might turn into a good one after all. Click on the photo of teenage Tiffanie to see the finished watercolor. |
Blossom Clean for Turkey Day |
Holiday Preparation (11/21): Blossom went to the Doggie Beauty Shop today so she would smell good for Turkey day. I put together our new lighted Christmas Tree and then hung decorations on a tree in the front yard. We call it our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. My bride thawed out our turkey and baked a pumpkin pie for tomorrows dinner. |
Fixing Tiffanie's Painting (11/16): Either I repair the damage on Tiffanie's painting or I paint a new one. I'm trying both. Robin suggested that I coat the damaged areas with the new Daniel Smith watercolor gesso. So, I'm trying that. Later I'll try to reproduce the textured effect the hand made paper gave me. On the new painting - I coated the handmade paper with the new Daniel Smith watercolor gesso first. If neither turn out - I'll do it again on my old stand by - Arches. |
Jayhawks Vs Lobos (11/15): GREAT NEWS - This mornings Abq Journal reported that "next season" UNM will play KU in Basketball - they will not play at the Pit - either at Lawrence or a neutral site. |
![]() Map to Garage Sale |
Big Garage Sale: This Friday and Saturday we are having a big garage sale to get rid of some of the stuff we have gathered over the years. |
Jayhawk Treats |
Losses & Wins (11/14): I must remind myself that basketball is just a game and politics is real. My Jayhawks lost to Michigan State last night. Only 15 alum showed up at Fox and Hound to cheer our team on. I did get to pass out the Russell Stovers KU Candy out to the fans who were there. It felt good to get together with other Jayhawks - well, it felt good until the last few minutes of the game. The final score was 67 to 64. This morning, I received an e-mail from my old friend Scott Mackey, now the Wyandotte County Democratic Chair, about election results back home in KCK. I was glad to be able to attend the Third Saturday Democratic Breakfast just before the November election. Scott started these monthly Democratic breakfast get togethers years ago. They met at Dave and Busters at The Legends last month. It was great to be able to visit with Pat Pettey and Janet Waugh (Kansas State Board of Education) as well as other old Democratic friends. Pat Petty easily beat republican Chris Steineger 63% to 37% in the Wyandotte County part of the 6th District. She won 59% of the 1038 votes cast in the Johnson County portion of the district. The Obama-Biden ticket won Wyandotte County with just over 67%. Only two counties in Kansas were carried by the Obama-Biden ticket - Wyandotte and Douglas (Home of KU). ...
Busy Day (11/13): I've got a busy day today - first, meeting with our docent team at the museum this morning, then writing a few articles for the watercolor newsletter, and most importantly I'm joining other KU alum at Fox & Hound to cheer on our Jayhawks as they play Michigan. Rock Chalk Jayhawk KUUUUUUUUUU |
Early Santa's (11/12): Santa here, Santa There, Santa is everywhere - Christmas must be on the way. My bride got out a few of her Santa's and placed them around the house. The triplets will be here for Christmas so this year we decorate for the Holiday Season. We will even decorate a tree this year - but, we need to go out and but one of those new fangeled "already lighted" models. |
My Goof - A Lesson Learned (11/11): Some times a light comes on - but, this time, only after it's too late. I realize now why the liquid mask tore my handmade paper. I left the painting in the trunk of my chevy while we went to an art show. NEVER add heat when liquid mask is on a painting. When I apply liquid mask, I know not to put my painting in the sun, nor to use a hair dryer on the mask. But, I now know that my trunk becomes an oven in the sun. Too late now - I'll try to save this painting and I'll also paint another as well (using gesso first) but the neat texture will be lost in the newer version - live and learn - perhaps ??? |
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I Really Goofed Up - Big Time (11/10): I learned yesterday to never use liquid mask on handmade paper. When I removed it it tore a layer of the paper off and tore other areas of my watercolor of Tiffanie. It was looking good till then. Now I'll start over - this time I'll coat the handmade paper with gesso first. The photo I'm posting is just before I removed the liquid mask and ruined the painting. Even though I'm starting over - I'll still try to save this one. <<< Just before I ruined the painting |
I'm Painting Again (11/9): This morning, I got back to painting at last. I started first, on the watercolor of Tiffanie playing with the tangeled ribbions on her balloon. It's on the strange light pink hand made paper I got in Taos this summer. This time I did not put any gesso on the paper. The paper seems to have a mind of it's own and is doing strange things with the paint. Still, there are some interesting textures developing as I paint. So, I'm going with the flow and letting the paper lead the way ad just do it's own thing. The other painting is of Frani and Shari at Tent Rocks. This one is on 300 lb Arches rough so, I know how it will react to the paint. I did mask out the two figures so I can paint more freely with the rock formations. Tomorrow, Ill make more progress painting with my Saturday friends. |
My adopted state went for Obama by 10 points. The state is turning bluer with every new election. |
Back To Serious Painting (11/7): I made two drawings this morning for new watercolors. I Started a new watercolor, on handmade paper, of our grand-daughter Tiffanie, when she was two, that was the first time she broke her arm. I also started a larger watercolor, on a full sheet of Arches rough, of my bride with our daughter-in-law Shari at Tent Rocks. I'm in hope that it will be one of my entries into the Western Federadion in Texas. |
![]() Max |
Election Is Over At Last (11/6): President Obama was re-elected - which is good. We stayed up late to follow the results. Now, the country can move on to solving problems - or not. My newest great-grandson went to the polls today. With all the talk about the electorate changing - now we can count on "one less angry white male" and one more solid Democratic Voter - Things, they are a changing - Max looks happy knowing the country will be in good hands in the future. |
![]() A Perfect Yellow Rose Waiting for the Freeze |
NMAEA Fall Conference (11/2 & 11/3): I drove to Santa Fe for the NM Art Teachers Conference twice over the weekend. I went up Friday for the first day to photograph workshops and set up our silent auction. Before I came home on Friday, I got a chance to finally see Michael Cellan's "Clay Printmaking" workshop. It is a fascinating process. I came back to Albuquerque to do the presentation for the watercolor society on Saturday morning. Afterwards, I drove back to Santa Fe for the balance of the NM Art Teacher's Conference. My Soft Sculpture workshop went well on Saturday evening. I'm doing the same hands-on workshop at the Palo Duro Senior Center, here in Albuquerque, on Tuesday morning. I stayed in Santa Fe, on Saturday night, to attend the NMAEA Board meeting Sunday morning. My position of "Retired Director"runs for another year. The expansion of the NM Board to 17 positions, a couple years ago, has been a real boost. We are each taking on our various tasks and are looking forward to a bright future. We even decided to lease a bus to take art teachers to the NAEA National Conference, next March, in Fort Worth, Texas. |
Download WFWS Prospectus Above ... |
Watercolor Meeting (11/2): I want to thank the kind patience of all the members of the watercolor society who put up with all my goofs getting my presentation up and running on Saturday morning. It the end everything worked (sort of) and we got to hear Carol O'Connor explain of why she selected each painting for the 2010 WFWS show in Salt Lake City. Now, I urge every NMWS member to paint a masterpiece to enter into the 2013 WFWS in Texas. The deadline is December 7th, 2012. You can download the WFWS prospectus at: http://www.nmwatercolorsociety.org/WFWS-38Prospectus.pdf
you need help with creating a digital image of your watercolors for the
entry, several artists will take the photos for you and do the digital
entry for you. I am available to shoot photos as well as Laurie Johnson
and Dave Collis will help you as well. I good photo is one major key to
having a better chance of being selected by the juror.
Cool November (11/1): The Ghouls & Goblins are gone now, all the candy has been given out - now, it's time to relax. And, my roses only have a few days remaining till the freeze gets to them. But, this is also a busy time. My car is packed with supplies for my "Soft Sculpture" workshop for New Mexico art teachers in Santa Fe. Also, I'm doing the same workshop again on Tuesday at the Palo Duro Senior Center in our neighborhood here in Albuquerque. Then, on Saturday morning, I'm doing a presentation at the watercolor society meeting about the upcoming Western Federation Watercolor Exhibition (WFWS). The WFWS entry deadline is December 7th for the juried exhibition next June in Texas. |
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